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Wang Shoujie's heart skipped a beat as he said, "Could there be a hidden secret behind this?"

"Longzuo County was originally a pioneering county, with many directions to explore. Ancestor Zhouxuan chose this place to establish the family and naturally had his reasons."

"Thinking back to those days, Ancestor Zhouxuan was just a direct descendant of the Wang Family in Longzuo. The Wang Family was not doing well at the time, and their decline was unstoppable. They didn't have much energy to cultivate their people, and even the Heaven-Human realm was very difficult."

"Ancestor Zhouxuan was born with a awakened bloodline, qualified to impact the Heaven-Human Realm. He wasn't willing to live a life of mediocrity."

"Therefore, Ancestor Zhouxuan went out to explore and seek opportunities. In the Outlands, he discovered a very hidden location, which was a relic of the ancient Shenwu Dynasty. It was thanks to this relic that Ancestor Zhouxuan successfully advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage."

"However, Ancestor Zhouxuan didn't obtain the greatest opportunity when he discovered the relic. That's why he held the pioneering order and established the Ping'an Wang Clan here. He thought that his descendants could gradually control the relic and obtain endless benefits from it. The relic is currently about 1,000 miles away from us."

As Ancestor Longyan explained, people understood why Ancestor Zhouxuan went south.

"Originally, there was this secret." Wang Shoujie was enlightened, and his face changed slightly as he said, "Then my father..."

Wang Shoujie's father, Wang Dingyue, had gone to the Outlands to seek opportunities and died. Wang Shoujie had always suspected that there was something fishy about it. After all, the family still had some remaining wealth, which could be used to exchange for a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

"Alas, it's all my fault." Ancestor Longyan's eyes showed a hint of bitterness. "I didn't expect that when I was cultivating to the ninth layer of the Qi Refinement Realm, I would discuss this with him. After all, opportunities are hard to come by, and I and Qiong Yuan's nephew had both explored the relic and obtained benefits."

"Unfortunately, we encountered a Fourth-tier Fierce Beast halfway through, and even with my protection, I couldn't save his life." Ancestor Longyan's eyes dimmed with guilt, clearly still affected by Wang Dingyue's death.

"Ancestor, past events are past. Moreover, your condition wasn't good at the time, which made the injury worse." Wang Shoujie comforted him softly, "But Ancestor, what kind of relic is it? How can we obtain benefits from it? What kind of dangers are there?"

Wang Shoujie asked several questions, revealing his doubts.

In his opinion, ancient relics were good, but you needed to be alive to enjoy them. If it was just for a small Heavenly Spirit Pill, it wasn't worth going to the Outlands to take risks. He would rather cultivate slowly and accumulate his strength over time.

With the Wang Clan's current financial resources, buying a Heavenly Spirit Pill wouldn't be a big deal.

If he didn't understand clearly, or if he wasn't fully prepared, he wouldn't venture into the Outlands without a high degree of confidence.

"That relic is a trial ground for the Shenwu Dynasty to recruit talented young people. It's not dangerous, and even if you don't pass the trial, you won't be in danger of losing your life."

"Ancestor Zhouxuan passed the first trial when he was at the ninth layer of the Qi Refinement Realm and obtained a consolation prize... a Heavenly Spirit Pill."


Wang Shoujie's eyes widened in surprise. What kind of relic was it that called a Heavenly Spirit Pill a consolation prize?

No wonder Wang Dingyue had gone to the Outlands to take a risk.

With the Wang Clan's current conditions, if they could obtain a Heavenly Spirit Pill, it would be worth risking their lives.

"The first trial is not too difficult, but not too easy either." Ancestor Longyan explained, "The guardian is a Qi Refinement Realm ninth-layer puppet. As long as you defeat it within the rules, you'll pass. If your martial arts skills are solid, you can barely pass."

"As for the Heavenly Spirit Pill, it's said that the Shenwu Dynasty was extremely powerful during its peak, with a territory of tens of thousands of miles. A single Heavenly Spirit Pill is nothing. If you can pass the second trial, the reward will be substantial."

Ancestor Longyan continued, "The second trial is to fight two Qi Refinement Realm ninth-layer puppets at the same time. If you pass, you'll obtain a pill that improves your bloodline quality."

"A pill that improves bloodline quality?" Wang Shoujie's eyes lit up. This was exactly what he lacked, and it was more valuable than a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

"I struggled to pass the second trial and obtained the pill, as well as a Heavenly Spirit Pill." Ancestor Longyan continued, "Unfortunately, my bloodline talent wasn't high to begin with, only middle-grade. After taking the pill, I only reached middle-grade top-tier, and didn't awaken a second bloodline."

