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It's undeniable that women are more meticulous than men in this aspect. Wang Shoujie, although not a steel-like straight man, still has fewer thoughts in this regard. If it weren't for Mother Gong Sunhui and his sister Liu Ruolan's reminders, he might not have thought to send some gifts.

Fortunately, through this silent interaction with Liu Ruolan, he roughly understood her intentions.

"Far Wisdom, go back and tell your sister that I understand her meaning," Wang Shoujie said seriously.


Liu Yuanrui was confused, what did his sister mean? Did his sister hide some secret message in the gift?

Although he was talented, he was still young. Moreover, boys are generally not as thoughtful as girls in this aspect.

Let's put this topic aside for now. Wang Shoujie chatted with Liu Yuanrui again.

Mother Gong Sunhui, however, took her leave.

About half an hour passed.

Gong Sunhui's voice came from outside the main hall: "Shoujie, your great-grandfather is here. Come out and greet him."


Wang Shoujie was taken aback, then suddenly realized, and immediately put on a happy face to greet him. Liu Yuanrui was also slightly curious and followed him out.

In the main hall, a tall, gray-robed man stood, with an appearance of a middle-aged man. However, he exuded an aura of majesty, like a towering mountain, deep and unfathomable.

Mother Gong Sunhui stood beside him, obediently like a little girl.

"Shoujie pays respects to Ancestor Mang," Wang Shoujie hurriedly stepped forward to bow.

"No need to bow," Ancestor Mang said.

This gray-robed man was naturally one of the two Old Ancestors of the Gong Sun Clan, Gongsun Mang, who was respected as Ancestor Mang by the family.

At this time, Ancestor Mang was also sizing up Wang Shoujie, and couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile: "Not bad, not bad. You've reached the seventh level of the Qi Refining Realm at such a young age, which is truly remarkable."

Of course, what Ancestor Mang was most satisfied with was not Wang Shoujie's cultivation progress, but his character, behavior, and some of his clever tactics.

"Ancestor Mang is too kind," Wang Shoujie replied humbly, "I'm just relying on the family's resources to achieve this. If you had notified me earlier, I would have come to greet you, and it would not have been so rude."

"This visit was a secret, so I couldn't make a big announcement. What's the point of being polite or impolite?" Ancestor Mang laughed, "I've heard about your plans from Hui'er. You did well, and those people should be taught a lesson."

Wang Shoujie bowed: "Thank you, Ancestor Mang, for your support. Please, come to the main hall, and I'll treat you to a meal."

"No need," Ancestor Mang smiled and waved his hand, then turned his attention to Liu Yuanrui, "This child has the aura of the Liu Clan's technique, the 'Primordial Water Heart Scripture'. Is this a child of the Liu Clan?"

Wang Shoujie replied: "Ancestor Mang, this is Liu Yuanrui, the younger brother of my fiancée Liu Ruolan."

Liu Yuanrui was shocked, and quickly came back to his senses, hurriedly bowing: "Liu Clan Yuanrui pays respects to Ancestor Mang."

Although the Liu Clan and the Gong Sun Clan were not on good terms, they were not sworn enemies. Moreover, the younger generation should not be rude to the older generation, even if they were from different families.

"Originally, you're a child of the Liu Clan's Yuan generation. I met your older brother Yuanhui some time ago, and that child has a lot of potential. With the Liu Clan's current wealth, they can cultivate him well. However, your aura is unstable, and your body is loose and relaxed. In the future, you need to focus on cultivation, and who knows if you can reach the Spirit Realm Stage?" Ancestor Mang said with a senior's demeanor, offering some advice.

"Yes, I'll definitely work hard," Liu Yuanrui replied, sweating. One couldn't refute an elder's words, even if they were from another family.

After the greetings were over, Mother Gong Sunhui bowed to Ancestor Mang: "Grandfather, I've already communicated with Ancestor Longyan. She's been waiting for a long time, so let's go?"

As soon as Ancestor Longyan was mentioned, Ancestor Mang's expression turned serious, with a hint of respect in his eyes: "Hui'er, lead the way. I haven't seen Aunt Longyan in a long time."

Ancestor Mang's mother was Wang Lingdie, the fourth-generation direct daughter of the Wang Clan, who was Ancestor Longyan's niece. Therefore, Ancestor Longyan was Ancestor Mang's aunt.

Gong Sunhui led the way, followed by Ancestor Mang.

Wang Shoujie and Liu Yuanrui, the two younger generations, naturally followed behind.

They notified Ancestor Longyan and then entered her residence.

Ancestor Longyan was already waiting in the courtyard, with white hair flowing down her shoulders, wearing a veil, and dressed in simple, yet elegant clothes. She was so extraordinary, without a hint of worldly dust, just like a true immortal descended from heaven.

Wang Mei was disguised as Zhong Luoxian, and her temperament was vastly different from her elderly self, like heaven and earth, cloud and mud.

Ancestor Mang took the lead to pay his respects, bowing deeply and saying, "Gongsun Mang pays his respects to Ancestor Longyan."

"Ah, child," Ancestor Longyan's eyes, deep like the starry sky, also flashed with a hint of sadness. "Every time I see you, I can't help but think of the past. I remember when your mother was young, she would always look forward to my return from the academy, and she would have all sorts of delicious snacks ready. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, things have changed beyond recognition."

