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Of course, this was only because he had just advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, and his inner confidence had greatly increased.

He also knew that the path to becoming a Heaven-Human was even longer and more difficult. Only by taking steady steps, one foot at a time, could he possibly reach the end.

There was no shortcut to take in this journey.

Fortunately, he had already awakened to the second level of his bloodline before advancing to the Spirit Platform Stage.

Now that he had advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, his life level had undergone a significant transformation, and according to normal reasoning, his bloodline would also be further refined, reaching the level of Triple-Evolution-Bloodline, getting closer to a certain ancient ancestor.

After he had tested his body and gained a basic understanding, he began to test the level of his Bloodline Awakening.

He casually took out an ordinary vine seed and placed it in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, a thick, mysterious energy poured in.

In the blink of an eye, the vine seed had grown roots and wrapped his palm tightly.

The vine then grew wildly, its speed increasing rapidly, and soon it had grown to the thickness of an arm, almost 20 feet long.

The vine looked sturdy, with a thick, dark green color, emitting a strong, heavy glow.


Wang Shoujie's eyes lit up with excitement. The ordinary vine seed had become extraordinary. It was stronger, more resilient, and grew faster than before.

If the Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet were to encounter this level of vine, it would probably not be able to go wild and crazy.

At the same time, the battle time would be greatly shortened.

This was only the beginning of the benefits of the Triple-Evolution-Bloodline.

The other effects of the Triple-Evolution-Bloodline would require time to adapt to and explore. Understanding and analyzing his evolved bloodline was not something that could be done overnight.

Moreover, his bloodline abilities were quite special...

If it were purely for battle, his combat power was not particularly strong.

However, if he were given enough time to continuously improve his combat seeds and fully utilize the terrain and tactics in battle, he would still have great potential for transcendent combat.

And what he was most looking forward to was the possibility of improving his Spirit Seed.

Previously, because his single bloodline was too weak, it had limited the development of his bloodline in improving his Spirit Seed.

It was only by continuously refining his rice and wheat seeds to develop higher-yielding seeds.

But even the best ordinary rice and wheat seeds were still just ordinary seeds.

If he could improve his family's two Spirit Seed crops, White Jade Spirit Rice and Crimson Crystal Spirit Rice, to produce higher-yielding Spirit Seeds, it would be of great help to his family.

However, improving Spirit Seeds was not a task that could be accomplished overnight. Wang Shoujie temporarily put this idea aside.

Originally, Wang Shoujie wanted to take the opportunity to research the Guardian Spirit Shield and Bloodthirsty Vine. But after calming down, he smelled a foul odor on his body.

It was the impurities left behind by his body's transformation and bloodline evolution. If he didn't deal with it, it would stink to death.

He then called out, "Wife, I've advanced!"

Soon after, Liu Ruolan, who had been waiting in the distance, ran in carrying a large bucket of hot water, which weighed around 1-2 tons. :|

However, Liu Ruolan carried the large bucket of hot water with ease.

This was because she had a rare innate talent, and her Bloodline Awakening level was extremely high. Moreover, she had already taken a step ahead of Wang Shoujie, entering the Spirit Platform Stage and lightly awakening to the Triple-Evolution-Bloodline.

Her bloodline level was higher than Wang Shoujie's, and although it didn't reach the fourth level, it was not far off.

No wonder she had taken another step ahead.

This made Wang Shoujie involuntarily suspect that she was intentionally doing this.

It was as if she was deliberately making it impossible for Wang Shoujie to use force against her!

This was too infuriating.

"Congratulations, Husband, on advancing to the Spirit Platform Stage and becoming a Spirit Ancestor," Liu Ruolan said warmly, unaware of Wang Shoujie's thoughts. She then "clanged" the large bucket of hot water onto the ground and said, "Husband, take your time to wash up. I'll take my leave first."

"Wait," Wang Shoujie called out to her. "Just now, when I advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, I accidentally twisted my waist. Ruolan, can you help me bathe?"

"Huh?" Liu Ruolan's beautiful eyes widened in surprise. "This... Husband, are you sure?"

She didn't understand why advancing to the Spirit Platform Stage would also twist his waist.

"I'm sure," Wang Shoujie said seriously. "Just now, when I advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, I was too excited and tried to fly, but I accidentally twisted my waist."

Liu Ruolan's face turned red, and she hesitated for a moment before agreeing, "But you mustn't get too carried away. I'll be embarrassed."

The two of them had been married for a long time, but she had never done such a thing before, and her face was already red with shame.

"I won't get carried away, I won't get carried away," Wang Shoujie promised, patting his chest.

"Okay," Liu Ruolan finally agreed, her face still red.

Then, Ancestor Longyan, who was guarding Wang Shoujie outside, quietly left.