"But even so, when I advanced to the Spirit Platform Stage, my Origin Water Bloodline was transformed into a Profound Ice bloodline. And in terms of talent, I was much stronger than ordinary two-bloodline holders."

As Ancestor Longyan explained, Wang Shoujie finally understood why Ancestor Longyan's combat strength was so strong.

And after advancing to the Spirit Platform Stage, she had been unstoppable, keeping Ancestor Xuanfu at bay.

If not for that unexpected event, Ancestor Longyan would have already reached the Heaven-Human Realm.

Moreover, it was well-known that the Profound Ice bloodline was one of the three anomalous bloodlines, with stronger killing power than the pure Origin Water Bloodline. However, it had a weakness in self-recovery, inferior to the Origin Water Bloodline.

Ancestor Xuanfu's eyes still showed some emotional turmoil. When Ancestor Longyan broke through to the Spirit Platform Stage, it was her most glorious thirty years, leaving her far behind.

It made her question her life at the time. Now, listening to Ancestor Longyan's explanation, she felt a pang of sadness.

"Ancestor, the second trial is to fight two Qi Refinement Realm ninth-layer puppets. Is the third trial to fight three?" Wang Shoujie asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"That's correct. The third trial is indeed to fight three puppets." Ancestor Longyan said helplessly, "Those puppets are extremely difficult to deal with. I barely passed the second trial."

Wang Shoujie was speechless. The designer of the trial was truly brainless. Would the fourth trial be to fight four puppets?

However, Ancestor Longyan's words had already stirred his heart.

But if he wanted to defeat two opponents of the same level, the difficulty would be immense. Three would be even more impossible, and with his current strength, it was out of the question.

Liu Ruolan's eyes flickered as she said, "Ancestor Xuanfu, you sold me to the Wang Clan for this secret?"

Ancestor Xuanfu coughed twice, her eyes showing a hint of embarrassment. "Ruolan, don't misunderstand. I did it for your own good."

"Your talent is already extremely high. The higher it is, the more you can't miss this opportunity. Not to mention the second trial's Spirit Pill, which will definitely have an effect on you. The key is to pass the third trial The relic's intention is that once you pass the three trials, you can become a disciple of the Shenwu Dynasty and go to the Shenwu Dynasty to cultivate."

Wang Shoujie furrowed his brow. "The Shenwu Dynasty isn't already extinct for over 10,000 years?"

Ancestor Xuanfu shook her head. "Although the Shenwu Dynasty has fallen, its relics still exist in various places. The core area of the Shenwu Dynasty remains a mystery."

"It's precisely because of this that the Purple Palace Academy attaches great importance to the Shenwu Dynasty's relics. We can't miss this opportunity. Moreover, I obtained my Innate Dao Spirit Seed from a Shenwu Dynasty relic. If we can find the core area..."

It turned out that Ancestor Xuanfu's ambitions were vast.

Wang Shoujie nodded secretly, but wondered, "There's still a question. Why didn't Sixth Uncle Wang Xiaohan go to the relic to trial?"

Ancestor Longyan explained, "This martial trial isn't open to everyone. You need to be below the Spirit Platform Stage and under forty years old. Sixth Uncle Xiaohan was already past the age limit, while your father Wang Dingyue barely qualified."

It seemed that the Shenwu Dynasty's requirements were very high. If you didn't meet them, you wouldn't even be given a chance to trial.

"Can those who haven't reached the ninth layer participate in the trial?"

"It should be possible. The problem is that it's very difficult to defeat a ninth-layer puppet without reaching the ninth layer. Going would be pointless."

"Can you pass two trials and then go back after a few years?"

"This... sounds like we're going to retry the Spirit Artifact trial, and we'll have to start over from scratch next time. The rewards won't be repeated."

As Wang Shoujie threw out question after question, Ancestor Longyan's worldview was constantly being refreshed.

Ancestor Xuanfu, who was standing aside, began to lose patience: "That's enough, Shoujie. Have you finished asking your questions? We're all set, let's depart in two days."

"Wait a minute, Ancestor Xuanfu, are you leaving already?" Wang Shoujie was taken aback. "This seems too rushed."

"Shoujie, haven't you prepared yet?" Ancestor Xuanfu asked with a puzzled expression.

