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Regarding Wang Xiaorui's request for guidance.

Wang Shoujie naturally didn't take it lightly and asked seriously, "Our Longzuo's Wang Family's Main Residence has hundreds of courtyards and thousands of rooms. The annual maintenance cost is not low, right?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wang Xiaorui's face turned gloomy and he said, "Shoujie, you're also a Clan Leader, so you understand the difficulties. Even if we reduce the maintenance cost, we still need to spend at least 1,000 to 2,000 gold coins per year."

"If we don't renovate it every 10 to 20 years, how can we afford the cost of 10,000 to 20,000 gold coins?"

This maintenance cost was indeed higher than that of the Ping'an Wang Clan. However, it was normal, as this was a County City, and everything was more expensive.

"Why not turn most of the Main Residence into an inn and operate it externally?" Wang Shoujie suggested.

"An inn?" Wang Xiaorui's face changed, and he hastily shook his head, saying, "Absolutely not, absolutely not. This is our Ancestor's family Main Residence, passed down through generations. If we open it to the public, wouldn't that be a shame to our Ancestors?"

"I'm just making a suggestion," Wang Shoujie said calmly. "Let me analyze it, and then Clan Leader Xiao Rui can make a decision."

"Our Longzuo's Wang Clan Manor is located in the highest commercial center, political center, and surrounded by top-tier Aristocratic Families. It's a valuable location, and even a ordinary inn room costs around 10 to 15 Large Copper coins per day."

"A ordinary courtyard house is hard to sell for less than 1 gold coin. If it's a luxurious top-tier courtyard house, it's not unusual to charge 2 to 3 gold coins per night."

"Currently, we only use around 100 courtyards. We can enclose the remaining courtyards, open a side door, and operate them carefully. We can target high-end customers, such as Spirit Platform Stage cultivators who come to the County City for business. Let them feel dignified and have a high-end place to stay."

"If we can achieve an occupancy rate of 50% to 60% for the 200 high-end courtyards, we can earn around 3,000 to 4,000 gold coins per day, which is around 10,000 gold coins per year."

"Additionally, we can set up some high-end wine houses in the courtyards, targeting customers who are Spirit Platform Stage and Heaven-Human Realm cultivators. We can require advance reservations and not accept walk-ins. This can earn us tens of thousands of gold coins per year."

Wang Xiaorui's eyes widened as he listened to this.

Adding it all up, wouldn't that be around 10,000 to 20,000 gold coins? Although there would be some expenses, they could at least earn around 10,000 to 20,000 gold coins.

As a Celestial Clan, the total revenue of Longzuo's Wang Family's industries was not even close to this amount per year.

Moreover, the expenses of the Celestial Clan were huge, with Heaven-Human Ancestors and Spirit Platform Stage Ancestors to support, as well as younger generations to cultivate. Currently, Longzuo's Wang Family could only save around 7,000 to 8,000 gold coins per year.

This money couldn't be used freely and had to be saved for future Heaven-Human transitions.

Wang Xiaorui was already very tempted, but he still had some doubts and concerns, saying, "Shoujie, our Longzuo's Wang Family is a thousand-year-old Aristocratic Family. If we operate the Main Residence like this, it might be ridiculed by others."

Wang Shoujie knew that Wang Xiaorui had the burden of his ancestors' glory and couldn't let go of his pride, so he continued, "There are also the remaining thousands of rooms that can be rented out to merchants or wealthy Rogue Cultivators who want to stay in a dignified place. Even if we charge 15 Large Copper coins per day, we can still earn a lot."

"If we can achieve an occupancy rate of 50%, that would be another several thousand gold coins."

"Most importantly, we need to play the card of being a thousand-year-old Aristocratic Family and promote the reputation of our ancestors who reached the Purple Mansion Realm. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth the money."

A yearly profit of over 10,000 gold coins.

This would make most Celestial Clans envious. Most Aristocratic Families didn't have this condition, and if they did, they would definitely take action.

"Additionally, we can open Lingyun Tower to the public. That's where the Purple Mansion Ancestor gained enlightenment about the heavens in his later years. Staying there might even allow one to gain insight into the Ancestor's legacy."

"Staying there for one night would cost at least 200 gold coins. Anything lower than that would be an insult to the Purple Mansion Ancestor."

This series of words made Wang Xiaorui's heart race, and the only thing he couldn't let go of was the face of his thousand-year-old family.

"In my opinion, a thousand-year-old Aristocratic Family that continues to decline is the one that truly has no face. If we can save up enough money to complete the Heaven-Human transition and even surpass our ancestors' peak, that's what it means to have face. Our ancestors in heaven would also be pleased."

