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Hey everyone!

Just a quick heads up on billing going forward.

I've changed my payment to "charge on pledge", meaning new pledges will be charged as soon as they pledge to the Patreon.

Lately I've been getting a TON of, what seem like, fraudulent pledges. People who will pledge for half a day, sift all the content, and then bounce.

I work hard to produce this stuff and It's unfair to the vast majority of you who have stuck around and pledge monthly. Even a one month legit pledge is more appreciated than a fake one.

I hope this doesn't adversely affect anyone! Thanks for staying with me. I appreciate each and every one of you.





Yikes, it's bad enough that people steal and post art on Twitter and other sites, but to pretend to give 💰, pull a art Caper and take all the HQ content, cancel the payment and bounce...dang, that's next level tomfoolery right there.


I encourage everyone to do this, yes


Sorry to hear that, Boo! Y’all better treat this boy well! He deserves every penny &lt;3