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East Sea.

The vast and majestic sea, with waves crashing against the shore.

A giant sailboat was sailing through the wind and waves. This sailboat had a sturdy wooden structure, with iron plates embedded with rivets on its hull and key areas, making it extremely solid.

It was about 30 zhang (approximately 100 meters) long and 8 zhang (approximately 26 meters) wide, making it a giant transport ship.

On the bow, sides, and stern of the sailboat, large crossbows were installed, with arrows about 1 zhang (approximately 3.3 meters) long, making them extremely powerful. Once these arrows were shot, even a Third-tier Fierce Beast would feel threatened.

The sailboat was carrying a large quantity of goods, including precious glass products, paper, and snowflake sugar. However, the most abundant item was a type of cargo called "Cement".

Cement was a type of building material, and some wealthy families would use it for important constructions, such as houses, gates, and city walls. The only problem was that it was extremely expensive. The price of one dan (approximately 50 kilograms) of Cement was comparable to the price of one dan of ordinary food.

This price was not affordable for ordinary families, and even martial arts families would only use it for important constructions.

Even some ordinary civilians would grit their teeth and use Cement when building their houses, as it would make their houses more solid and durable.

This giant sailboat was carrying 100,000 dan of Cement, worth a total of 2,000 gold coins. However, even this amount was just a drop in the bucket.

As soon as it arrived at the East Sea Guard, it would be snatched up immediately.

A sailboat like this, the Donggang's Chen Clan had five of them, and every three months, they would provide 500,000 dan of Cement and other goods, such as glass products and snowflake sugar, to the East Sea Guard.

The total value of this trade was over 300,000 gold coins.

On the bow of the sailboat, a handsome young man stood with his hands behind his back, gazing out at the sea and listening to the reports from the people around him. As the waves rose and fell, he stood firm and steady.

Surrounding him were two elderly men with extraordinary auras, as well as a man in his thirties.

The man in his thirties also had an extraordinary aura, and he was dressed in elegant attire, with a long sword at his side. He smiled and said, "Shoujie, the situation with the Cement trade is roughly as follows. The biggest problem is that the production is not enough, otherwise, we could transport it to even more distant counties."

Cement was a fundamental building material, and its market demand was extremely high. No matter how much was produced, it would be consumed immediately. The handsome young man was Wang Shoujie, and the other man was his brother-in-law, Chen Fangjie.

"I'll notify the Gongsun Clan and the Liu Clan to hurry up and organize the production of raw materials," Wang Shoujie said calmly. "You need to keep the secret, and absolutely cannot let anyone know that the production site is in our Longning."

"Don't worry, Shoujie, the names 'Cement' and 'Foreign Glass' are already well-known, and others only know that we, the Donggang's Chen Clan, are transporting them from overseas," Chen Fangjie said confidently. "We have over a hundred years of experience in overseas trade, and our own navigation routes are absolutely secure."

Wang Shoujie nodded, and these years, the Donggang's Chen Clan had done extremely well in this area.

This was also because everyone was too weak, and they were afraid of attracting attention from others, so they had to take a low-key approach.

His main purpose for coming to the East Sea Guard was not to inspect the industry. He had also heard that the East Sea Guard's Treasure Pavilion was auctioning off a Marrow Cleansing Pill, which was why he had come all the way to the East Sea Guard.

"I've prepared the funds for you, Shoujie," Chen Fangjie said proudly. "This time, I've prepared 100,000 gold coins for you. Our Patriarch Ruhong said that as long as you need money, even if we have to mortgage our industry, we'll find a way to get it for you."

"That's enough," Wang Shoujie said calmly.

He had brought 300,000 gold coins with him, which was the maximum amount of liquid funds that the Ping'an Wang Clan could spare. If they took out more, it would affect the operation of their industries.

To prevent any unexpected situations, he had also asked the Donggang's Chen Clan, the Gongsun Clan, the Liu Clan, and the Lu Clan to prepare a backup fund. After all, the items they were going to purchase were extremely expensive, and they had to be prepared to spend a lot of money.

Adding up the backup funds from their allies, they had a total of 700,000 gold coins. Such a terrifying amount of funds would make even the Celestial Clan hesitant to compete with them.

This was the current strength of the Wang Clan and their allies. Everyone was united, and each family was responsible for their own area. Wang Shoujie was the core figure among them.

