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The soul within the little girl's body is gone, and Yang Haoran staying here naturally loses its meaning. After all, what remains in the bag now is just the decaying flesh of the little girl.

Although he doesn't know who could be so heartless, it's not within his jurisdiction anyway.

Moreover, even if he wanted to intervene, he couldn't. After all, he's not a police officer, and solving cases is not his forte.

If the soul of the little girl were still in her body, it would be easier to handle. At least, some information could be gleaned from her mouth. The problem is that the soul has already left the body, and the bag only contains the rotting corpse. Faced with this situation, he is truly helpless.

Furthermore, the man beside him has already called the police, and he doesn't want unnecessary trouble. So, he decides to leave immediately.

Seeing Yang Haoran getting up as if to leave, the man's face changes, and he quickly grabs Yang Haoran.

"Brother! You can't leave! If you leave, what if... what if the police come later? What do I do?"

Yang Haoran looks at the man and calmly says, "If the police come, just tell them the truth."

"What truth? I didn't kill anyone! What do I need to confess?"

At this point, the man seems to suddenly realize something and looks at Yang Haoran with shock.

"You killed the person, right? Otherwise, how do you know there's a corpse in the bag! It must be you! You must be the murderer!"

Instead of letting go, the man tightens his grip on Yang Haoran, but from his expression, it's evident that he's filled with fear at the moment.

Looking at the man, Yang Haoran is somewhat surprised by his reaction. He didn't expect the man to be scared to this extent and still dare to hold onto him tightly.

"If I were really the murderer, grabbing me like this, what do you think I would do?" Yang Haoran asks with a smile.

This sudden smile from Yang Haoran makes the man shiver involuntarily. In that moment, he feels a chill running from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Since Yang Haoran appeared earlier, he felt a chill, but he didn't pay much attention at that time. After all, the weather was getting colder, and being by the river, feeling a bit chilly was normal.

But now, due to being close to Yang Haoran, he suddenly realizes that this icy cold feeling is not caused by the weather; it's emanating from the man with a seemingly friendly smile in front of him.

At this moment, with Yang Haoran so close, it's as if he's an air conditioner blowing cold air continuously.

The man quickly releases his grip, looking flustered. Without saying a word, he runs away, afraid that Yang Haoran might chase and kill him.

Watching the man, who has wet himself, Yang Haoran doesn't bother to chase. He has no interest in such ordinary people, even if the man treated him poorly earlier. He has no intention of doing anything to him.

It's like how humans treat ants. Whether they care or not, step on or let them be, it entirely depends on their mood. Unless ants are actively seeking death, who has the leisure to go around finding each ant just to step on it?

Of course, for those with mental issues or special fetishes, it's a different story.

Withdrawing his gaze from the man, Yang Haoran takes one last look at the stinky hemp bag beside him, sighs softly, and shakes his head.

"The police will give you justice. Hopefully, you haven't done anything foolish by now, or else you might lose the chance for reincarnation."

After saying this, Yang Haoran leaves.

The man fishing hasn't run far. After running for a while, he stops when he doesn't hear footsteps behind him. Gathering courage, he looks back.

To his relief, Yang Haoran hasn't followed. Instead, he has left, strolling with his hands in his pockets. The man can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he fears that Yang Haoran might resort to killing to cover his tracks. The feared scenario hasn't happened, but the man is still filled with fear. Trembling all over, he looks at the mobile phone screen in his hand. Without hesitation, he dials the emergency number again.

"Hello, hello! I'm the one who reported the incident just now! I found the murderer! He's trying to escape now! I dare not stop him! Hurry!"

"Yes, yes, yes! He's already gone! I don't know where he's headed! He's wearing a suit, long hair, looks ordinary, but this person is weird. He's like an air conditioner, no, no, no, he's like an air conditioner. No, that's not right..."

The man is describing Yang Haoran to the police. At this point, he is convinced that Yang Haoran is the murderer, and his report is filled with certainty.

Yang Haoran is unaware of the man's second call to the police, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

The response time of the Ancheng police is quite fast. Shortly after Yang Haoran leaves, the police arrive at the scene. To clear himself, the man embellishes the story and tells the police again, pointing all fingers at the departed Yang Haoran.

The police, of course, won't blindly believe the man's one-sided story, but they won't dismiss it entirely either.

So, the body of the little girl is taken away, and the man is also brought back to the police station. Meanwhile, the Ancheng police mobilize a significant force, blocking various intersections, searching for Yang Haoran's whereabouts.

Regardless of whether Yang Haoran is the murderer or not, he will undoubtedly be brought to the police station for questioning. With the information and characteristics provided by the man fishing, the police are confident they can locate Yang Haoran.

After leaving the riverside, Yang Haoran quickly enters Ancheng using some of his abilities. After casually inquiring, he learns the location of the largest Death God Temple in Ancheng.

Calling a car, Yang Haoran heads straight to his destination.

The largest Death God Temple in Ancheng is much larger and livelier than the South Lake Death God Temple in Lecheng.

Standing at the entrance of the Death God Temple, Yang Haoran watches the believers coming and going, a trademark smile on his face.

"I wonder if my arrival will surprise her."

Although Yang Haoran doesn't know where Xu Meijing lives, he has a plan in mind. After entering the Death God Temple, he plans to inquire with any temple priest to get the answers.

Concealing his Yin Qi and power fluctuations as much as possible, Yang Haoran enters the Death God Temple along with other believers.

He doesn't completely seal his Yin Qi and power because he feels it's unnecessary. After all, he is here to investigate, not to assassinate, and there's no need to go to that extent.

Moreover, if he completely seals his Yin Qi and power, how would the temple priests in the Death God Temple sense his presence?

Upon entering the Death God Temple, the first thing that catches his eye is a massive Death God divine statue.

The Death God divine statue looks fierce and terrifying, but it's not the real appearance of the Death God; it's the representation of the Death God's Dharma.

All gods have their own Dharma, whether it's the Death God or any other deity.

Yang Haoran has seen the real Dharma of the Death God before. During the Ghost Building battle, Deng Feng summoned the Dharma of the Death God to deal with Zhong Siyu. Although Deng Feng's summoned Death God Dharma was vague at the time, it was undoubtedly the Dharma of the Death God.

Back then, Yang Haoran couldn't comprehend the power of this move, and he couldn't perform it himself. However, now he is capable of it.

As for how he learned it, he owes it to the secret techniques collected by Deng Feng that can be used by the Underworld Envoys.

However, up to this point, Yang Haoran has rarely used his soul weapon, let alone perform such powerful secret techniques.

In fact, summoning the Dharma of the Death God is not a big secret among Burial Masters. Even if he didn't get the technique recorded by Deng Feng, he could obtain it from other Burial Masters or directly inquire from his boss, the mysterious figure in black.

Looking at the towering Death God divine statue, Yang Haoran feels a surge of emotions, not because the divine statue brings him great shock, but because he envisions having his own divine statue someday, worshipped by believers!

Shaking his head, Yang Haoran dismisses this distant goal from his mind. Then, as if sensing something, he looks towards the bottom of the Death God divine statue.

Below the Death God divine statue, many believers are devoutly praying, and one person attracts Yang Haoran's attention.

From the back, it seems to be a woman. The reason for using "seems" is that in today's society, some people are hard to distinguish even from the front, let alone from behind.

What attracts Yang Haoran is not the person's gender but the Yin Qi he senses from her, and this Yin Qi is quite strong.

"What's going on today?"

Yang Haoran smiles wryly. He didn't want to get involved in this matter, but after some hesitation, he decides to approach the person.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 304: A Great Surprise


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