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"Master Binglan has always been very fond of Senior Sister Longyan," Ancestor Xuanfu said. "Over the past few decades, I've heard that Master Binglan has mentioned Senior Sister Longyan several times in front of the Core Disciples. And every time she mentions her, she becomes melancholic for several days. It's clear that she still has a deep affection for Senior Sister Longyan."

"How many Direct Disciples does Master Binglan have?" Wang Shoujie asked, pondering.

"Only one," Ancestor Xuanfu replied, "The Profound Ice lineage has always been scarce. Shoujie, why are you asking this?"

"I'm just calculating how much Master Binglan values Ancestor Longyan," Wang Shoujie said calmly. "Our family's Ancestor is at the Spirit Platform Stage, which is around the middle to upper ranks of the Profound Ice bloodline. In the future, we can expect to reach the Heaven-Human Realm. However, whether we can ultimately become a Purple Mansion Realm is still uncertain."

"That's true," Ancestor Longyan said matter-of-factly. "Without a special opportunity, it's difficult for me to enter the Purple Mansion Realm in this lifetime."

"How many people in Master Binglan's sect have the same bloodline as you?" Wang Shoujie continued to ask.

"There were only three people left when I left," Ancestor Longyan said. "One of my seniors and one of my juniors have already reached the Heaven-Human Realm. However, after reaching the Heaven-Human Realm, they awakened an additional bloodline, greatly increasing their overall strength."

"That means Ancestor Longyan's position in Master Binglan's sect should be among the top five," Wang Shoujie thought deeply. "She should be considered relatively important, and Master Binglan is quite regretful about losing her. However, it's still far from being irreplaceable. This gives us an opportunity to establish a connection, but it's difficult to grasp."

"Unless Ancestor can display even greater potential, such as reaching the Triple-Evolution Bloodline at the Spirit Platform Stage."

Ancestor Xuanfu rolled her eyes: "You're calculating people's hearts like this? You dare to make wild guesses about the thoughts of a superior being like me?"

This wasn't a wild guess, Wang Shoujie thought to himself.

According to Wang Shoujie's understanding and various inferences, Master Binglan did value Ancestor Longyan more, and was more regretful about losing her. However, it wasn't to the point of being irreplaceable.

This had nothing to do with anything else; it was just human nature. Even superior beings like Ancestor Xuanfu couldn't avoid it.

Ancestor Xuanfu said, "In any case, the situation is roughly like this. After the new year, we'll set off for the academy in early spring."

"How many Direct Disciples and Core Disciples does Master Changchun have?" Wang Shoujie asked again.

He was currently a nominal disciple under Master Changchun, but only a peripheral student.

"Master Changchun currently has two Direct Disciples and seventeen or eighteen Core Disciples," Ancestor Xuanfu replied. "Shoujie, are you thinking of competing for a Direct Disciple position?"

Her eyes lit up at this point.

If Shoujie was willing to go to Purple Palace Academy as a formal disciple, wouldn't that mean Ruolan would have to follow as well?

To be honest, Ancestor Xuanfu still hoped that Liu Ruolan would have the opportunity to go to Purple Palace Academy as a formal disciple.

After all, Changning Guard was too small, and Ping'an Town was even more rural.

Only by standing on the academy's grand platform could one have a broader horizon and better development.

Ancestor Xuanfu immediately said, "Shoujie, with your current bloodline quality, if you're willing to give up your position as Clan Leader and join the academy to focus on cultivation, you might be able to compete for a Direct Disciple position."

Give up the Clan Leader position?

What a joke!

Wang Shoujie still had his future path to the Heaven-Human Realm and the Purple Mansion Realm to consider, which relied on the family's power.

Cultivating the land was the king's way.

With sufficient financial and material resources, one could change their fate.

As for the Outlands trial grounds left by Ancestor Longyan, it was an unexpected surprise.

But even without those trial grounds, Wang Shoujie had enough confidence to rely on his own cultivation to rise to the top, even if it took a bit longer.

Of course, if there was an opportunity to establish a connection at Purple Palace Academy and increase his backing, that would be even better.

"I'm used to being free and easygoing, so being a peripheral student is already satisfying," Wang Shoujie said nonchalantly. "What's the point of being a Core Disciple or Direct Disciple? It's all too tiring."

Ancestor Xuanfu was speechless, feeling that this carefree young man was leading her Ruolan astray.

Others would fight tooth and nail for a Core Disciple position.

