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Little maid Qiao'er was also quite helpless, but as the mistress, she got to call the shots.

I thought for a moment, trying to come up with a plan to sneak this poem to the new groom in front of everyone.

At the same time, in the courtyard.

Wang Shoujie sat comfortably on a stone bench, deep in thought.

To be honest, this poem had brought him a lot of pressure.

Logically, as a transmigrator with a brain full of ancient poetry, he could easily whip out a famous poem and crush Liu Yuanrui's. But this was his own wedding, and he wanted to try to write his own poem. Even if it wasn't very good, it would still be his own work, and using someone else's poem to deceive his wife would feel unconvincing.

Liu Yuanrui and the others didn't rush him, just smiling and watching as he struggled to come up with something. They knew it wasn't easy to write a good poem, especially one that would take time to refine.

Just then, little maid Qiao'er rushed out from the backyard, pushing through the crowd and bumping into Wang Shoujie.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry, new groom. I was in a hurry and bumped into you."

As Wang Shoujie stood there in shock, the girl quickly slipped a piece of paper into his hand and then winked at him, hinting that he should understand.

Then she quickly ran off.

This girl was like a whirlwind.

Wang Shoujie was left feeling a bit helpless, feeling like the person behind him was getting anxious and had sent a little maid to help him cheat.

Wasn't this cheating?

But no, no, no. When the wife helps her husband, it's not cheating. This is love!

Thinking about it, Wang Shoujie felt a warmth in his heart.

But Liu Yuanrui was stunned. Wasn't that just Qiao'er, the maid who was always by his sister's side? She had just bumped into the groom and slipped him a piece of paper, right in front of everyone. Wasn't this blatant cheating?

The others also saw what happened, but they all pretended not to notice.

It was clear that the person behind the scenes was helping the groom cheat, and no one dared to say anything.

Liu Yuanrui sighed and said, "I think the groom has had enough time. Let's get started."

He thought that since it was his sister's poem, he had to praise it no matter what, or else he would offend her and face the consequences.

The others also chimed in, "Yes, let's get started."

But Wang Shoujie shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm not ready yet."

This made Liu Yuanrui roll his eyes. You're still pretending? My sister has already helped you cheat, and you're still saying you're not ready?

Fine, keep pretending. Who called my sister to take action?

A moment later, Wang Shoujie finally stood up and said, "I've thought of it. Liu Yuanrui's poem is very good. I can only try my best to respond."

"Good, let's hear it!"

The others all cheered and clapped, making a big show of anticipation. They all knew that Wang Shoujie's poem was actually written by his wife, and they would all have to praise it loudly.

Wang Shoujie took a deep breath and began to recite his poem: "The goddess pities the mortal world, standing guard at the heavenly gate, watching over the long night."


Everyone's minds were blown. It was like they were describing a goddess who pitied the mortal world, standing guard at the heavenly gate, watching over the long night.

Before they could even process it, Wang Shoujie continued with the next line: "The years go by, and finally, we are reunited in the mortal world."

The others started to understand. This was a story about a goddess who pitied the mortal world, and a heavenly general who guarded her. In the end, the goddess didn't know if she would descend to the mortal world to save it, but she ended up meeting the heavenly general and they were reunited.

It sounded pretty good, and it was clear that the poem was praising the bride.

Then they all started cheering and clapping. This was a poem written by the bride, and it sounded pretty good.

"Not right!" Liu Yuanrui suddenly exclaimed. "This isn't my sister's handwriting. My sister wouldn't compare herself to a goddess and her husband to a heavenly general."

"Really?" The others looked at each other, but then they started talking again. The groom's poem was still pretty good, but it seemed to be missing something.

"It's not bad, the groom has some talent. He's already done a good job."

"Yes, yes, even though it's not as good as Liu Yuanrui's poem, it's still pretty good."

"Pass, pass, let's hurry up and let the groom meet his bride."

Even Chen Fangjie was impressed, saying, "I didn't know Shoujie had such poetic talent. He's better than me."

But Liu Yuanrui suddenly stopped them, his expression serious. "Wait a minute."

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he was doing. Didn't he think the groom's poem was good enough?

Liu Ruolei even glared at him, "Liu Yuanrui, don't be too much."

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand," Liu Yuanrui quickly said, holding up his hands. "The groom's poem is good, but I think it's missing something. Groom, do you have a second half to the poem?"

A second half?

