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Just as Wang Shoujie's wedding procession was returning.

At the Ping'an Wang Clan's main residence.

The entire family was busy, with each person responsible for their own task.

Some female relatives, such as Elder Sister-in-law and Fourth Aunt, were in charge of the kitchen and arranging the dishes and utensils. Even Wang Luoqiu, Wang Lici, and Wang Luojing were participating in the work, each responsible for their own tasks.

However, Wang Lici was originally supposed to be in charge of the kitchen or food, but was unanimously rejected by everyone.

Instead, she was tasked with overseeing the Flowing Banquet on the open grounds, which was for ordinary people who were not qualified to enter the main residence and participate in the wedding banquet, as well as most of the collateral relatives.

The Wang Clan was hosting a three-day, three-night Flowing Banquet, and all were welcome. It was a grand and lavish affair.

Some esteemed guests were arranged to sit in the open-air seats in the Wang Clan's courtyard, which was the main seating area.

Even more esteemed guests, such as the Clan Leader, the Steward, the Town Governor, and some Ancestors, were personally received by Ancestor Xiaohan.

Their banquet was arranged in individual elegant halls.

As for Ancestor Longyan, she was not fond of socializing, so she was only arranged to appear at Shoujie's wedding ceremony.

Various guests arrived at the Wang Clan one after another.

The male relatives of the family took turns hosting the guests, filled with joy and excitement. Shoujie's wedding was a grand event, representing the family's prosperity and continuation.

The current Wang Clan was no longer the same as before.

One family, three spiritual platforms.

In Ping'an Town, they were like a giant tree, with an atmosphere of rising prosperity.

Next, Wang Shoujie's wedding procession and the Liu Clan's sending-off procession arrived at the Ping'an Wang Clan simultaneously.

Following that was a series of lively rituals, and the wedding ceremony was held in the Main Hall.

Gongsun Hui was already dressed up and sitting in the main seat, beaming with joy. As Shoujie's stepmother, she was naturally overjoyed and secretly wiping away tears. These past few years, she had taken care of Shoujie and Luo Yi, and it was not easy.

As a stepmother, it was naturally more difficult than being a biological mother.

The wedding ceremony was a grand and lively affair, with all the relatives and friends sending their blessings.

After that, the bride was sent into the Bridal Chamber.

Wang Shoujie, as the groom, still needed to socialize outside.

Some close relatives, including the Clan Leader and family members, came to congratulate him. Even the Ancestors came to personally congratulate Wang Shoujie.

This was not the usual atmosphere of a family heir's wedding.

These relatives and friends, Wang Shoujie naturally could not neglect.

So, the lively atmosphere continued until evening.


This day's socializing was exhausting, even for Wang Shoujie, who had already reached the eighth level of Qi Refinement Realm.

But fortunately, everything had ended.

After socializing with the guests, Wang Shoujie, slightly tipsy, returned to his courtyard with a light and carefree step.

In the main bedroom.

The candles were lit, and the red lanterns were shining brightly.

The bride, Liu Ruolan, was sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for her husband to return.

On the bed, a large red quilt was spread out, with dates, lotus seeds, gold, and over a dozen sparkling spirit stones.

"You must be tired, wife," Wang Shoujie said, trying to suppress his excitement, and bowed deeply.

"Husband," Liu Ruolan replied, her voice slightly shy and gentle.

Next, it was time to lift the red veil and drink the Wedding Wine.

These had already been prepared in advance and placed on a low table beside the bed.

After obtaining Liu Ruolan's consent, Wang Shoujie picked up the jade cup and said, "Wife, I apologize for my mistakes."

Then, he gently lifted her red veil.

The face that entered his eyes was a beautiful and youthful one.

She was wearing a phoenix crown and a cloak, with a beautiful egg-shaped face, a wide forehead, and curved eyebrows. Her almond-shaped eyes were clear and bright, with a hint of shyness and spring water.

Her hands were tightly clenched, and she was looking down, not daring to look at Wang Shoujie.

Wang Shoujie was stunned for a few moments, unable to move his eyes away.

To think that this was his first time seeing Liu Ruolan.

As a man who had lived two lives, marrying a beauty like her made him feel unreal and dreamlike.