This was also Wang Shoujie's long-term plan. Relying solely on the Wang Clan was too weak, and any slight disturbance would be a risk. It was better to share benefits with their allies and develop together, forming a united front.

As a result, not only had the Wang Clan grown rapidly, but their allies had also become stronger.

Earlier, Gongsun Qiang and Lu Zhengjie, two uncles from the Gongsun Clan, had successfully advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, adding two more powerful warriors to their alliance. These two young warriors would not stay in their families but would join the alliance's industry, protecting and supporting the alliance's development.

Believing that the alliance led by Wang Shoujie would become more united and stronger, they would be able to compete with the Celestial Clan.

As the sailboat sailed on, it finally docked at the East Sea Guard's deep-water port.

On the dock, a young man in his thirties, dressed in elegant attire, was waiting. He was followed by several attendants.

As soon as he saw Chen Fangjie, he smiled and greeted him. "It's been a long time, Brother Fangjie."

Then, he turned his attention to Wang Shoujie, and his eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected such a young master to have already reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm.

Moreover, the two elderly men guarding him were not simple, and their auras were deep and profound. Even he, who had just advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, felt that they were unfathomable.

He immediately revealed a warm smile. "I'm sure this is the young master of the Wang Clan, Wang Shoujie. I'm Dantai Heyu, you can call me Heyu."

"I'm Wang Shoujie, nice to meet you, Brother Heyu," Wang Shoujie said with a courteous smile, looking like a noble young master.

After some small talk, Dantai Heyu led the group into the best wine shop in the East Sea Guard.

The subsequent hospitality was extremely warm and enthusiastic.

Several days later.

East Sea Guard, Treasure Pavilion.

With Dantai Heyu's arrangements, Wang Shoujie's group was naturally seated in one of the best private rooms, waiting for the auction to begin.

At the same time, many wealthy families from the surrounding cities had arrived, but most of them could only sit in the second-tier private rooms.

However, two groups of people caught Wang Shoujie's attention.

One group was led by a middle-aged man in elegant attire, with an extraordinary aura, surrounded by two Spirit Platform Stage cultivators.

The other group was led by a woman with a seductive appearance, also with an extraordinary aura, surrounded by a cloud of guards.

These two groups had a tense atmosphere as soon as they met outside the private rooms.

The seductive woman sneered first. "Oh, isn't this the patriarch of the Zhang Clan, Liu Kangping? You're also eyeing the Marrow Cleansing Pill, aren't you? I advise you to give up, as your useless son is not even worthy."

The Zhang Clan was a famous Celestial Clan in the East Sea Guard, with a long history and strong power.

Liu Kangping's face turned cold. "I see who has such a big mouth. You're the Madame Bilian, aren't you? You're looking for a new toy to play with, and you're willing to spend money to buy the Marrow Cleansing Pill to deceive people."

Madame Bilian laughed. "I'm willing to, and it's none of your business. You're just jealous that your useless son can't compare to me."

Liu Kangping sneered. "We'll see about that. I hope Madame Bilian's funds are sufficient."

The two groups exchanged a few words before returning to their private rooms.They didn't hide their intentions, so Wang Shoujie heard everything clearly. It was obvious that these two groups of people were his strongest competitors.

However, regarding the Marrow Cleansing Pill, he had waited for several years to get news of it, and he was determined to get it, no matter what. Even if it was the Celestial Clan, he wasn't afraid. Moreover, with the Marrow Cleansing Pill, he would have the confidence to win the second round, and he wouldn't lose a single penny.

The price of the Marrow Cleansing Pill was extremely high, and even the Celestial Clan found it difficult to purchase. If they bought it carelessly, they might suffer a huge loss.

The auction was about to begin.

One by one, the heavenly treasures were displayed, and they were quickly snatched up by bidders, ranging from several hundred gold coins to several thousand gold coins.

This time, the East Sea Treasure Pavilion had brought out many good items to boost their reputation.

Wang Shoujie and the other two groups of people didn't make a move.

An hour later, the auctioneer began to auction off the Marrow Cleansing Pill.

"The Marrow Cleansing Pill is a sixth-grade Spirit Pill, with a starting price of 100,000 gold coins."

"120,000 gold coins!" Liu Kangping immediately raised the price.

"130,000!" Madame Bi Lian also seemed determined to get it, with a thick stack of gold coins prepared.

The two of them quickly raised the price to 150,000, and then they gradually became more cautious, increasing the price by thousands of gold coins at a time.

