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All Novels | Realm of the Night God: Chapter List 


The sudden turn of events naturally drew the attention of the temple priests in the Death God Temple.

Temple priests, all belonging to the Night Watch, possessed Yin spirit power within them, making them highly sensitive to Yin Qi.

In the eyes of the police, Yang Haoran was just a wanted suspect, but for these temple priests, he was different.

"This person is entangled with Yin Qi, and there is a faint emission of Yin spirit power within. He should be from our Yin Division," one temple priest murmured with a furrowed brow, secretly activating the ghost eye to confirm Yang Haoran's identity.

"How about it? Is he from our Yin Division?" another temple priest asked.

"No mistake. There is a Death Mark Seal on his forehead, confirming that he is indeed from our Yin Division. However, I've never seen him before. Is he a new recruit from the divine envoy to the Night Watch?" The temple priest frowned, looking puzzled.

"Regardless of whether he's a new Night Watch recruit or not, since he belongs to our Yin Division, we must handle this matter. You contact Spirit Police, and I'll inform the divine envoy. Others, stabilize the situation."

This temple priest seemed to be the head of the Death God Temple, and faced with such a situation, he calmly made arrangements.

On the other side, the dark muzzles were aimed at Yang Haoran, and one of the police officers shouted loudly at him, "Don't move! Bow down and cover your head!!!"

"Excuse me, gentlemen, have you made a mistake? I am not a criminal," Yang Haoran said with a wry smile.

"We will investigate if there's a mistake, but for now, please cooperate and accompany us to the police station."

The police would not disband just because of Yang Haoran's words. Their main objective in this operation was to apprehend Yang Haoran, and since they had surrounded him, they were determined to take him back.

This situation of being surrounded by the police was not the first time Yang Haoran had encountered. When dealing with the Decaying Corpse Granny, he was once mistaken for a home invasion murderer, similarly facing police with guns pointed at him.

At that time, he was still an ordinary person, lacking the ability to resist and afraid to do so, as per the laws of the New Genesis World. If he resisted, the police could shoot him dead.

Therefore, in that situation, he had to follow the police's instructions.

However, now, surrounded by the police once again with guns pointed at him, he made a completely different choice.

Instead of bowing down and covering his head as instructed by the police, he calmly smoked a cigarette.

Some people can remain calm in challenging situations because they have formidable strength as their backing. If the strength is lacking, they will face restrictions everywhere, being passive and vulnerable to exploitation.

The present Yang Haoran was no longer the same as before. So, when faced with a similar situation again, his reaction was completely different.

Seeing Yang Haoran not complying with their instructions, the police surrounding him looked displeased.

"I'll warn you one last time, bow down and cover your head, or we'll open fire!" a police officer shouted.

"Wait, everyone! Is there a misunderstanding here?" Two temple priests rushed over, trying to intervene.

If it were Spirit Police, they would certainly give some face to the temple priests because they knew the temple priests had special abilities.

However, ordinary police officers wouldn't care about these temple priests; in their eyes, temple priests were no different from charlatans.

"Ignore the unrelated individuals! Otherwise, we'll arrest all of you together!" One police officer shouted loudly before the temple priests could approach. At the same time, two police officers aimed their guns at the temple priests.

It was normal for the police to react this way. If they didn't, and these temple priests turned out to be accomplices, launching a sudden attack on them, what would they do?

Therefore, their caution was necessary.

With guns pointed at them, the two temple priests stopped in their tracks, not daring to approach further. It wasn't that they couldn't, but they didn't want to escalate the situation, making it difficult to resolve later.

However, at that moment, the leading police officer's phone rang. He took out his mobile phone, glanced at it, hesitated for a moment, and ordered the other police officers, "Watch them; I'll take this call."

After a moment, the police officer returned to the group, looked at Yang Haoran with a strange expression, and then ordered the other police officers, "Disband; we made a mistake."

The other police officers' expressions changed, not expecting their team leader to suddenly issue such a command. However, none of them spoke, and they all put away their firearms, leaving the Death God Temple with their team leader.

After the police left, temple priests from the Death God Temple approached Yang Haoran one after another. Some had smiles on their faces, while others wore expressions of curiosity.

"Temple Master, what did the divine envoy say? Is this person a new recruit?" a temple priest whispered to the temple master.

The temple master shook his head and replied, "After reporting the situation here to the divine envoy, she only said she would come immediately. Besides that, she didn't say anything else."

"I'll ask him." Another temple priest said, directing his gaze towards Yang Haoran and asking, "We haven't seen you before. Are you a new Night Watch recruited by our divine envoy?"

This temple priest's attitude towards Yang Haoran was relatively friendly. In his view, since Yang Haoran had a Death Mark Seal on his forehead, he must be from the Yin Division. However, he didn't dare to consider the possibility of Yang Haoran being Burial Master, as that seemed too absurd.

Faced with the temple priest's question, Yang Haoran's smile became somewhat awkward. For a moment, he didn't know how to give the most appropriate answer.

After some thought, Yang Haoran nodded and said with a smile, "Well... let's consider it that way."

This response clearly surprised the temple priests present. They hadn't expected Yang Haoran to give such an ambiguous answer.

The temple priests felt both puzzled and strange. They were about to inquire further when, suddenly, the space beside them ripped open, and a figure emerged.

"If you want to be a Night Watch, then don't go back to Lecheng to be a Burial Master. Stay by my side as a Night Watch, and I'll give you the position of second-in-command."

The familiar arrogant voice sounded, and the newcomer was none other than Xu Meijing, the Burial Master of Ancheng.

Xu Meijing had her hands in her pockets, a slightly raised chin, and a cold expression. As she spoke, she walked out of the rift in space.

Xu Meijing's appearance and her words instantly made Yang Haoran's smile even more awkward.

The temple priests, upon hearing Xu Meijing's words, were greatly shocked. They had thought Yang Haoran was a new Night Watch recruited by Xu Meijing, but they didn't expect him to be the Burial Master of Lecheng.

"We pay our respects to the divine envoy!"

"We pay our respects to the divine envoy!"

The temple master first bowed to Xu Meijing, then turned to Yang Haoran and bowed again, showing great respect.

Although Yang Haoran was not their direct superior, being the Burial Master of Lecheng elevated his status higher than theirs. Therefore, when facing Yang Haoran, they still had to address him as the divine envoy.

"Thank you for your help just now. If it weren't for you, I might be in a police car by now," Yang Haoran said with a smile to the temple priests.

Afterwards, Yang Haoran looked at Xu Meijing and awkwardly said, "Uh... long time no see. I wanted to come and surprise you quietly, but things turned out like this."

"My territory has never been surrounded by heavily armed police before. This is the first time, and you've indeed given me quite a surprise," Xu Meijing said with a cold expression.

She wouldn't have said this if she hadn't, but now that she did, Yang Haoran suddenly felt his face heating up.

Faced with this situation, Yang Haoran could only awkwardly smile and didn't know how to respond to Xu Meijing.

"Let's go inside and have a seat. You came all this way; I can't let you stand outside," Xu Meijing said, scanning the Night Watch present and adding, "Do whatever you need to do."

"Yes, divine envoy!"

The temple priests responded in unison, respectfully retreating. Xu Meijing then led Yang Haoran in another direction.

"What exactly happened? Why are you wanted by the police?" Xu Meijing asked casually as they walked.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 306: To Speak or Not to Speak


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