If they could obtain a Direct Disciple position, it would be like soaring to the sky and rising to prominence.

In his eyes, these positions seemed worthless.

"There's another matter," Ancestor Xuanfu said. "Senior Sister Longyan also mentioned to me that the Wang Clan should have at least one person join Purple Palace Academy. This way, she can develop well in the academy and gradually grow into a pillar of the family."

Wang Shoujie thought for a moment, realizing that this was what many aristocratic families were doing or wanted to do.

Even the Celestial Clan would send a talented clan member to join the academy and develop, and if they could grow into a mid-level position, they could form a mutual support system with the family, ensuring the family's rapid and long-term development.

Taking Ancestor Xuanfu as an example, she had been secretly supporting the family after becoming a Core Disciple. This was why the Shan Yin's Liu Clan had developed rapidly in just a few decades.

In fact, Wang Shoujie had already been thinking about this, but he still had some doubts.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Shoujie said, "Why don't we call over those children and ask for their opinions?"

He then sent someone to summon Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, and Wang Lici, who were the more talented members of the family.

During this break, Wang Shoujie returned the Turtle Scale Shield to Ancestor Longyan.

When Ancestor Longyan received the Turtle Scale Shield, her expression was complex and sentimental, filled with nostalgia. She remembered when Master Binglan had awarded her this treasure, filled with hope for her future.

Later, the family's great disaster, and she had to guard the family with her crippled body for fifty years. In the end, she had to sell the Turtle Scale Shield.

The various experiences in between still brought tears to her eyes when she thought about them.

However, Shoujie had silently redeemed the shield...

If she wasn't emotionally strong, she would have cried.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, and Wang Lici arrived. Especially Wang Lici, who naturally hugged Ancestor Longyan and acted cute.

This dispelled some of Ancestor Longyan's melancholy and nostalgia.

Later, Wang Shoujie explained the ancestors' intentions to the three of them.

First, Wang Lici spoke up, her round eyes shining with hope as she asked, "Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle, is there good food at the academy?"

"That's a given." Wang Shoujie said with a serious tone, "Purple Palace Academy, that's the richest institution in our Longzuo County, and they have all sorts of delicious food."

"Then, Fourth Uncle, what kind of delicious food do they have?" Wang Lici's eyes sparkled, and she started to drool.

"Specifically, how good is it? Even Fourth Uncle doesn't know." Wang Shoujie said with a yearning expression, "It's all because you, Fourth Uncle, have a shallow understanding. There are many delicious foods that Fourth Uncle has never heard of, and can't even imagine."

"This is incredible!!"

Wang Lici was shocked.

It turned out that Purple Palace Academy was so amazing, with so many delicious foods that even Fourth Uncle had never heard of.

That place was too great, it was simply a holy land for humans.

"Fourth Uncle, I want to go to Purple Palace Academy." Wang Lici said loudly, his eyes shining brightly, "I want to become the family's... um, what's it called, a pillar of support or something."

No need to mention that.

Wang Shoujie thought to himself, as long as you go to Purple Palace Academy to study, or rather, to eat, it would be the greatest help to the family.

Alas, who let you eat too much? If this continues, the family won't be able to afford to raise you.

But Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "Li Ci, then we've made a happy decision. You must study hard in the academy and make progress every day, bringing glory to the family."

"I'll make sure to, Fourth Uncle." Wang Lici said seriously, patting her chest loudly, "I'll study hard in the academy and bring honor to the family and Fourth Uncle."

At this moment, Wang Lici was already eager to go to the academy, and couldn't wait to fly over immediately.

Ancestor Xuanfu, on the other hand, looked worried.

These pair of uncle and niece seemed to be talking seriously, but she felt that something was off, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

However, the conversation had already gone this far.

Wang Lici's innate talent was indeed strong, and if she went to Purple Palace Academy, she might even become a direct disciple of a high-ranking official. This would be a great opportunity, and her future prospects would be limitless.

As for the other two girls, they were still quietly thinking, without showing any urgency.

Don't look at Wang Luoqiu's seemingly childish appearance.

But this child had always been very determined, and she knew exactly what path she wanted to take. If she were to go to the academy, she would need to be attracted by something.

As for Wang Luojing, that was even more unnecessary to mention.

This child had always been meticulous and had many thoughts. Many times, even Wang Shoujie didn't know what she was thinking.