Normally, a Marrow Cleansing Pill could be auctioned off for around 200,000 gold coins. But what if they could get a good deal? What if the other party didn't have enough gold coins?

Even the Celestial Clan would find it difficult to gather 200,000 gold coins at once.

"200,000!" Wang Shoujie couldn't bear their slow bidding anymore and directly raised the price to 200,000.


The two groups of people were clearly caught off guard, and their faces turned red with anger. However, the bidding voice came from the best private room.

The Treasure Pavilion had a rule: unless it was the Celestial Clan, no one was allowed to sit in the best private room.

This made them even more furious.

"Which Aristocratic Family is your friend from?" Liu Kangping asked, "Why don't you give me some face and withdraw? I'll offer 201,000 gold coins."

"Hehe, Liu Kangping, you're really bold. I'll offer 210,000!" Madame Bi Lian also said, "I must get this pill, so please withdraw."

"250,000!" Wang Shoujie was too lazy to bid slowly with them, "It's just a fair competition. You can continue to bid."

As soon as he said this, Liu Kangping and Madame Bi Lian's faces changed greatly.

Who was this Celestial Clan's young master, and how could he be so extravagant? This price made them hesitant. The Marrow Cleansing Pill was precious, but it rarely reached such a price.

Whose money wasn't hard-earned? This amount could buy many Heavenly Spirit Pills!

Moreover, what if this guy was a scammer? If they bid higher, the other party might immediately withdraw, and they would be cheated.

They still had some money, but continuing to bid would hurt their vitality.

Liu Kangping coldly snorted and left the Treasure Pavilion. Although he was from the Celestial Clan, he didn't dare to cause trouble in the pavilion.

Madame Bi Lian, however, smiled and said, "This young master is really bold. Which Aristocratic Family is he from? I wonder if I have the honor to meet him."

Wang Shoujie knew that Madame Bi Lian had a bad reputation, so he didn't want to get involved with her. What if this got back to his wife's ears, and he got beaten up?

Wang Shoujie immediately coldly laughed and said, "I have no relation to you, Madame."

"Hmph!" Madame Bi Lian coldly snorted and left.

Naturally, the Marrow Cleansing Pill fell into Wang Shoujie's hands After getting the pill, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had finally gotten the chance to surpass the Celestial Clan and suppress them.

He didn't say anything, but he felt very pleased in his heart.

After getting the Marrow Cleansing Pill, Wang Shoujie went to prepare for the next thing.


Three months later.

At the end of August, in the Outlands, the weather was gradually cooling down.

A Spirit Turtle, weighing several tons and larger than a small car, was running quickly on a dirt road, carrying a heavy load on its back. Despite its heavy burden, it still had plenty of energy.

No wonder, its master was too extravagant.

This time, the reward for its mission was extremely generous, with spiritual meat and fish, and its supplies were abundant.

Following behind the Spirit Turtle, Ancestor Xuanfu's eyes were filled with a deep, mysterious color.

Six months!

Wang Shoujie had actually prepared for six whole months.

Were they going to the Outlands or the Demon Realm?

And what had they prepared? A sedan chair woven from vines, firmly tied to the Spirit Turtle's back, forming a mobile house. Inside, there were soft goose-down mattresses, and a small table was set up.

On the table, there were all sorts of snacks.

The niece he cherished, Liu Ruolan, was lazily lying on the goose-down mattress, occasionally eating a piece of fruit, looking very comfortable.

"Honey, I'm sorry to trouble you this time," Wang Shoujie said apologetically, "The time was urgent, and I didn't prepare enough. The conditions are too simple, and I've inconvenienced you."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm happy to go to the Outlands with you," Liu Ruolan said, putting a snack in Wang Shoujie's mouth, "You've been preparing for a long time, and that's what's tiring."

The two of them were showing off their love, making Ancestor Xuanfu's anger rise.

In the past, she had finally gotten an Innate Dao Spirit Seed, which was meant to cultivate an unparalleled heavenly genius.

Now, this precious heavenly genius had been spoiled by that despicable Wang Shoujie, and had become a pampered child.

The most infuriating thing was that they were showing off their love all the way.

This made the 120-year-old, still single Ancestor Xuanfu feel unbearable.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 137: A Great Opportunity The Wang Clan Ancestor's Legacy



patriarch of the Zhang Clan, Liu Kangping? How can a patriarch not have the family name of the family 😅