Not only Wang Xiaorui but also the elite elders sitting beside him were holding their breath, their eyes full of expectation.

Wang Shoujie was very familiar with this kind of gaze. It could be summed up in three words: "afraid of poverty"!

The elders of the Ping'an Wang Clan had also had this kind of gaze.

So Wang Shoujie stopped talking and let them think about it themselves.

Now that the two families were gradually strengthening their ties and friendship, if Longzuo's Wang Family could become stronger, that would be even better.

If they could carefully operate the business, they might not be able to earn 20,000 to 30,000 gold coins, but at least they could earn around 10,000 to 20,000 gold coins. This would greatly improve Longzuo's Wang Family's economy.

At this point, Wang Xiaorui had already been thoroughly convinced.

Moreover, if he didn't agree, the Spirit Platform Stage elders would probably not let him off easily.

After all, the family's resources had been mainly allocated to the direct lineage over the years. Only the direct lineage could complete the Heaven-Human transition, and many resources would gradually lean towards the direct lineage.

You're full and content, but our direct lineage still has many excellent children who are struggling to make ends meet every day.

How can we let go of such a great opportunity to make money and not take action?

"Shoujie is indeed a financial genius, and with just a little guidance, he has shown us a path to great wealth." Wang Xiaorui finally made up his mind.

After that, Wang Xiaorui began to sincerely seek guidance from Wang Shoujie.

And Wang Shoujie was also happy to share the high-end hotel management concepts he had learned from his past life with Wang Xiaorui.

Wang Xiaorui listened with rapt attention, nodding continuously, as if he had opened up a new world. His eyes shone brightly as he said, "Since we're going to do it, let's give it a name that sounds impressive. How about Purple Mansion Palace?"

Uh... it's just one character different from Purple Palace Academy.

Clan Leader Xiao Rui, you're really bold to open up a new world so quickly!

Indeed, if one is willing to put aside their pride, the world will become much brighter.

But it's not bad to ride on the coattails of Purple Palace Academy's reputation. In this world, people are very sensitive and respectful of the two characters "Purple Mansion".

So it is.

Wang Shoujie was pulled into a long conversation with Wang Xiaorui until late at night, and only then did he let him go to sleep.

The next day.

After having breakfast.

Wang Shoujie and his group went to pay their respects to Ancestor Zhoubo.

Ancestor Zhoubo lived in the Wangtian Pavilion under Lingyun Tower, symbolizing the idea of looking up to one's ancestors and constantly striving to improve oneself.

He was tall and stately, but his attire was simple and unadorned.

Because he had advanced to the Heaven-Human Realm at a relatively old age, he now appeared as a dignified elderly man.

Even though Wang Shoujie was already a Spirit Platform Stage cultivator.

When he looked at Ancestor Zhoubo, he still felt that the old man was unfathomable, like a vast ocean, and as majestic as a high mountain.

Cultivators in the Heaven-Human Realm could enjoy a lifespan of 400 years.

They had long since transcended their mortal bodies and were vastly different from ordinary humans. Even their slightest movements seemed to contain boundless power.

Ancestor Zhoubo's gaze first fell on Ancestor Longyan.

In his profound eyes, a hint of sadness and more joy was revealed.

"Wang Longyan pays his respects to Ancestor Zhoubo," Ancestor Longyan said, taking the lead to bow.

Then Wang Shoujie and the others also came forward to pay their respects.

After a round of greetings and small talk.

Ancestor Zhoubo also chatted with the younger generation, without any airs, and was very approachable.

When faced with questions about cultivation, he patiently answered each one.

Two hours later.

Ancestor Zhoubo gave each of the younger generation a small gift.

The room was left with only Wang Shoujie, Ancestor Xuanfu, Ancestor Longyan, and Longzuo Clan Patriarch Wang Xiaorui.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense after these people sat down together.

It was clear that they were now discussing serious business.

Ancestor Longyan gave Wang Shoujie a glance.

Wang Shoujie understood and came forward to bow, saying, "Ancestor Zhoubo, Shoujie has something to ask."

"Back when Ancestor helped our Ping'an Wang Clan, did you discover who was secretly harming our Wang Clan?"

Ancestor Zhoubo's face also became very serious and solemn: "Based on my deductions, it's likely that the Celestial Clan was involved in that incident. But it's hard to say who exactly, since we don't have any evidence."

Ancestor Xuanfu also furrowed his brow, saying, "Shoujie, when you eliminated the Liu and Zhao Clans, why didn't you think to capture someone alive and interrogate them?"

