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Sixth Elder Wang Xiaohan was somewhat surprised and uncertain, but ultimately respected Wang Shoujie's decision.

As the current Patriarch, he was the master of the family, and if he strongly opposed selling the immature 500-year-old Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, no one would dare to sell it.

Following this, Wang Shoujie also inquired about the remaining six or seven plots of Mid-Grade Spiritual Field.

These plots also cultivated Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, ranging from low to high quality, with the worst being 10 years old and the best reaching 70 years old.

"We don't sell Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng to outsiders," Wang Xiaohan explained. "Instead, we use it to slowly accumulate our family's foundation. Therefore, although these two plots of Mid-Grade Spiritual Field produce a significant value, at least half of the profit is invested in expanding the cultivation of Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng."

"Correct," Wang Shoujie nodded in approval. "A family that wants to thrive in the long run doesn't rely on short-term profits, but on long-term investments and outputs. This way, the family's foundation will gradually become more solid, and when good opportunities arise, we can take advantage of them. If we encounter disasters or crises, we can rely on our foundation to support us."

These two plots of Mid-Grade Spiritual Field, operated secretly outside of the family's assets, theoretically violated the martial arts family's taboo.

However, this wasn't a case of a family member operating private property for personal gain. In a broad sense, it was still part of the family's assets, and while accumulating the family's foundation, it also occasionally contributed to the family's prosperity.

Operating private property for personal gain was a major taboo in martial arts families, as it would lead to internal strife and eventually cause the family to split apart.

If a family member truly wanted to develop their own business, they could do so after negotiating with the family and obtaining their agreement. This was known as "branching out."

At that point, the new branch would be recorded as a branch of the Ping'an Wang Clan's bloodline.

For example, the Jinsha Xu Clan was a branch of the Changning Xu Clan, although they had split into two independent entities over 100 years ago.

The Ping'an Wang Clan was also a branch of the Longzuo Wang Clan's bloodline, and the Longzuo Wang Clan's ancestral hall would certainly have records of Ancestor Zouxuan's lineage.

However, the records wouldn't include how many people were part of the lineage or who the descendants were. At most, there would be some historical records noting the prominent figures from this branch.

Let's not digress.

After touring the family's secret foundation, Wang Shoujie's mood was greatly improved, and with these assets, his confidence was further boosted.

Wang Xiaohan then led Wang Shoujie on a tour of Xingsheng Farm, where they gained a deeper understanding of the farm's operations.

After achieving his goal, Wang Shoujie, accompanied by Wang Shouye, took a boat ride back to his residence.

On the way, Wang Shoujie took out paper and pen, sometimes deep in thought and sometimes recording notes. Wang Shouye, sitting beside him, seemed curious: "Fourth Brother, what are you writing?"

"The system panel."

"Oh." Wang Shouye didn't understand what a system panel was, but he felt that Fourth Brother was incredibly impressive and worthy of admiration.

Indeed, Wang Shoujie would never give up on gradually establishing and updating his system panel.

The Black Canopy Boat rocked gently as it sailed back to the residence.

Wang Shoujie encouraged Wang Shouye with a few words before sending him off with a servant, Wang Gui. He then carried a bag of fresh fruit and headed towards the Longyan Residence.

When he arrived outside the Longyan Residence, Wang Shoujie found Big Girl Wang Lici snooping around. He immediately turned serious: "Big Girl, what are you doing sneaking around?"

"Ah? Fourth Uncle..."

Wang Lici was so scared that her legs turned soft, and she honestly confessed, "I, I came to find Old Ancestor."

"Nonsense," Wang Shoujie scolded, his brow furrowed. "The Longyan Residence is a forbidden area. Without Old Ancestor's summons, how dare you disturb Old Ancestor's quiet cultivation?"

"I, I..." Wang Lici was so scared that her face turned pale, her eyes brimming with tears. "Fourth Uncle, I just wanted to ask Old Ancestor for guidance on martial arts techniques."

"Martial arts techniques?" Wang Shoujie looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure you're not here to ask Old Ancestor for food?"

"Fourth Uncle, how could you say that about me?" Wang Lici was offended, her face filled with grievance, and she weakly pouted. "Don't you think I have ambitions too? I want to become stronger."

Hearing this, Wang Shoujie's stern expression softened, and he apologized, rubbing her head: "It turns out that my Li Ci does have ambitions. I, Fourth Uncle, misunderstood. I apologize to you."

Hmph, don't want to talk to you.

Wang Lici turned her head away, pouting, her eyes brimming with tears, looking very wronged and pitiful.

"By the way, I just visited Xingsheng Farm," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "I picked some fresh sweet melons. The weather is good this year, and the melons are sweet and juicy. Do you want one?"

As he spoke, he took out a green sweet melon from his bag.

"Want, want, want." Wang Lici's eyes lit up immediately, and she took the watermelon and started eating it with gusto, her eyes narrowing in satisfaction as she chewed. "This watermelon is so sweet and delicious, thank you, Fourth Uncle."

