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All Novels | Realm of the Night God: Chapter List 


At six in the morning, Yang Haoran got up on time, just like usual. He first washed up, then worshipped the Death God.

Despite only sleeping for two hours, getting up at six, Yang Haoran felt quite refreshed. Over the years, for survival and to reach his goals, he had to exert more effort. Hence, he squeezed out his resting time to do other things, even sacrificing his nighttime sleep.

Initially, it was hard to adjust, but with time, he grew accustomed to it. Activating the Death Mark Seal on his brow brought changes to his body. Even if he slept little, the presence of Yin spirit power eased his fatigue.

Last night's sleep wasn't long, but it was restful. As for Gao Liang and Wang Qing, he hadn't thought of them before sleeping.

Opening the shop door, the cold moonlight still lingered outside, indicating a good weather day ahead.

Under the streetlights, pedestrians and vehicles passed by. Although it wasn't yet dawn, many had already begun their busy day. Like Yang Haoran, they all struggled for survival or to achieve their goals.

As rice simmered on the stove, Yang Haoran tended to his business while exercising. Just as he started, he paused.

"Wait a moment, I haven't finished yet," he said, although it was clear he wasn't talking to himself.

Half an hour later, after completing a set of exercises, Yang Haoran sat on the stool behind the counter, panting and wiping sweat. He put on sunglasses from the drawer.

Wearing sunglasses, he activated the ghost eye.

Why wear sunglasses? To hide his terrifying ghost eye from passersby.

As the ghost eye activated, a figure appeared before Yang Haoran, covered in blood and flesh. It was Gao Liang.

Seeing Gao Liang's horrifying appearance again, Yang Haoran remained unfazed. Not only had he grown accustomed to his new role as Night Watch, but he had also seen Gao Liang's terrifying state before. Hence, this time, he wasn't startled.

"Underworld Envoy big brother, I've completed the task!" Gao Liang reported before Yang Haoran could inquire.

Yang Haoran understood Gao Liang's words. He was somewhat surprised; he hadn't expected an ordinary undead like Gao Liang to possess such abilities. Perhaps he had underestimated Gao Liang.

Undead and evil spirits were different. Besides frightening people in dreams, undead didn't have much attack power. However, compared to ordinary people, those who experienced what Wang Qing did last night might end up psychologically scarred, if not dead.

In Gao Liang's eyes, Yang Haoran saw excitement and anticipation, not guilt. Yang Haoran smirked inwardly; his analysis of Gao Liang was accurate. Gao Liang only wanted Wang Qing, and he was willing to go to extremes, even at the cost of Wang Qing's life.

"Heh, well done. Return to the soul gathering bead. She can join you in seven days," Yang Haoran said, taking out the soul gathering bead.

Seeing Yang Haoran taking out the soul gathering bead, Gao Liang hesitated. Yang Haoran's explanation didn't seem to satisfy him.

"After death, souls don't appear immediately. They need seven days to gather, hiding within the corpse or ashes until they form. So, don't rush," Yang Haoran explained, maintaining a friendly demeanor.

Gao Liang reluctantly nodded. He was eager to have Wang Qing but had to heed Yang Haoran's words.

What else could he do? Threaten or intimidate? Gao Liang knew he posed no threat to Yang Haoran. So, he nodded in agreement.

"Underworld Envoy big brother, you promised me. I hope you'll keep your word," Gao Liang pleaded.

Such pitiful love—or rather, desire. Yang Haoran sneered inwardly but nodded at Gao Liang, "Rest assured, if I said I'd let you be together, I won't go back on my word."

What Gao Liang wanted was Wang Qing, but what Yang Haoran promised was them being together. There was a vast difference between the two.

Gao Liang didn't dwell on semantics. His mind was filled with images of having Wang Qing.

In the dreamland, he had intended to be intimate with Wang Qing, but for the sake of completing the task swiftly, he refrained from doing so.

By doing so, he gave himself enough time to deal with Wang Qing, but it also intensified his desire to obtain her!

Yang Haoran knew what Gao Liang was thinking, but he had no intention of wasting more time with him. He directly collected Gao Liang into the soul gathering bead.

