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He found an excuse to temporarily send Wang Lici away and listed out the recent plans that needed to be executed, as well as the parts that required Ancestor Longyan's cooperation.

In the cool pavilion.

Ancestor Longyan's snow-white long hair fluttered slightly in the wind, and her eyes, like a pair of stars, shone with a captivating light. Her words were calm, but her tone was deadly: "Guardian's plan is excellent, but why am I only arranged to be the backup? The yin poison in my body has already been refined by more than half, and I won't need to worry about backlash when I take action."

"Even if this plan attracts an old ghost, I, Wang Longyan, can pay the price to kill it. If it attracts two old ghosts, I'm not afraid either."

Wang Shoujie rubbed his forehead, thinking that his Ancestor Longyan was fine, but her temper was too fierce.

This was like playing cards - who would throw away the Wang Zha card at the beginning?

He had arranged Ancestor Longyan into the plan just in case, as a backup card. Now that her injuries were recovering quickly, how could he let her pay the price again?

This kind of thinking was unacceptable.

Immediately, Wang Shoujie spoke seriously: "Ancestor, the conflict between the Martial Clans is not like a personal fight or a battle. Because every participant is a family member, retainer, or close friend. Once a mistake occurs, it may cause irreparable losses."

Ancestor Longyan's slender body trembled, and she calmed down slightly, apologizing: "Guardian, you're right. I, Wang Longyan, have been spoiled for half my life, making many mistakes and causing many irreparable past mistakes. I must calm down and reflect on my own shortcomings."

"Ancestor," Wang Shoujie hurriedly said, "your contributions and sacrifices to the family are immense, and we younger generations remember them in our hearts. However, the times have changed, and our Wang Clan is in the dark, while the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan are in the light. What we need to do is protect ourselves while taking a big bite out of the opponent. It's like collecting interest before paying back the debt."

"In terms of strategy, I'm not as good as Guardian," Ancestor Longyan's eyes flashed, "I'll follow your arrangements."

After getting Ancestor Longyan's consent, Wang Shoujie's heavy heart was finally at ease. In reality, he didn't need Ancestor Longyan to participate in the plan. He was just afraid of unexpected situations.

Ancestor Longyan's move was meant to be the last resort, and it was better not to use it, considering her body had just started to recover.

"Very well," Wang Shoujie bowed and took his leave, "please take good care of your body, Ancestor. I'll notify you when it's time to act."

As he left, he didn't forget to take Wang Lici, who was eating, away with him, to avoid disturbing Ancestor Longyan's rest.


More than an hour later.

At the dock in the backyard, a Black Canopy Boat slowly set sail. Wang Lici was holding a bundle of things, which was blown about by the wind. The bundle contained not only her change of clothes but also a large stack of ancient classics carefully selected by Fourth Uncle.

Was this the arrangement?

"Big girl," Wang Shoujie bid farewell to her on the shore, "while contributing to the family at Xingsheng Farm, be sure to listen to Sixth Elder's words. Fourth Uncle loves and values you the most among all the younger siblings and juniors. This is a great opportunity, and your brother Wang Zongwei won't be able to get it even in his next life."

"Thank you so much, Fourth Uncle, for your love and value," Wang Lici's tears burst forth like a spring, "I'm really too grateful."

"No need to thank me, everything is implied," Wang Shoujie was also moved to tears, as if sending off his own daughter, "Wang Ju, Wang Zhu, you two must take good care of Miss Li Ci on the way. Don't be lazy for even a moment."

"Yes, master."

The two female retainers responded in unison, then fixed their gaze on Wang Lici. It was clear that their real task was not to take care of her but to "escort" her.

The boat gradually sailed away.

Wang Shoujie finally stopped waving goodbye and walked back with a light and happy step.

However, Wang Shoujie was actually sending her away to temper her character. Otherwise, this broken child would spend her days eating and sleeping, thinking that she could become very strong in martial arts without practicing?

What kind of martial arts or cultivation method would allow her to become strong without effort?

You're not realistic!

How long would it take to temper her? Three months was too long, and half a month was too short. Let's make it one month, and by then, she would be tempered enough. Then, he would bring her back and teach her well.

Li Ci, don't blame your Fourth Uncle for being heartless.

As the saying goes, a precious sword is forged through tempering, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. Without effort, how can there be a reward?

Wang Gui, who was following beside him, was even more cautious. He was really afraid of offending the master and being sent to mine coal.

Originally, Wang Shoujie had planned to take Wang Lici to the Wei City to stroll around and pick up some Spirit Stones to use. However, with the current chaos in Changning Guard, he would rather not take the risk for now.

Wang Shoujie had just returned to the courtyard when he heard the doorkeeper rush in to report that Gong Sun Zhong from the Gong Sun Clan and Wang Liu Yu from the Luoyu generation had arrived to visit their maternal home. They had received a letter from the clan leader and had come over afterwards.

As soon as Wang Shoujie heard they had arrived, his mood lifted, thinking that the matter he had entrusted to Gong Sun Zhong had made progress. He immediately had the doorkeeper lead the way to the guest reception courtyard.