"Husband!" Liu Ruolan's voice was weak and trembling, as if she was worried about something. "Am I not good-looking?"

"You're beautiful, wife. You're too beautiful," Wang Shoujie said, nodding repeatedly. "You're like a goddess from heaven, and I'm afraid you'll fly away."

This remark made Liu Ruolan think of his previous poem, and she was so shy that she almost buried her face in her clothes.

"Your makeup is too heavy, wife. It's not good to leave it on for too long."

Wang Shoujie, as a transmigrator, knew that women shouldn't wear makeup for too long, so he didn't rush to drink the Wedding Wine. Instead, he brought a copper basin with warm water and a towel to help her remove her makeup.

"Husband, is it proper for a man to serve a woman?" Liu Ruolan was moved by Wang Shoujie's thoughtfulness but was also a bit afraid. "Why not call Qiao'er from the side room to help?"

"There's no need for that," Wang Shoujie said. "In the inner chambers, there's no need for such formalities."

Wang Shoujie didn't want anyone to disturb them, so he personally helped her remove her makeup. After a short while, he presented her with a natural, unadorned face, with skin as smooth as jade and a shy, blushing expression.

Compared to her heavily made-up face earlier, she had lost some of her dignified beauty but gained a youthful and lively aura.

"You're truly a beauty, wife," Wang Shoujie said.

Liu Ruolan was shy and grateful, and she stole glances at Wang Shoujie, saying, "Husband is also very handsome and strong."

It was clear that she was very satisfied with Wang Shoujie's appearance.

Although it was an arranged marriage, and they had no choice.

But if the husband was a handsome and strong young man, that would naturally be more fortunate. Moreover, this husband was also very gentle and considerate.

There was a small table beside the bed, with some delicate pastries and a small charcoal stove warming a pot of wine.

Wang Shoujie knew that she must be hungry, so he quickly brought over a plate of pastries and said, "You must be hungry, wife. Eat something."

Liu Ruolan nodded slightly and thanked him.

Then, she delicately picked up a pastry and turned her body slightly, using her hand to cover her mouth as she ate slowly and elegantly.

Wang Shoujie thought to himself, "She's truly a noble lady."

Unlike his own family's Wang Lici, who ate like a bandit, and if you didn't eat quickly, you'd starve to death.

Just as he was thinking of Wang Lici, suddenly!

A loud noise came from outside the courtyard.

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle is here?"

This was Wang Lici's voice, and then she started knocking on the door loudly. "Fourth Uncle, why are you locking the door?"

Wang Shoujie was shocked and thought, "What's going on?"

This big girl didn't know that it was his wedding night?

If he didn't open the door, she would probably break in.

Liu Ruolan's eyes were wide with surprise.

"Don't worry, wife. That's big girl Wang Lici, who's always loud and boisterous," Wang Shoujie said helplessly. "She's one of the family's little troublemakers."

"I've heard of her," Liu Ruolan said with a smile. "Every family has a few little troublemakers."

Wang Shoujie knew Wang Lici's character, and if he didn't open the door, she would probably cause a scene.

So, after obtaining Liu Ruolan's consent, Wang Shoujie opened the door, but before he could scold her, Wang Lici had already brought in a large wooden basin and rushed into the bridal chamber.

Behind her were a group of people, including Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, Wang Luomiao, and Wang Luolan, as well as Second Aunt's daughter Wang Liwan, nephew Wang Zongchang, and the youngest brother Wang Shouye.

This scene left Wang Shoujie stunned, wondering what was happening. Was this a rebellion?

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle What are you doing?" Wang Lici said, pouting. "I saw that Fourth Aunt hadn't eaten for a long time, so I brought some food for her. And you, Fourth Uncle, you're only drinking wine and haven't eaten much either."

Wang Lici looked like a wronged heroine, as if she had been misunderstood.

"What about you all?" Wang Shoujie asked, looking at the others.

"We came to see our sister-in-law," Wang Luoqiu said honestly. "We didn't get to see her during the day because of the red veil."

Wang Shoujie saw that Liu Ruolan was smiling, so he said to Wang Lici, "What are you doing? If you have something good to eat, bring it out for your sister-in-law."