"Li Ci, having ambition is a good thing," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "However, Ancestor Longyan's health is not good, so try not to disturb her unless necessary. With your current level of martial arts, Fourth Uncle's guidance is already sufficient. From tomorrow on, meet me at my training grounds at 5 am, and Fourth Uncle will train with you. Eat slowly, and I'll give you another watermelon."

Wang Lici listened to the first half of the sentence just fine, but the second half made her tremble with fear, and she stopped eating the watermelon. "Fourth Uncle, isn't 5 am a bit too early?" she asked weakly.

"It's not early," Wang Shoujie replied, furrowing his brow. "Now that summer has arrived, the sky is already bright at 5 am. That's the best time to practice martial arts."

Wang Lici blinked her eyes curiously. "Is there a way to become very skilled in martial arts without practicing, just by eating and drinking every day?"

Wang Shoujie's face twitched, and he couldn't help but laugh. "You really believe that, don't you?"

Just then, Wang Shoujie took the watermelon back from Wang Lici and put it back in the bag, then turned to leave for the Longyan residence.

"Hey, Fourth Uncle, that's my watermelon How can you take it away from me?" Wang Lici chased after him, asking, "Fourth Uncle, is it possible that there's a martial art that allows you to become very skilled just by eating and drinking?"

Wang Shoujie coldly laughed twice, thinking that Wang Lici was still naive.

"Come in, don't make a fuss outside," Ancestor Longyan's voice called out from inside the Longyan residence.

Wang Shoujie responded and pushed open the door, while Wang Lici followed closely behind, noticing that Fourth Uncle's expression was not good. She quickly added, "Ancestor Longyan said to come in."

Wang Shoujie glared at her, then went in to pay his respects to Ancestor Longyan.

At this time, Ancestor Longyan had already moved to the pavilion and was waiting for them. Wang Shoujie bowed and greeted her, noticing that her aura seemed much better, and even her white hair seemed to have a layer of invisible luster. He was overjoyed and said, "Congratulations, Ancestor Longyan, your body is recovering well."

Wang Lici also rushed forward to pay her respects, repeating Wang Shoujie's words, which made Wang Shoujie's eyes twitch.

However, Ancestor Longyan seemed to enjoy Wang Lici's antics, and her mood was also good. She beckoned Wang Lici to come closer, asking, "Why haven't you come to visit me for a while, child?"

This scene made Wang Shoujie slightly surprised. What had Wang Lici fed Ancestor Longyan to make her so fond of her?

Wang Lici then began to flatter Ancestor Longyan, massaging her shoulders and arms, saying, "Fourth Uncle said that the Longyan residence is a forbidden area for the family, and I shouldn't disturb Ancestor Longyan's quiet cultivation. Oh, Ancestor, I've been thinking about you every day, and I've even lost weight."

Wang Shoujie's expression turned cold, thinking that Wang Lici was daring to play tricks on him.

Ancestor Longyan looked at Wang Lici and said, "It seems like you've lost some weight." Then she turned to Wang Shoujie and said, "From now on, if Li Ci wants to come, let her come."

Wang Lici, who was hiding behind Ancestor Longyan, revealed a triumphant expression to Wang Shoujie.

Wang Shoujie said, "Ancestor, I'm just afraid that she'll be too noisy and disturb your cultivation."

Ancestor Longyan replied, "It's okay. Li Ci is a gentle and considerate child, and having her around will help my injuries heal faster."

Wang Shoujie acknowledged Wang Lici's skill in flattering people and said, "Ancestor likes it, so it's fine. These fruits are freshly picked from the farm, please try some."

Wang Lici rushed forward, took the bag, and washed two watermelons with great enthusiasm. She naturally gave one to Ancestor Longyan and kept one for herself, saying, "Ancestor, please eat the watermelon. I've tried it, and it's very sweet and juicy."

Then she ate with great relish.

Wang Shoujie was impressed by Wang Lici's thick skin.

Seeing her eat so happily, Ancestor Longyan turned around, lifted her veil, and also took two bites, saying, "This year's summer has been dry, so the watermelons are sweeter than usual."

Seeing Ancestor Longyan's good mood, Wang Shoujie felt relieved. Recently, Ancestor Longyan had been recovering well, and her body had become more plump and her aura more vibrant.

This meant that the Wang Clan's 50-year streak of bad luck was about to end. It was time to settle scores and rise again.

Wang Shoujie's mood also improved greatly.

However, before that, he still needed to take care of Wang Lici's future.

This child had ambition, loved good food, and was full of passion and imagination for life. She also knew how to please her elders.

Such an excellent child deserved to be arranged to accompany Sixth Grandfather in planting spirit fields, which would be the most suitable.

Moreover, Wang Lici loved to read and had a spiritual nature. She couldn't be deprived of new books and ancient classics. The Wang Clan might be poor, but they couldn't be poor in educating their children.

Wang Shoujie thought of Wang Lici working hard in the fields during the day and reading under the stars at night, and he couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile.

The hope for the Wang Clan's rise depended on these excellent younger generations.

We, the elders, should support them during their critical growth period.

Wang Lici, who was eating her third watermelon, felt a bit uneasy, as if something was off, and her back felt cool and sweaty.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 72: Brother-in-law and Wife's Younger Brother


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