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All Novels | Realm of the Night God: Chapter List 


As the door swung open, a handsome young man stood outside!

Dressed in the hotel uniform, he pushed a cart loaded with snacks wrapped in plastic wrap.

The young man seemed anxious, holding not one but two mobile phones, apparently about to make a call. Upon seeing Wang Qing emerge, he visibly relaxed.

"Guest, what happened just now? I heard your screams echoing through the hallway. I was worried something had happened to you and was considering calling the police to help!"

Normally, Wang Qing would have gladly approached such a handsome guy, especially one who showed concern. But tonight was an exception. Having just endured a terrifying nightmare, her mood was sour. Despite knowing his good intentions, she couldn't help but be rude.

"What police! Do you think screams of terror from women are uncommon in this hotel at night? Aren't you aware, being a staff member here?" Wang Qing snapped.

The staff member smiled wryly, responding, "Exactly because I'm used to hearing them that I felt your scream was different. I wanted to help, afraid something might have happened to you."

"Get lost! Your screams are what's wrong! I know perfectly well how to scream, I don't need your lessons!" Wang Qing cursed, about to shut the door.

Seeing Wang Qing's anger, the staff member quickly put on a smile, pleading, "Wait! Please don't leave yet, beauty!"

"What now? You want to come in?" Wang Qing scrutinized the staff member.

"No, no, it's my fault. I'm not good at speaking. Please don't take it to heart, beauty, and please don't complain about me."

With that, the staff member took a box of snacks from the cart and handed it to Wang Qing.

"Please accept these snacks as my apology to you, beauty."

At the mention of snacks, and as an apology, Wang Qing coldly snorted but still took them. Under the staff member's eager smile, she slammed the door shut.

Sitting on the bed, Wang Qing checked the time. It was three in the morning.

Fatty Qu had left around two. She had taken a quick shower before going to bed, thinking she had slept for a while, only to wake up at three.

An important question escaped Wang Qing's notice: she often booked rooms at this hotel, but at this hour, it was unlikely for staff to be selling snacks.

The recent nightmare had genuinely frightened her, leaving her mind still buzzing. She had no attention to spare for such details.

Looking at the food box beside her, tightly sealed with plastic wrap, Wang Qing's stomach couldn't help but growl. She was obviously hungry.

She reached for the box but hesitated halfway, suddenly recalling the terrifying scenes from her dream. The fear made her tremble involuntarily, and she withdrew her hand.

Cursing under her breath, Wang Qing took out a cigarette and lit it, feeling frustrated.

She never expected to be so scared by a dream. Even after waking up, her heart remained unsettled, filled with fear. She couldn't even muster the courage to open a snack box!

After a few deep drags on the cigarette, Wang Qing felt more and more frustrated. Finally, she angrily stubbed it out on the floor.

"Forget it! It's just a dream! It shouldn't scare me like this!"

With that, her gaze fell on the food box again. With determination, she reached for it.

"If I can't even touch a snack box after being scared by a dream, then I might as well stop eating altogether. Ridiculous!"

As she muttered, Wang Qing grabbed the box. Despite her harsh words, as she opened it, her heart trembled involuntarily. Denying the fear was impossible.

Inside the box were not the terrifying things she imagined but neatly arranged sausage links.

The sausages were short, skewered on bamboo sticks. Despite their small size, they were thicker than normal sausages, and indeed smaller.

Relieved to find nothing frightening, Wang Qing let out a sigh and relaxed her tense nerves.

"How stingy! These sausages are so short and thin. I could swallow one in a single bite! Let alone one, even a bunch won't satisfy me."

While grumbling, Wang Qing took out a sausage from the box. Despite her complaints, she was truly hungry. Though she complained, she had no intention of not eating.

As she took a bite, Wang Qing's eyebrows furrowed. She spat it out with an angry expression.

"Is this sausage or steel rod? Why is it so hard!"

With just one bite, Wang Qing had left tooth marks on the sausage.

"If you find them short and thin, I can only enhance their hardness. Otherwise, you'll complain they're too soft later."

A sudden voice startled Wang Qing. She looked towards the source and saw a person had appeared in the room out of nowhere!


Wang Qing screamed in terror, sitting on the bed, her body instinctively shifting backward!

The unexpected visitor in her room was none other than the staff member who had just delivered snacks!

