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Just when Liu Ruolei was in a state of chaos, Wang Shoujie walked over with a dark face, grabbed Wang Luoqiu's ear, and said, "Wang Luoqiu, have you gone crazy? This is Liu Ruolei, not Liu Ruolan!"

"Ah, Fourth Brother, let go. This is too embarrassing. I, Wang Luoqiu, am the future empress... Humph, when the time comes, don't blame me for flipping out..." Wang Luoqiu hadn't even finished speaking when she was already in pain, tears welling up in her eyes, and had to beg for mercy, saying, "Fourth Brother, I was wrong."

As soon as she apologized, Wang Shoujie let her go, laughing sarcastically, "The future empress, so easily suppressed?"

"Humph." Wang Luoqiu touched her red ear, saying, "Any genius's growth process is always filled with obstacles and thorns, and also lacks some cunning and deceit..."

Seeing Wang Shoujie's disapproving expression, Wang Luoqiu quickly changed her tone, speaking sincerely, "Of course, it's also impossible without someone like Fourth Brother, who cares for the protagonist and is considerate to the extreme, a spiritual guide on the path to becoming an emperor."

Wang Shoujie was speechless, thinking that this girl had read too many novels about young heroes. Did she really think she was the protagonist?

"Miss, I was wrong. I shouldn't have called you small." Wang Luoqiu apologized sincerely, then enthusiastically threw herself into working for the family's rise to power, "Wang Shouyong, what are you eating? Can't you even maintain order? If you can't handle the situation, let me do it."

"Wang Luotong, can you speed up the cooking? If you're too slow, you'll only be sent to marry someone else."

"Fourth Brother, please make way. Do what you need to do, don't block the path."

Wang Shoujie was quite speechless, but this broken girl did have a somewhat "genuine" side. Whoever she could beat, she would call by name, and whoever she couldn't, she would call "Third Brother" or "Fourth Brother".

"Ruolei, I apologize on behalf of Luoqiu," Wang Shoujie said with a bow, "She's just like this, but she doesn't have a bad heart."

"It's okay, it's okay," Liu Ruolei said, recovering from her embarrassment. "That Luoqiu sister of yours is quite lovable."

"Guardian Brother, your sister is too..." Liu Yuanrui was also extremely shocked.

"Not at all," Wang Shoujie quickly interrupted, denying it with a smile, "Our family just has Luoqiu, who is a bit lively, an exception. My sister Luo Jing is very understanding and obedient, gentle and courteous. Luo Jing, come and greet them..."

Just as he finished speaking, a loud cry was heard from the crowd.

A strong man covered in highly toxic ants was rolling on the ground, crying out in pain, "It hurts, it hurts so much, Little Aunt, spare my life, I was wrong, I shouldn't have stirred up trouble... Ah!"

"Fourth Brother, I caught a spy," Wang Luojing said, casually throwing out two fist-sized spiders and three centipedes, which quickly crawled onto the strong man's body, "This guy is a martial artist, probably a wandering practitioner. He dared to stir up trouble among the refugees, preparing to rob our family's food. Humph, you're a bad guy, I'll let the insects kill you."

The strong man's cries of pain were so pitiful that the surrounding people were shocked into silence.

Wang Shoujie's smile froze on his face. Did his sisters have to be like this? This was a disaster...

How would they face the consequences of canceling the engagement? How would they explain it to the Liu family?

Liu Yuanrui's cold sweat was dripping, and his gaze towards Wang Shoujie was also filled with doubt. Was this really the gentle and obedient sister?

You're sure these sisters are all gentle and obedient, not like wolves in sheep's clothing?

He subconsciously took a step back, thinking that coming to Ping'an Town was a mistake. This place was too dangerous!

"It's time to visit Aunt Gongsun and Ancestor Longyan," Liu Yuanrui said, bowing slightly, "This project has been inspected, and it's indeed a grand undertaking. However, it's getting late, and we should head back."

"Little brother, can you help me pay respects to Aunt and Ancestor? Anyway, I'm not on the list of officials, so I'll just stay here and help out." Liu Ruolei was indeed interested in helping Luo Jing, and she voluntarily stayed behind to assist. "Also, Brother Shoujie, I see many people are already very hungry. Can we give them some congee first and then let them register?"

She was, after all, a young lady from a wealthy family, unaccustomed to seeing the hardships of the world.

"Sister Ruolei is right," Wang Shoujie said with a bow. "I was thinking too narrowly. I'll have Luoqiu arrange it. And you can stay here to help out too. I'll have the retainers take good care of you."

"Brother Shoujie, I'm not a weak little girl who can't even truss a chicken," Liu Ruolei said with a slight smile, before running off to join Wang Luoqiu and continue working.

Wang Shoujie went to instruct Wang Luotong and then returned to the carriage with Liu Yuanrui, heading towards the main residence.