Everyone was stunned. Liu Yuanrui seemed to be right, the poem did seem incomplete.

All eyes turned to Wang Shoujie.

Wang Shoujie didn't hesitate, continuing to recite the second half of the poem: "I'm afraid my beloved wife will fly away, and I'll have to deceive her, saying the heavenly palace is cold."


Everyone was stunned again. It was like they were inside the groom's mind, feeling his fear that his beloved wife would one day fly away, and he would have to deceive her to keep her.

"Good, good, 'I'm afraid my beloved wife will fly away, and I'll have to deceive her, saying the heavenly palace is cold.'" Liu Yuanrui cheered.

The others also cheered and clapped.

Then Wang Shoujie continued with the final line: "I'll hold my children's hands, tears in my eyes, praying for a thousand years of sleep together."

This line was even more shameless. It was like he was saying that he wanted to hold his children's hands, tears in his eyes, praying for a thousand years of sleep together with his wife. This was too much.

The final line was even more shameless. It was like he was saying that he wanted to marry his wife for a thousand years.

Ugh, this was too much.

The poem was:

The goddess pities the mortal world

Standing guard at the heavenly gate, watching over the long night

The years go by, and finally, we are reunited in the mortal world

I'm afraid my beloved wife will fly away, and I'll have to deceive her, saying the heavenly palace is cold

I'll hold my children's hands, tears in my eyes, praying for a thousand years of sleep together.

Wishing for eternal slumber together


Everyone fell silent. This poem, of course, was not a shocking masterpiece. However, today's theme was how to praise Ruolan better.

Liu Yuanrui's poem was indeed very good, with a profound atmosphere.

But this one from Brother-in-law...

This was no longer praise.

It was flattery.

Born into a husband-and-wife relationship, the flattery was so skillful and natural. This Brother-in-law was truly a rare silver talent.

"Ah~" Chen Fangjie sighed, "I thought I was the best at flattery. But compared to Shoujie, it's like clouds and mud, I surrender!"

"Ouch~" Liu Yuanshan started crying, crying very sadly.

"Why are you crying, Yuanshan?"

"I understand now."

"What do you understand, Yuanshan?"

"I understand why I can't get married."

"Yuanshan, now that you understand, there's still hope, you have to work hard!"

"I've lost all hope." Liu Yuanshan ran away, crying bitterly, "Because I can't write such shameless, over-the-top poetry in my life... Ouch~" His figure disappeared into the distance, accompanied by his cries.

Everyone looked at his departing back, feeling that Yuanshan couldn't get married, not just because he couldn't write poetry.

Then, everyone bowed to Brother-in-law Wang Shoujie. This kind of flattery was something they could never achieve.

Especially the young aunts, who had already started copying the poem with red faces, even though it wasn't written for them. Reading it every night was also extremely enjoyable.

Hand in hand, children's tears await, wishing for eternal slumber together.

Brother-in-law is so bad, haha~

Even Liu Yuanrui deeply bowed to Wang Shoujie: "Brother-in-law, I surrender."

"Hehe, thank you, thank you. Far Rui, you're still young." Wang Shoujie patted him on the shoulder, saying seriously, "When you grow up, your skills will definitely not be inferior to mine."

"What about Ruolei? She was so spirited just now, how did she disappear? I still want her to lead the way."

"Never mind, just send red envelopes."

Immediately, a whole box of red envelopes was brought out and distributed to the younger uncles, younger aunts, nephews, and nieces.

"Brothers, follow me to welcome the new bride." Wang Shoujie waved his hand, and the Wang Clan brothers responded with a loud cheer, marching towards the backyard with great enthusiasm.

The three gates had already been passed, and the red envelopes had been given out generously. It was impossible for anyone to block the way again.


Just as Wang Shoujie and his group were heading towards the backyard.

Qiao'er, the little maid, had already reported the poem back, her speed truly being as fast as the wind.

Liu Ruolei was also present, looking angry as she said, "Brother-in-law is too bad, not only wanting to marry my sister for this life but also wanting to entangle her for all eternity. He's really too greedy."

As soon as she spoke, everyone in the room looked at her.


Isn't this kind of confession a good thing? Why is Ruolei so unhappy?

Liu Ruolei realized her mistake and quickly shut up, but her heart was still full of anger. What a great poem, why didn't it belong to her?

On the other hand, Qiao'er excitedly said, "The new groom's poem is truly excellent, I almost cried."