Then, the Wang Clan's younger generation started to serve the food, and the atmosphere became lively and noisy.

Liu Ruolan took out the prepared red envelopes and handed them out one by one.

"Fourth Aunt, this is the Clear Soup Hotpot that Fourth Uncle loves to eat. I specially prepared it for you tonight."

Wang Lici was the most skilled at flattering, and she had already keenly sensed who would be in charge of the household in the future.

On the night of their new marriage, she rushed over to offer her congratulations and win over the fourth aunt.

The girls' hands and feet were very quick.

Very soon, a table of clear soup hot pot was set up, and the copper pot was boiling with hot water.

Wang Shoujie and Liu Ruolan accompanied the younger generation, forming a circle around the table, and happily started eating the clear soup hot pot.

Although they were eating hot pot, it was still a very happy occasion. But Wang Shoujie felt that something was not quite right. This was his bridal chamber, after all. Would these kids not come to disturb them?

Liu Ruolan, on the other hand, had never eaten clear soup hot pot before. In front of the children, she was very open-minded and ate with great relish.

Moreover, her tense mood seemed to have relaxed a lot.

As they gradually got to know each other, the younger siblings became more familiar with each other. Especially Wang Luomiao, who had always been writing letters to her, and the two of them were quite close.

One hot pot meal was enough to make everyone happy.

Wang Shoujie quietly observed and found that Ruolan had already eaten seven or eight parts of the meal and had stopped using her chopsticks.

He then coughed and said, "It's getting late. You all should do what you need to do." And he started to chase them away.

Jokingly, "One moment is worth a thousand gold coins. This is our first bridal chamber, and we can't eat hot pot until dawn, can we?"

"Fourth Uncle, you're breaking the bridge after crossing the river. I haven't eaten my fill yet," Wang Lici said with a pitiful expression.

"You can eat slowly when you get back."

Wang Shoujie ruthlessly chased the younger generation away and then quickly locked the door.

He finally let out a sigh of relief and said to Liu Ruolan, "My dear, it's getting late. We should drink the wedding wine now."

"Yes, husband," Liu Ruolan blushed and nodded. She, of course, understood the meaning.

But before Wang Shoujie could bring out the wedding wine, there was another commotion outside. Only to hear Wang Lici's loud voice shouting, "The moon outside is great. Let's eat in the courtyard!"

Then a group of younger siblings started eating hot pot, singing songs, and making a ruckus in the courtyard.

Wang Shoujie opened the door with a black face and walked out.

He had already figured out that these kids must have planned this together, sincerely trying to disturb him.

This situation made him wonder how he could have a peaceful bridal chamber.

Even if he had a thick skin, Ruolan wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Hey, Fourth Uncle, haven't you eaten your fill yet?" Wang Lici asked with an innocent expression.

Wang Shoujie coldly laughed. Did they think they could stay in his courtyard and not leave, and then they could do as they pleased?

This courtyard was one that Wang Shoujie had personally managed for a year.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it against the doorframe, and a thick, mysterious azure qi flowed into it.

Suddenly, the hidden, quiet vines in his courtyard, as if receiving some kind of instruction, came to life.

One by one, the vines grew wildly, like evil tentacles dancing in the courtyard.

Wang Luomiao, Wang Shouye, and the other kids were scared out of their wits and quickly surrendered, screaming as they ran out of the courtyard.

Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, and Wang Lici, on the other hand, were very brave.

When faced with the evil vines' attack, they still resisted.

Unfortunately, they ultimately underestimated Wang Shoujie, and his courtyard's vine array was carefully researched and crafted.

It could be said that as long as they were in his courtyard, even if they were a ninth-level qi-refining expert, they would have to surrender.

Under Wang Shoujie's control, the wildly growing vines quickly bound Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, and Wang Lici together and dragged them out of the courtyard.

The world suddenly became quiet.

Only Liu Ruolan, standing at the door of the bridal chamber, looked at Wang Shoujie with a surprised expression.

"My dear, don't be afraid. This is just my innate bloodline," Wang Shoujie explained with a smile, and with a flick of his hand, a few flowers appeared in his hand.

These flowers were also carefully cultivated by him recently.

The biggest feature was that the seeds were very large, containing a lot of energy.