In the carriage:

"Brother Shoujie, your sister is really quite lively," Liu Yuanrui said, still feeling a bit uneasy. As the second son, he wasn't particularly interested in cultivation and wasn't likely to reach the Spirit Realm Stage.

So, he usually acted like a scholar, emphasizing etiquette. But he didn't expect Wang Shoujie's sister to be one of a kind, each one more fierce than the last.

"Hehe, Yuanrui, it seems like Sister Ruolei has hidden her aura," Wang Shoujie said, changing the subject. "I couldn't see through her cultivation."

There were two possibilities when someone's cultivation couldn't be seen through: either their cultivation was far superior, or they had used a method to hide their aura.

"This..." Liu Yuanrui hesitated before speaking, "Brother Shoujie, you're also one of us. To be honest, our family's Ruolei has a good innate talent for cultivation. She's been favored by Ancestor Xiangfu since she was young. We just don't want to reveal her progress, so Ancestor Xiangfu gave her a treasure that can conceal her aura. In two years, Ancestor Xiangfu will take her to the academy."

Wang Shoujie had already had some suspicions, but he was still surprised and envious: "Congratulations, Yuanrui. Your Liu Clan's luck is really good."

Being favored by Ancestor Xiangfu, Liu Ruolei must have exceptional talent and potential. With the academy's resources and family support, as long as nothing unexpected happened, she would definitely become a Spirit Realm expert in the future.

The path to the academy was a dream come true for many lower-class families. The academy was not like a family; it had a broader stage and more resources. The future development of a family's children would become limitless.

However, the academy's rules for elite disciples were very strict. They could contribute to their family to some extent, but ultimately, they belonged to the academy. The academy invested a lot of resources and teaching power, not to cultivate talent for families, but to contribute to the academy.

This was why Ancestor Longyan had to give up her elite disciple status when she returned to her family as the patriarch.

Moreover, Ancestor Longyan's actions were almost equivalent to betraying the academy. The academy ultimately let her off with a warning, which was already very lenient, and there must have been her teacher's intervention.

But even with the Purple Palace Academy's strict rules, most families would still try to send their talented children there. This could help their family establish a presence within the academy, openly or secretly, and other families would also show more respect.

Because no one could predict how far a family's child would develop in the future. If they could achieve the Heaven-Human Realm, the entire family would bask in their glory, at the very least ensuring the family's prosperity for hundreds of years.

And in this process, the family might even rise to become a Celestial Clan, which was not impossible.

According to Wang Shoujie's knowledge, any Celestial Clan would definitely have people in the academy, and most likely more than one.

Let's put aside the idle chatter for now.

Wang Shoujie and Liu Yuanrui arrived at the main residence, following the rules of etiquette. He went to pay respects to Gong Sunhui.

Although the Shanyin Liu Clan and the Shanyang Gongsun Clan had many grudges due to the mineral resources in the same mountain, etiquette still couldn't be neglected, especially since Gong Sunhui was now the matriarch of the Wang Clan.

Gong Sunhui, dressed in formal attire, received Liu Yuanrui in the main hall of the residence.

After some small talk, Liu Yuanrui brought up the topic of visiting Ancestor Longyan.

"Don't hurry, Yuanrui," Gong Sunhui said with a smile. "We still need to wait for someone, and then we'll go to Ancestor Longyan's residence together."

Liu Yuanrui was puzzled but politely suppressed his curiosity, sipping tea and chatting with Wang Shoujie. "Brother Shoujie, I came to pay respects to you this time. First, I want to thank you on behalf of my family for sending a retainer to notify us about the insect plague. Second, I'm entrusted by my sister to bring you a gift."

He then handed over two gift lists.

When Wang Shoujie discovered the signs of the insect plague, he immediately wrote to notify all the families with whom they had a marital relationship.

This gesture of mutual support and assistance was something the Liu Clan couldn't ignore. They had to send a messenger and a gift to express their gratitude.

As for Liu Ruolan's private gift, it was because Gong Sunhui had suggested earlier that Wang Shoujie send the best parts of the East Sea arrow flag he had caught, which Liu Ruolan had then sent back as a gift.

Liu Ruolan's gift was a type of Spirit Tea called Cloud Mist Spiritual Herb, weighing about 3 taels.

This gift of Cloud Mist Spiritual Herb made Wang Shoujie feel slightly comforted and also gave him a good impression of Liu Ruolan.

Her choice of gift was a simple yet elegant Spirit Tea, which was exactly what Wang Shoujie, a cultivator on the path to the Spirit Realm Stage, needed. Its value was comparable to the Spirit Fish Wang Shoujie had sent, neither more nor less.

This gift made people feel at ease and could be seen as a thoughtful gesture. It was clear that she had put a lot of thought into it.

Although there was no accompanying letter, one could sense her importance and expectations for the future.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 80: Old Ancestor Mang Arrives


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