"How did you get in? What do you want?" Wang Qing yelled in both fear and anger at the man.

"I came to perform a magic trick for you because I thought you might be lonely," the man chuckled. But his smile was no longer friendly; it had turned sinister.

"Magic my foot! Are you insane? Get out! Get out right now, or I'll call the police!!!" Wang Qing shouted, terrified and furious.

Ignoring Wang Qing's shouts and threats, the man, with a grim smile, took out a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut off his own little finger.


Like cutting a branch, the man's finger was severed, yet there was no blood, and the severed finger disappeared into thin air. The man's face showed no signs of pain; instead, he wore a smile, as if the severed finger had never been his in the first place.

Wang Qing was initially stunned, but then, a sharp pain suddenly shot through her left pinky finger. She felt her left hand becoming wet, and when she looked down, she gasped in horror!

Her left pinky finger had been severed at some point, and blood was gushing from the wound, staining the bedsheets.

What terrified her even more was that the piece of ham she was holding in her hand had transformed into a bloody finger! The finger bore tooth marks from when she had bitten it, but now, it seemed to be her own pinky finger.

Trembling all over, Wang Qing was too frightened to speak. She stared blankly at the finger skewered on the bamboo stick, as if she had lost her soul.

The man seemed pleased with Wang Qing's reaction. He grinned and said, "The magic isn't over yet. Watch me."

As if under a spell, Wang Qing's gaze, against her will, turned towards the man.

Although she didn't want to look, a force compelled her to do so!

In a bizarre series of events, amid strange laughter, the man proceeded to snap off all the fingers on his left hand one by one. Just like before, there was no blood, and the severed fingers vanished into thin air. But Wang Qing felt as if all the fingers on her left hand had been cut off as well.

As the eerie force compelled her to look at her own left hand, she realized that one of her fingers was missing. Her left hand was now bare, missing one finger, a horrifying sight.

Before she could scream in shock, the strange force redirected her gaze towards the food box!

Upon seeing it, Wang Qing was overcome with fear. Inside the box were not sausages but four severed fingers—thumb, index, middle, and ring finger—all skewered on bamboo sticks for convenience.

These four fingers, along with the one in her hand, exactly matched the five fingers on her left hand that had been mysteriously severed!

"Go ahead and eat. I'll prepare a special dish for you!"

As the man spoke, the eerie force once again controlled Wang Qing's gaze, forcing her to look at where the man stood.

She saw the man holding a chainsaw, skillfully slicing off his own head and then removing the skull cap as if cracking a coconut, revealing his brain.

"Hehe, have some brain. It's very nutritious. One brain equals five pig brains."

As he spoke, Wang Qing suddenly felt a chill on her neck. Then, her head slid off her neck and into her hands.

The headless body cradled the head in its arms, and the skull cap had already been removed, though Wang Qing couldn't see it. All she could see was the man, who had inexplicably returned to normal, smiling and approaching her, holding a long straw.

"Worried you won't be able to eat your own brain, so I thoughtfully prepared a special straw for you. One end goes into your brain, and the other into your mouth. Just suck hard, and don't worry, think of it as drinking coconut juice."

Unable to bear it any longer, Wang Qing fainted!


With a scream, Wang Qing jolted awake from her bed. She was drenched in sweat, as if she had been pulled out of water. Her eyes were vacant, her lips trembling uncontrollably, and the room was filled with the stench of urine and feces.

She was still in the hotel, still on the bed, and everything that had just happened was just a dream. But this time, she had wet the bed in her sleep, frightened by the dream.

She sat on the bed trembling, her expression filled with terror. She didn't know how long passed before she gradually realized that everything that had just happened was fake, just a dream.

However, as this thought crossed her mind, all the lights in the room suddenly went out. A sinister and terrifying laughter echoed in the room, and in the pitch darkness, she felt as if there was someone behind her, pressing close against her body!

Just as hope blossomed in her heart, it was replaced by despair. Wang Qing screamed in horror again, fainted once more, and then woke up again from her bed!

Everything that had just happened was just another dream, but now, she wasn't sure whether she had woken up in reality or was still trapped in the dream. She truly didn't know.

At this moment, besides fear, she knew nothing else.


Next Chapter ->Chapter 58 Wang Qing is Dead!


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