As he poured his thick, mysterious azure qi into them, the flowers grew in his hand.

From germination to leaf growth and finally blooming, it all happened in just a few breaths.

The flowers bloomed in an instant.

In his palm, a beautiful flower bloomed, and Liu Ruolan's eyes were filled with wonder.

Her husband's methods were far more powerful than she had imagined.

She didn't expect her husband to have such a strong bloodline.

But she was still very happy, and the stronger her husband was, the happier she was.

Wang Shoujie presented the flowers to her and took her hand, leading her back to the bed.

He pressed his hand against the wooden bed, and the purple sandalwood bed suddenly grew into a tender branch with leaves.

The flowers he had originally placed beside the bed also grew rapidly. In no time, his bed became a lush, vibrant flower garden.

This "romantic and beautiful" scene made Liu Ruolan extremely happy, and her mood relaxed a lot.

"My dear, let's drink the wedding wine now."

Wang Shoujie picked up the wedding wine that had been constantly warming up.

"Yes, husband," Liu Ruolan blushed and nodded lightly.

Wedding wine, this was what was called "exchange cups" on Earth.

It was a ritual that could help the newlyweds relax.

Three cups of wine later.

Liu Ruolan's beautiful face was slightly flushed, and her eyes had a hint of mist and spring.

She was shy and bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, and from behind the bed, she pulled out a box and handed it to Wang Shoujie with her eyes closed.

"What is this, my dear?" Wang Shoujie was a bit puzzled.

"You, you look yourself." Liu Ruolan blushed and closed her eyes, her body trembling slightly.

Wang Shoujie opened the exquisite box and found a small booklet inside.

As he flipped through the booklet, he suddenly "ah"ed: "This is..."

He couldn't believe that this was what Liu Ruolan had given him. Was it a bridal chamber aid?

This speech made Liu Ruolan's face turn bright red, and she lightly "tsked" and called him a "fool".

This was something that an aunt had given her before the wedding, and she had also explained it to her in detail.

At the time, it had shocked her, and she had wondered if this was really necessary for the bridal chamber.

The aunt had also instructed her to give it to the groom after drinking the wedding wine.

Wang Shoujie saw her shyness and finally understood that this was not Earth!

Here, people got married at a relatively young age, and information about this aspect was very closed off. Many people didn't understand anything until they got married.

Unlike on Earth, where everyone was a super experienced driver.

On the wedding night, the couple would be very familiar with each other.

It seemed that Liu Ruolan was afraid that he didn't understand, so she had given him this booklet.

"My dear, don't worry. I'll take care of it," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, and with a flick of his hand, he tossed the crudely made booklet aside.

Jokingly, "I don't need this. I'll handle it myself."

Liu Ruolan's eyes widened in surprise, as if she was asking him where he had learned this.

Because just yesterday, she had been completely ignorant of this.

According to the aunt, men usually didn't understand this, and families wouldn't teach them.

On the wedding night, it was usually the woman who taught the man everything.

But Wang Shoujie's old driver-like demeanor had shocked Liu Ruolan.


Wang Shoujie knew he had misspoken.

He quickly forced a laugh and said, "My dear, don't misunderstand. I just saw it in some ancient books. I only know a little, and I still need you to teach me." This sentence made Wang Shoujie's face feel hot, and compared to the pure Ruolan, he seemed...

Liu Ruolan simply believed him, but she felt that something was off, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

With her knowledge, she couldn't imagine that her husband was an old driver in disguise.

"Husband, let's put out the candles," Liu Ruolan said, her face burning with shyness.

"I'm afraid, you have to be gentle with me," Liu Ruolan said, her voice trembling.

"My dear, I won't. You have to teach me," Wang Shoujie said with a thick face.

"But, but I don't understand it either."

"Then let's not blow out the candles," Wang Shoujie suggested, and then he picked up the booklet he had despised earlier and said seriously, "We'll study it together, make progress together, and grow together slowly."

He then casually patted the bed, and a bed curtain woven from vines and flowers slowly closed.


[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 131: Aristocratic Family



On the night of their new marriage, she rushed over to offer her congratulations and win over the four aunts. As long as shoujie didn't marry a harem of four this should be fourth aunt. 😂