It was already late afternoon, and everyone was taking a break. "Third Aunt, Third Uncle," Wang Shoujie greeted with a bow as he entered.

Gong Sun Zhong and Wang Liu Yu also hurriedly returned the courtesy. Although they were of high rank, Wang Shoujie was the Patriarch of the Wang Clan.

"Luo Tong and Luo Jing are also here," Wang Shoujie smiled and greeted the two sisters, then turned to Aunt Xu Zhirou and bowed respectfully, "Guardian, I pay my respects to Fourth Aunt."

Aunt Xu Zhirou had taken care of him and Wang Luoyi for a period, and this favor was forever remembered.

"You're too polite, Guardian," Xu Zhirou also hurriedly returned the courtesy.

Their appearance here was also very normal, as Wang Liu Yu and Luo Jing's deceased father, Wang Dingbang, was a close brother, and the relationship between the two families was naturally not ordinary.

After a round of greetings, they had dinner.

In the evening, Wang Shoujie met with Gong Sun Zhong alone, and Gong Sun Zhong had his servants deliver some items to his courtyard. There were baskets and baskets of stones, iron ore powder, white gypsum, and all sorts of other things.

"Guardian, when you wrote to me, you described some things, and I've brought them all for you. I didn't know if they were right, so I brought a lot of miscellaneous things," said Gong Sun Zhong, a dark-skinned and very honest man.

He had been working in the Gong Sun Clan's mines since he was 18 and was extremely familiar with various ores. If Wang Shoujie wanted to develop cement, he couldn't avoid involving the Gong Sun Clan.

To be honest, there was no need to avoid it. With the Ping'an Wang Clan's strength, trying to monopolize the benefits of cement would be too risky. In his plan, if the cement industry was to be successful, he would at least need to pull in the Gong Sun Clan and the Chen Clan of Donggang together.

Of course, this was on the condition that the research was successful.

"Thank you, Third Uncle. How much does it all cost?" Wang Shoujie asked gratefully. "I'll settle the account with you."

"It's all just worthless scraps, not even worth ten carts. My second uncle also instructed me not to accept payment," Gong Sun Zhong hurriedly waved his hand.

"Then thank you, Third Uncle, and thank you, Grandfather," Wang Shoujie bowed in gratitude, not making a fuss about it.

After chatting for a bit, the inarticulate Gong Sun Zhong took his leave.

As for the development of cement, Wang Shoujie had basically figured out the direction. He had recently thought about it and roughly outlined some directions. This thing was not much different from oyster shell ash, just by burning limestone with some miscellaneous things and then mixing it with gypsum, and then grinding it into powder.

Most of the raw materials were very cheap, and the only slightly valuable thing was iron powder, but the content should be very low.

Wang Shoujie naturally wouldn't develop cement himself, but had already found a kiln worker from the Wang Clan's side branch who specialized in burning kilns. This kiln worker's family had been building kilns and burning bricks for many generations.

It was said that their ancestors were also specialized kiln workers and had followed Ancestor Zouxuan south because of this skill. Many of the bricks in their main residence were made by this side branch.

"Wang Gui," Wang Shoujie handed over the "Cement Development Guide" he had written to Wang Gui to handle. "These are all organized from ancient books, about the clues of 'iron mud', which has similar properties to oyster shell ash. I don't understand the rest. You can hand over this data and the ten or so carts of development materials to Wang Jingyuan tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Master," Wang Gui replied and took the documents.

Wang Shoujie naturally attached great importance to the development of cement and hoped it would be successful, but he was ultimately an outsider. It was better to provide direction to professionals, as kiln workers had dealt with bricks and tiles all their lives and were not unfamiliar with oyster shell ash or even some earth-made adhesives.

These professionals were rich in experience and also had intelligent and talented people. Many times, it was just a matter of lacking a flash of inspiration.

As for not being able to develop it for the time being, it didn't matter, and it would eventually be figured out.

Similarly, for papermaking, Wang Shoujie had only written the "Paper Development Guide" and found some intelligent and reliable side branch clan members who were woodworkers, gave them a research fee, and let them handle it themselves.

The side branch population had this advantage, and talented people in various industries could always be found.

However, Wang Shoujie's current greater effort was needed to focus on the big plan to deal with the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan.


Night had already fallen deeply.

Outside the An River Dingpu Ferry Terminal, a luxurious mid-sized cabin cruiser was floating on the waves. This ship was clearly not a transport ship but was specially used for the travel of high-ranking individuals.

The cabin's construction was exquisite, with expensive wood and colors used everywhere, exuding a luxurious and high-end atmosphere.

The main hall inside was even more luxurious, like a wealthy family's living room had been moved onto the ship. Those ancient vases that looked extremely valuable wouldn't be afraid of being broken by a gust of wind?

It was clear how luxurious it was.

However, at this time, two very young and handsome men were facing each other in the hall. There was also a beautiful woman standing beside them, looking like a celestial being, with a pair of captivating eyes that would steal glances at one and then the other.

She was secretly making a judgment in her heart, thinking that the master was even more handsome.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 73: Be Careful Don't Act Sloppily


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