Gao Liang didn't resist, allowing the powerful suction of the soul gathering bead to pull his soul inside. Even if he resisted, it would be futile. He couldn't escape the pull of the soul gathering bead.

The soul gathering bead, once empty, now had a strand of soul filament, as Gao Liang was drawn into it.

After breakfast, Yang Haoran busied himself with inventory in the grocery store. He did this regularly to restock items as needed, a habit of his.

However, due to recent busyness, the shop's opening hours had decreased, resulting in fewer goods consumed. Upon inventory, there wasn't much to replenish.

Just as he finished, the sky began to lighten, and at that moment, a familiar ringtone sounded.

"As free as the wind..."

Glancing at his mobile phone, Yang Haoran saw it was Guanhai calling. He touched the scar on his face left by Wang Qing last night, smiled, and answered the call.

"Hey, the sun rises from the west today? It's not even noon, and you're up already," Yang Haoran joked upon answering. But Guanhai's tone on the other end was serious.

"Yang ge, Wang Qing is dead!" Guanhai exclaimed urgently, his voice filled with shock.

Pretending to be surprised, Yang Haoran asked, "Are you serious? Don't joke around!"

"It's true. Not only is she dead, but her death is also bizarre. There's not a single wound on her body, not even a bruise. She died with a terrified expression, as if... as if she was scared to death!" Guanhai explained.

"Scared to death? Ha, are you telling ghost stories early in the morning?" Yang Haoran scoffed.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. Then, Guanhai lowered his voice and said, "Yang ge, I know you're capable. This death of Wang Qing's..."

Guanhai didn't continue, but his implication was clear to Yang Haoran.

"Heh, you're talking nonsense. She died in the hotel, and I was at home. Her death has nothing to do with me," Yang Haoran laughed.

"But you're not ordinary!" Guanhai persisted.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I'm not a god. I'm not as powerful as you think," Yang Haoran replied, sounding helpless.

There was another moment of silence on the phone. After a few breaths, Guanhai sighed and said, "Last night, we said she wouldn't live past thirty, and now it's come true. This woman should pay the price for her actions, but her life... that's too much."

Yang Haoran chuckled, "When did you become so sentimental? She's just an irrelevant person. She's dead now. She sowed the seeds of evil and reaped what she sowed. Don't blame others. Instead of wasting time worrying about her, you should focus on yourself."

Perhaps because Guanhai was still weak or because Wang Qing's death had affected him, Guanhai's mood wasn't high. They exchanged a few more words before hanging up.

Putting his mobile phone in his pocket, Yang Haoran's smile disappeared. He leaned back in his chair, lost in thought.

Wang Qing was dead, a fact he knew from the moment Gao Liang returned. If Gao Liang had returned so early, Wang Qing must have died.

Wang Qing was scared to death by Gao Liang, but Gao Liang was instigated by Yang Haoran. If not for his instigation, Gao Liang might not have acted, at least not so soon.

In other words, Wang Qing could be considered indirectly killed by Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran had never killed anyone before, not even indirectly. This was the first time!

However, he didn't feel much emotion about it. Maybe because he hadn't witnessed Wang Qing's death firsthand, or maybe because he didn't sympathize with someone like Wang Qing, or perhaps... he was simply a ruthless person at heart.

So, he didn't feel any emotional fluctuations, acting as if nothing had happened, as usual.

However, one thing Guanhai said stuck with Yang Haoran. While Wang Qing was at fault, was it necessary to kill her?

Yang Haoran didn't answer Guanhai's question, but he answered it for himself. The answer was yes.

He could tolerate others pointing at his flaws, but he couldn't tolerate someone threatening him. Especially someone who could threaten him and his loved ones.

For such people, instead of letting them trouble him every day, threatening his life and the lives of his friends and family, it was better to kill them outright, swiftly and decisively.

If the roots weren't removed, they would sprout again. Where there are people, there is the martial world. If one didn't act decisively and ruthlessly, one might end up dead.

Would he actively eliminate enemies, or wait for them to play him to death? Yang Haoran chose the former without hesitation.


Next Chapter ->Chapter 59: The Terrifying Rumors


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