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I think the reality of the task set before him is finally starting to sink in for our hero.

Luckily Benji's there to reassure him! Sorta...




Y'know, I've been into hyper for a long time, and this is the first time hyper has been grounded into a setting like this. Not only are we seeing these larger than life characters, but we're getting measurements, feeling weight, and getting a feel for their personalities and emotions. The dialogue is great. I love the choice for Benji's pose at the end. He's looking past the big oppressive dick to make sure that Jamie was doing okay. I liked that.


Aww Roxi! Thanks so much! Hearing feedback like this is the BEST! This is exactly what I was shooting for. I think grounding something like this as much as possibly really helps sell the hotness of it. At least for me. I'm glad that's resonating.


The Horniness has turned to a heartwarming touching moment, with Benji's cock between his own tits. As it should be.


Hahaha, don't worry! We're right back to the horny on the next page. Stepping on the horny gas pedal from here on out!


I really like how well the characters are written. Benji isn't pushing Jamie, he impress him but makes sure that Jamie is going step by step enjoying being somehow the dominatrix..And Jamie even charm for being able to measure and touch Benji's body is also scared by the "horse power" like an amateur. And then the comic itself is very well manufactured .Perspectives ,lightning, drawing and the characters design make this comic top tier. Benji's mouth are the sexiest thing I ever seen, specially her teeth I hope we'll see more in the future pages. Great job!


Thanks so much!!! Benji is a dude though. He is a guy with breasts. Not a girl with a dick.