At this time, Liu Ruolan had already copied the poem onto paper and read it twice, her face growing redder with each read.

She lightly "tsked" and evaluated, "It's indeed a bit too flowery."

However, her eyes were full of shy delight, her face flushing, as she thought to herself, "Hand in hand, children's tears await, wishing for eternal slumber together. This is really too shameless!"

It was clear that Wang Shoujie's flattery had reached her heart.

In a husband-and-wife relationship, being a bit flowery was nothing.

The people in the room were still talking.

Outside, a voice called out, "Miss, hurry up and prepare, the new groom has arrived."

At this time, Liu Ruolan had already put on her grand red wedding dress. Several aunts quickly placed the red veil on her head and sat her down on the bed.

"Please welcome the new groom to enter the bridal chamber."

Wang Shoujie entered the bridal chamber as instructed.

Several middle-aged beauties couldn't help but admire Wang Shoujie, saying, "The new groom is indeed handsome and talented, a true gentleman."

The bride, covered with a red veil, slightly trembled but managed to resist peeking.

Wang Shoujie was overjoyed, greeting the aunts one by one and presenting them with red envelopes.

Especially his Fourth Aunt, Wang Liuzi, Wang Shoujie secretly gave her a large red envelope.

Fourth Aunt Wang Liuzi was extremely happy, saying, "Shoujie, don't forget to present the Golden Treasure Pouch!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Shoujie quickly took out the Golden Treasure Pouch from his waist and hurriedly walked towards the bride, saying softly, "Ruolan, the auspicious time has arrived. Let's return to the Wang Clan."

The Golden Treasure Pouch contained small gold or jade trinkets, such as grains, fruits, fish, and meat, as well as a small golden abacus, symbolizing the entrusting of his future finances to her.

The bride, covered with a red veil, held the Golden Treasure Pouch, her heart full of shyness and tension, lightly nodding and whispering, "Yes."

Wang Shoujie was overjoyed, shouting, "Far Rui, come quickly!"

At this time, Liu Yuanrui entered the bridal chamber, smiling and saying, "Congratulations, Brother-in-law, you've finally won the beauty."

"Thank you, Far Rui, for your help. Being able to marry Ruolan is my greatest fortune in three lifetimes." Wang Shoujie said, taking out a large red envelope and presenting it to him, "Far Rui, it's all up to you now."

According to custom, an unmarried younger uncle had to carry the bride onto the sedan chair.

Liu Yuanrui took the red envelope without hesitation, patted his chest, and said, "Leave it to me. Don't look at my weak body, I've been training well recently."

After saying this, he picked up Liu Ruolan and headed out of the bridal chamber.

They hadn't walked two steps when Liu Yuanrui whispered, "Hmm, sister seems to have lost weight recently, probably because she's worried about me, Far Rui. Remember the last time we practiced..."

But before he could finish, he let out a loud cry, quickly apologizing, "Sister, I was wrong."

Then, he carried his sister and rushed out.

Wang Shoujie broke out in a cold sweat. This kid was really good at making trouble, but he pretended not to have heard anything, following closely behind.

Later, they bid farewell to Liu Ruolan's parents.

Only then did Liu Yuanrui carry the bride out of the Liu Clan's main gate.

After a series of ceremonies, the bride sat on the eight-carriage sedan chair.

Wang Shoujie rode his Fire Treading White Cloud horse at the front of the procession.

"Start the procession." Gongsun Qiang shouted, and the procession began to move slowly, receiving the cheers of the people as they left the mountain and headed towards Ping'an.

The returning procession was more than twice as large as the one that came.

The Liu Clan's send-off procession, led by Liu Clan members, was equally grand. One by one, the horse-drawn carriages followed behind, all part of the Liu Clan's dowry.

The scale of the dowry truly reflected the Liu Clan's immense wealth.

Wang Shoujie wore a magnificent and luxurious wedding gown, riding his Fire Treading White Cloud horse at the front of the procession, his heart full of joy and triumph.

Having lived two lifetimes, this was his first time getting married.

From today on, he would embark on a new life.

One of life's four great joys, the Bridal Chamber's flower-lit night, was unfolding before him.

It was truly, spring breeze in high spirits, horse hooves swift, life in high spirits, one must enjoy to the fullest.

Bridal Chamber's flower-lit night, here I come!

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 130: Bridal Chamber, Candlelight Night (Conclusion)


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