Listening to Ancestor Longyan's sentimental words, Wang Shoujie's heart couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. It turned out that Ancestor Mang's mother, Wang Lingdie, was also a foodie when she was young.

No wonder Ancestor Longyan was so fond of Wang Lici, that broken girl. It was because she saw the shadow of her young niece in her.

"Ancestor, my mother lived a peaceful life, free from worries and troubles. Please don't be too sentimental," Ancestor Mang consoled.

In reality, only Ancestor Mang knew that his mother, Wang Lingdie, had lived to be 80 years old, but had suffered from heart disease for the last 20 years, which couldn't be cured no matter what.

It was because of the hardships her maternal family had faced, and she was heartbroken for her ancestors, especially her Longyan aunt and her Mu Yuan brother. Even the best medicine could only cure the body, not the heart.

He also remembered that 25 years ago, before his mother Wang Lingdie passed away, she had grasped his hand and entrusted him, "Child, if you have the opportunity, you must support the Wang Clan."

He remembered those words.

Otherwise, why would Gong Sunhui go to great lengths to help Wang Dingyue remarry? If not for Ancestor Mang's efforts behind the scenes, Gong Sun Mo might not have agreed to the remarriage, and the other elders would not have consented.

"Ancestor Longyan, Ancestor Mang," Wang Shoujie advised, "let's sit down and talk. The past is the past, and we should look forward to a bright future."

The two elderly ancestors were not ordinary people, and they immediately composed themselves, taking their seats on the stone benches in the pavilion.

Liu Yuanrui finally had the opportunity to come forward and pay his respects: "Liu Yuanrui pays his respects to Ancestor Longyan."

Ancestor Longyan had personally visited the Liu Clan to arrange the marriage for Wang Shoujie, so she was naturally familiar with the young generation of the Liu Clan. Her voice was gentle as she said, "Yuanrui, this child, has the air of a scholar, and it seems he's preparing to take the imperial exams. That's a good path to take. However, don't neglect your cultivation."

With Ancestor Longyan's keen eyesight, she had naturally seen through Liu Yuanrui's problems.

"Yes, Ancestor," Liu Yuanrui replied, sweating profusely. He had already been criticized by the two elderly ancestors today.

He thought to himself, "I must work hard to cultivate when I get back."

Moreover, he was shocked to discover that his brother, Wang Shoujie, had already reached the 7th level of the Qi Refining Realm, which was not inferior to his 21-year-old brother, Liu Yuanhui.

Such potential was no wonder the family had finally agreed to this marriage.

Considering the situation the Wang Clan was facing, if Wang Shoujie had no value to offer, Ancestor Longyan might not have been able to open her mouth to agree to the marriage, no matter how much face she had.

Gong Sunhui began to brew tea and serve the two elderly ancestors, using the Shanyang small spiritual herb. She had also brought back fresh fruits and vegetables from her hometown.

Wang Shoujie and Liu Yuanrui, the two younger generations, stood obediently on the side, listening to their conversation.

After a long while, the conversation turned to Wang Shoujie.

First, there was the insect plague incident, and then, who knew why, a large shipment of grain had arrived from Qian's Trading Company. Immediately, they had sold the grain at a high price to the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan.

Now, he was planning to take down the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan's merger plan.

One ring was linked to another, trapping the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan in a predicament from which they couldn't escape. They had spent a high price to buy the grain, thinking they could take advantage of the situation and make a profit.

But now, Wang Shoujie had used the large-scale engineering project to clear the land and fill the ditches, which not only saved labor costs but also rescued the self-farming peasants who were about to fall into the hands of the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan, foiling their plans.

They had tried to steal a chicken but ended up losing their rice, damaging their reputation and failing to gain any benefits. Instead, they would be left with a large quantity of expensive grain.

After this incident, the Wang Clan's reputation in Ping'an Town would thoroughly surpass that of the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan.

Ancestor Mang praised Wang Shoujie highly.

Liu Yuanrui, on the other hand, was shocked, his eyes wide with amazement. His future brother-in-law, Wang Shoujie, was too formidable. This series of operations was dazzling, and not only had he foiled the plans of the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan, but he had also brought great benefits to the Wang Clan.

Even the two elderly ancestors were listening to his instructions and helping him handle the aftermath.

Ancestor Longyan, however, looked at Wang Shoujie with a deeper meaning. By mentioning so many things in front of Liu Yuanrui, she was naturally telling him to go back and report to the Liu Clan.

It was also to calm down some of the idle chatter within the Liu Clan.

However, Ancestor Longyan knew the unknown inner workings, and Wang Shoujie's "achievements" that could be publicly announced were limited to this.

His later plans were not only more ruthless but also absolutely couldn't be leaked to the outside world. This was related to the Wang Clan's future rise to power!

Ancestor Longyan was very clear that in Changning Garrison City, there were some families that were extremely unwilling to see the Wang Clan rise to power.

At this moment!

Her eyes flashed with a cold light.

She was now recovering from her injuries, and in the future, it would be her turn, Wang Longyan, to slowly take back what was owed to her.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 81: The Stepping Stone on Emperor Road


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