"Ancestor Xuanfu, back then, the Liu and Zhao Clans hated me to the bone, and their testimony might be true or false, making it hard to distinguish. It would only confuse my own judgment." Wang Shoujie explained, "Ancestor, you don't know, but it's okay. I've been planning this for many years, and it won't take long for them to reveal their true colors. By then, it will be clear who the poisonous snake is."

Ancestor Zhoubo's expression turned serious, saying, "At this time, both sides can coexist peacefully, relying on their hidden strengths. Once the other side discovers their own exposure, will they not take drastic measures? Shoujie, I must remind you. The Celestial Clan is not to be trifled with."

"Especially since the Changning Guard is a centuries-old establishment, and the Huangfu Clan and Lei Clan have their own backers. With our Longzuo's Wang Family, we might not be able to counter them."

"This point, Shoujie has already considered," Wang Shoujie said seriously, "Ancestor Zhoubo, you can rest assured. If I'm not fully confident, I won't take action recklessly."

In reality, Wang Shoujie was not just unwilling to take action recklessly. If given the opportunity, he would rather continue to secretly develop his plans until he could easily overpower the Celestial Clan before making a move.

However, things are not that simple in the world.

Even if Wang Shoujie had taken various measures, laid out his plans, and hidden his trump cards, he would eventually be unable to resist the temptation to take action as the Wang Clan continued to develop.

Rather than waiting passively for the other side to make a move, it's better to throw out bait and let them take the initiative to reveal themselves, thereby grasping the initiative.

The current Wang Clan alliance was not to be underestimated. What he was most worried about was the so-called Celestial Clan's backing.

The backing of the Huangfu Clan and Lei Clan, Wang Shoujie had already investigated clearly.

This was also why he had to go to the Academy this time. That was Wang Shoujie's plan to seek backing.

A local power wanted to truly develop; without a reliable backing, it would be like a lone, rootless duckweed, lacking a foundation.

"Ancestor Zhoubo, I have another question," Wang Shoujie said seriously, "Please forgive me for my impertinence. Back then, our Longzuo's Wang Family was at the Heaven-Human intersection. Relying solely on our Wang Family's reputation might not be enough to intimidate the other side, right?"

Ancestor Zhoubo nodded, "That's correct. Back then, I was only a late-stage Spirit Platform cultivator, and going to the Changning Guard to mediate the situation was not enough. So, I first went to the Academy and, through connections, begged to see Master Binglan. Although I ultimately didn't get to see Master Binglan, I received a letter from her!"

"It was with this letter that I, along with the others, ran around the Changning Guard and managed to resolve the situation. However, we couldn't intervene in the Ping'an Town affairs again. The Changning Guard headquarters wouldn't allow us to interfere with local matters."

As expected!

Wang Shoujie secretly let out a sigh of relief, just as he had guessed. Master Binglan hadn't ignored the Ancestor Longyan incident.

Thus, the plan to seek backing had progressed smoothly.

"This..." Ancestor Longyan's body trembled with excitement, "Master, Master, she actually helped me with this matter. She, she... Ancestor Zhoubo, why didn't you tell me about this back then?"

"This..." Ancestor Zhoubo helplessly said, "This was Master Binglan's intention, and I didn't dare disobey."

Wang Shoujie comforted him, saying, "Ancestor, this is Master Binglan showing consideration for you. She was afraid that if you knew about this, you would be torn and worried, adding to your anxiety and guilt."

As soon as he spoke, Ancestor Longyan couldn't help but sigh again.

Later, everyone discussed strengthening their alliance and some future development matters.

This was only natural, as both families were from the same Ancestor. Now that they had both overcome some difficulties, they should naturally work together to plan for the future.

The current Longzuo's Wang Family, although not a top-tier Celestial Clan, was still a deep-rooted, old-established family. For the Ping'an Wang Clan, it was naturally a great benefit.

This busy period lasted until the second day.

Wang Shoujie finally had some free time.

Then, Wang Shoujie was immediately caught by Wang Lici to fulfill his previous promise.

In Longzuo County City, Wang Lici could eat whatever he wanted.

Looking at Wang Lici's excited and radiant expression, Wang Shoujie thought for a moment.

Wang Shoujie decided to take Wang Lici to the County City's gambling stone market to make a big profit, which would give them a stronger foundation.

Every gambling stone market in each guard city was Wang Shoujie's reserved project. One sweep, and the market would take several years to recover.

Some big gambling stone bosses would likely be severely affected in the future.

To be honest, without those Spirit Stones, Wang Shoujie's heart would have been empty by three parts.

Fortunately, this kid was about to go to the Academy, and the Academy would provide for his core and direct disciples.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Shoujie felt a sense of relief, as if he had finally put down a heavy burden on his shoulders.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


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