What's with this "haven't prepared yet"? I haven't even started preparing yet!

Wang Shoujie broke out in a cold sweat. Ancestor Xuanfu was being a bit too hasty, and he raised a question: "Ancestor Xuanfu, are you planning to go with just the four of us?"

"No, we'll have Liu Yuanhui with us," Ancestor Xuanfu replied calmly. "Don't worry, with me and Longyan's sister, we'll be enough to handle a Fourth-tier Fierce Beast."

This tone was a bit too confident.

Wang Shoujie stroked his chin thoughtfully: "Fourth-tier Fierce Beast is no big deal, but what if we encounter two of them? What if we encounter a Fifth-tier Ferocious Beast? Does Ancestor Xuanfu have a strategy for that?"

Ancestor Xuanfu's eyelids twitched, and she said irritably, "Where would we find so many Fifth-tier Ferocious Beasts? According to Longyan's sister, the journey will only be about a thousand miles."

"A thousand miles into the Outlands is already quite deep, so we need to be fully prepared," Wang Shoujie said.

"What do you mean by 'fully prepared'?" Ancestor Xuanfu asked, feeling a sense of foreboding.

"At the very least, we should be able to intimidate a Fifth-tier Ferocious Beast, even if we can't kill it."

"Furthermore, my bloodline's innate abilities are not enough, and I barely passed the second trial. I definitely won't be able to pass the third trial."

"Once we reach the Spirit Platform Stage, we won't be able to participate again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I need to prepare thoroughly."

"So, when do you plan to be ready?" Ancestor Xuanfu asked, her eyelids twitching with annoyance.

"No rush, I'll just take my time to prepare. If I'm not fully confident, I won't go on this adventure, and neither should you, wife."

"Opportunities are what we make of them. We need to be alive to seize them. Most of the heavenly materials and treasures can be bought with money, so we can just slowly accumulate wealth and buy them. Then we can buy, buy, buy!"

Liu Ruolan nodded obediently: "Yes, Husband, I'll listen to you."

Ancestor Xuanfu was about to suffocate, staring at Ancestor Longyan: "Your nephew is so timid? We're working hard to create opportunities for the younger generation. Those geniuses, aren't they all fighting for opportunities with their lives?"

Ancestor Longyan also looked a bit embarrassed, as his nephew indeed lacked the boldness of those geniuses.

"That... my Shoujie, he's not timid, but rather cautious. He likes to plan for the worst-case scenario."

"But I think Shoujie is right. If I had thought things through back then, I wouldn't have lost Ding Yue. Shoujie, you decide when you're ready, and we'll depart then."

"Fine, kid, if you don't want to go, that's okay too." Ancestor Xuanfu was furious. "I'll take Ruolan and Yuanhui with me."

"I won't go either, Husband said I can't go," Liu Ruolan shook her head directly. "Besides, Husband is right, it's always better to be more prepared. We need to think about our children too."

"You're a good wife."

"Husband is the best, always thinking about the family."

"I'm the luckiest to have married you."

"I'm the luckiest to have married Husband."

The couple's sweet talk was interrupted by Ancestor Xuanfu, who said to Wang Shoujie: "Fine, you go prepare. But hurry up..."

"I need the map first, Ancestor," Wang Shoujie said, getting down to business. "I can start planning our route."

Ancestor Longyan handed over an old map to Wang Shoujie.

Then Wang Shoujie began to prepare.

A month later, Ancestor Xuanfu asked him if he was ready, but Wang Shoujie said he wasn't.

The second month was the same, and Wang Shoujie still wasn't ready.

The third month, when Ancestor Xuanfu went to find him again, she was shocked to discover that Wang Shoujie had already gone shopping.

"Ancestor, Husband said he found a connection through a friend to buy something that can kill a Fifth-tier Ferocious Beast. He also found a lead on a Spirit Pill, the Marrow Cleansing Pill, to improve his bloodline," Liu Ruolan said calmly, holding their two children. "Besides, Husband said that without a storage ring, I wouldn't be able to bring my clothes and daily necessities, so he's going to buy one for me."

Each sentence shocked Ancestor Xuanfu, and her eyes widened... He's even going to buy a storage ring!

I'm too stingy to buy a storage ring...

Is he going on a picnic or something, bringing daily necessities?

Wang Shoujie, how can you be so extravagant?

At that moment, Ancestor Xuanfu felt a pang of sadness.

She, a core disciple of the Academy, had become a pauper overnight...

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 136: The Pressure of the Celestial Clan


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