During this time, she also pulled away Ancestor Xuanfu, who had come to check on the situation, saying that Shoujie had been injured during his advancement and Ruolan was helping him recover.

As a result, Ancestor Xuanfu was left in a state of shock and uncertainty. How could advancing to the Spirit Platform Stage cause injury?

Could it be that he had injured his spirit platform?

This was a big deal, and she had to go take a look.

However, she was forcibly pulled away by Ancestor Longyan.

About an hour later, a pitiful cry came from Wang Shoujie's closed-door chamber: "Ruolan, why have your eyes changed color?"

"You said you wouldn't get carried away."

"I didn't get carried away, my power increased too quickly, and my hand speed is out of control."

"Hmph Go die!"

"I was wrong..."

Then, a fierce battle cry erupted.

"Boom boom boom!"

The intense energy fluctuations were like a storm, causing the entire mountain to tremble.

During this time, there were also some eerie, inhuman screams.

"Something's happened," Ancestor Xuanfu's eyes widened in shock, preparing to go and investigate.

However, she was again pulled away by Ancestor Longyan: "Don't get too involved in the affairs of young people."

At the same time, she couldn't help but feel that the world was changing too fast, and young people were too skilled.

Ancestor Xuanfu's eyes were filled with suspicion. The sounds and wails were too terrifying, and she couldn't just ignore it.

"Should we wait until Shoujie begs for mercy before going to take a look?" Ancestor Longyan said uncertainly.

"Uh... he seems to be begging for mercy already," Ancestor Xuanfu said weakly.

"Then let's wait until he screams for help..."

"Uh... he seems to be screaming for help already."

Following this, the two Ancestors exchanged a glance and rushed in.

Then, they quickly rushed out again.

Their faces were flushed, and they were both thinking that young people these days were too shameless.

That night, what exactly happened?

Except for a few people who knew the truth, no one else knew anything about it.

Ten or so days later.

The main troops began to withdraw from the canyon.

"Third Brother," Wang Shoujie said to a young man in the Fujimori array, "this first year, I'll leave it to you to guard. You can take this opportunity to close your doors and focus on your cultivation, striving to reach the Spirit Platform Stage as soon as possible."

"Fourth Brother," Wang Shuonuo replied with a bitter face, "please take care of my family, wife and children."

He never expected that he would be arranged to stay here for a year, which was truly unpredictable.

Fortunately, this year not only brought high merit points but also left him with many resources.

If he could cultivate peacefully, he would be able to make significant progress, but it was a bit too lonely.

After Wang Shoujie arranged the trial site's concealment project and the guards, he didn't idle around.

Relying on his powerful influence and many ancestors, he harvested a lot of Ferocious Beast meat and various heavenly materials around the trial site.

At the same time, Wang Shoujie secretly began to cultivate the Bloodthirsty Vine.

Not long after, he cleared the area around the trial site and then joined forces with Ancestor Xiaohan's Autumn-Winter Hunt team, returning to Ping'an Town.

As for why Ancestor Xiaohan's Autumn-Winter Hunt team appeared here, it was naturally because Wang Shoujie had arranged it in advance. Conducting the trial and Autumn-Winter Hunt together would be more beneficial for the family.

After returning to Ping'an Town, they distributed the spoils of war.

The heavenly materials obtained during the sweep were also distributed according to each family's contributions, without any bias.

Thus, this trial came to a successful end, and each family had their gains, not a wasted trip.

The only unexpected thing was that Ancestor Xuanfu and his niece Liu Ruolei, after completing their trial, didn't return to the Liu Clan but instead stayed at the Wang Clan, eating and drinking without a care. They said they would wait until after the new year to return to the academy.

Especially Ancestor Xuanfu, who said she hadn't spent the new year with Senior Sister Longyan for a long time, so she naturally stayed at the Wang Clan.

Wang Shoujie also began to stay at home, researching his Bloodthirsty Vine, familiarizing himself with the Guardian Spirit Shield and Zhouxuan Sword, and exploring ways to adapt to his third-level bloodline.

This time, he started from an ordinary seed and aimed to improve his Spirit Seed.

Apart from that, he spent his days playing with his lovely children. Time flew by, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

One day, while accompanying his children in their studies, Wang Shoujie received a report from the gatekeeper, saying that Heaven-Human Zhong Clan's Zhong Xingwang had come to visit.

Wang Shoujie had great respect for Zhong Xingwang, who had helped his family in times of need.

Although Zhong Xingwang had always been infatuated with Ancestor Longyan and would often try to stay at the Wang Clan, he couldn't erase the help he had given to the Wang Clan.

Thus, Wang Shoujie personally went out to receive Zhong Xingwang, serving him tea and pastries without any neglect.