Wang Luojing slowly said, "Ancestor Xuanfu, you've always said that the academy is very good. But when our Wang Clan faced a great disaster, the academy didn't help us at all. We didn't see any seniors or juniors coming to help."

"Instead, it was our Ancestor Longyan who had to give up her Core Disciple status and return to the family to protect us."

"If that's the case, I don't want to join the academy. I'm afraid that if Fourth Brother encounters danger, the academy won't let me return."

Wang Luojing said slowly, clearly showing that she was most concerned about her Fourth Brother.

"You child, you must have some misunderstanding about the academy." Ancestor Xuanfu explained, "Firstly, the academy does not approve of disciples participating in family feuds every day. After all, the academy's purpose is to develop and protect the entire human fate."

"If every disciple were to focus on family feuds, wouldn't the entire Longzuo County be in chaos?"

"After all, some powerful families have their own bloodline members in the academy. If these members were to form alliances and participate in family feuds, how could the academy maintain order? Therefore, the academy is most afraid of students participating in family feuds, especially in other families' feuds."

"Secondly, the academy does not prohibit disciples from giving their families some help within their abilities. For example, I have brought great benefits to the Liu Clan over the years. If a disciple's family encounters danger or unfair treatment, they can naturally ask their teacher to mediate."

"It's just that Wang Clan's great disaster happened too suddenly, and Senior Sister Longyan was too eager for revenge, and didn't discuss it with her teacher before rushing back to handle it. She even got seriously injured and has been stuck in the family without returning to the academy."

At this time, Ancestor Longyan said calmly, "Even if we had discussed it back then, would it have made a difference?"

It was true, back then there was no room for negotiation.

It was a situation where one side had to die for the other to survive.

Moreover, the other party had done it so secretly and thoroughly that even investigating afterwards was difficult.

"It seems that the conversation has reached this point." Wang Shoujie also sighed, "This matter is very complicated, and according to my calculations and investigations, Liu and Zhao Clans likely had a hidden mastermind behind them. The main suspect is the Changning Guard's two Celestial Clans."

"But there's one thing I've never understood. Why didn't that Celestial Clan finish us off? Why didn't they continue to attack us?"

If it were according to Wang Shoujie's methods, if you wanted to do something bad, you wouldn't just do half of it and then stop.

"It seems that I know a thing or two about this." Ancestor Longyan said, "Back then, after our clan faced a great disaster, the Ancestor Zhoubo also came to help. I estimate that it was his efforts that made the mastermind behind the scenes hesitant. And our clan had already fallen, so they didn't continue to attack us, but instead let Liu and Zhao Clans slowly squeeze us."

The Ancestor Zhoubo?

Wang Shoujie had heard of this person, who was Ancestor Zhouxuan's brother, a direct descendant of the Longzuo's Wang Family. It was said that the Ancestor Zhoubo had already reached the Heaven-Human Realm.

But he never thought that there were such hidden secrets behind the scenes?

The connection between Longzuo's Wang Family and Ping'an Wang Clan was already very weak, and they rarely communicated, sometimes going years without contact.

It was only a few years ago, when things were going well, that Ancestor Longyan mentioned this to Wang Shoujie, saying that Longzuo's Wang Clan had actually helped Ping'an Wang Family a lot.

Back then, every year before the New Year, the family would receive some resources sent by Longzuo's Wang Family.

There were spirit rice, Minor Nourishing Pills, and other things, though not many, totaling around one to two hundred gold.

But this was still a kind gesture, and it had continued for over twenty years.

"Back then, Longzuo's Wang Family was also struggling." Ancestor Longyan said, "At that time, they were in a period of transition from the Heaven-Human Realm, and their resources were scarce. The family couldn't afford to cultivate a second Heaven-Human Realm, otherwise, Ancestor Zhouxuan wouldn't have split off to develop on his own."

These resources were still managed by the Ancestor Zhoubo.

"Not quite right." Wang Shoujie frowned, "I remember that the Ancestor Zhoubo was only at the Spirit Platform Stage back then. And Longzuo's Wang Family was already declining, and the Heaven-Human transition was uncertain, so the mastermind behind the scenes wouldn't have given them face."

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 149: The Unbeatable Shoujie Triple-Evolution Bloodline (v2c19)



saying that Ping'an Wang Clan had actually helped Longzuo's Wang Family a lot. Should be the other way around


Yeah right, but Ping'an Wang clan's Ancestor Zhouxian also helped Longzuo's Wang clan when Ancestor Zhoubo was tackling Heaven-Human realm.