"Shoujie, my brother," Zhong Xingwang said with a smile, "I've brought back the Turtle Scale Shield according to your request. The three High-grade Suppression Amulets you asked me to search for are also in hand."

"Zhong Xingwang, I'm truly grateful," Wang Shoujie said with a bow, "I'll remember your kindness. If you need me in the future, I won't decline."

Zhong Xingwang also quickly stood up to return the bow, saying, "Shoujie, you're too polite. We're brothers, no need for such formalities."

After some small talk, Wang Shoujie asked about the price of the Turtle Scale Shield, which was 30,000 gold. This price was quite reasonable, and it was clear that Zhong Xingwang had put in effort.

As for the High-grade Suppression Amulets, each cost 11,000 gold. The price was extremely high, but for the sake of the family's hidden cards, it was worth spending.

Moreover, the High-grade Suppression Amulets were not commonly seen treasures. Zhong Xingwang had gone to great lengths to obtain them.

Thus, Wang Shoujie spent another 65,000 gold, including 2,000 gold as a reward for Zhong Xingwang's hard work.

This made the Wang Clan's finances a bit tight, but with their current income, they weren't worried about cash flow.

Besides, gold was useless if not converted into real power.

This time, Wang Shoujie's spending was all focused on enhancing the family's strength and foundation.

Regarding the 2,000 gold reward, although Zhong Xingwang repeatedly declined, Wang Shoujie insisted on giving it to him, saying that he would never waste favors.

After some persuasion, Zhong Xingwang reluctantly accepted the gold, sighing, "Shoujie, my brother, you're the most meticulous family head I've seen. The Wang Clan's prosperity today is undoubtedly thanks to you."

"Old brother, you're too kind," Wang Shoujie humbly replied.

"By the way, how's... Senior Sister Longyan's health lately? I haven't had a chance to ask about her in a long time," Zhong Xingwang said, changing the subject to Ancestor Longyan.

"Ah, ah," Wang Shoujie coughed twice, reminding him again, "Old brother, I must remind you. My Ancestor Longyan is determined to walk the path of Heaven-Human, and it's unlikely..."

"I understand, I understand. I only have admiration for Senior Sister Longyan, and I won't have any impure thoughts. She wants to walk the path of Heaven-Human, and that's only natural. I, Zhong Xingwang, will just silently support her from behind," Zhong Xingwang nodded repeatedly, then changed the subject, saying, "I'm tired from my journey, so I'll take a rest. Shoujie, my brother, you don't need to entertain me anymore."

After that, Zhong Xingwang went to his exclusive guest room, familiar with the place.

There was no way around it; he came to stay every year, so the room had to be kept for him. Fortunately, when Ancestor Zhouxuan built the main residence, he had considered the future growth of the family and built many rooms.

Otherwise, it would be hard to accommodate all these people who came to freeload.

After obtaining the Turtle Scale Shield, Wang Shoujie immediately went to Longyan's residence, preparing to give Ancestor Longyan a surprise.

He happened to run into Ancestor Xuanfu, who was also visiting Ancestor Longyan. The two ancestors were chatting in the courtyard, drinking Spirit Tea.

This was not unusual. Ancestor Xuanfu would often visit Ancestor Longyan after moving into the Wang Clan.

"Shoujie's arrival is timely. I was just talking about you with Senior Sister Longyan," Ancestor Xuanfu said with a good mood, "sit down and chat with us."

Now that Wang Shoujie had reached the Spirit Platform Stage, he naturally wouldn't forget his manners and respectfully replied, "As you wish, Ancestor."

Wang Shoujie then sat down, pouring Spirit Tea for the two ancestors, looking like he didn't dare to speak.

"Shoujie, I and Senior Sister Longyan have the same idea," Ancestor Xuanfu said, "after the new year, you and Ruolan will come with me to the academy. Firstly, you've just reached the Spirit Platform Stage, and you need to obtain the next level of cultivation methods from the academy. Secondly... Senior Sister Longyan wants to visit Master Binglan."

The academy, Master Binglan? Wang Shoujie raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, the most important thing is that your Wang Clan needs to establish a good relationship with the academy's high-ranking officials," Ancestor Xuanfu said, "no matter what, the Purple Palace Academy is the martial arts holy land of Longzuo County. In a sense, the academy influences half of Longzuo County's situation."

Wang Shoujie thought to himself that Ancestor Xuanfu's words made sense.

In the entire Longzuo County, the Purple Palace Academy's influence was truly enormous.

And it seemed that the two ancestors wanted him to go and curry favor with Master Binglan.

But why did the two ancestors think Master Binglan would allow him to do so?

Wang Shoujie fell into deep thought, realizing that the complexity of the matter was far greater than he had imagined.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 148: Longzuo's Wang Family and Purple Palace Academy (v2c18)


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