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A lot of mixed feelings today



Rebecca Doak

I completely agree with you on everything. I wish Day had remained blind, there is no reason that entire end could not happen with him being blind. I feel like having an entire final episode revolving around Mhok and Day getting together is anticlimactic after we just watched an entire series of exactly that, you know? I think it would have been better if episode 11 was mainly centered around the first half of the episode with the eye donation and it failing. I feel like there is absolutely enough there for an episode. And then Episode 12 could be a happy resolution, we could have the wedding, maybe even a little more of Night and Porjai cause I love them so much. And that would give time to really discuss Mhok’s trauma and issues in a way that he deserves.

Ken Follett

Hey, Freddie! As usual, I waited to watch your reaction first! So love to hear what you have to say. This week, I again agree with your take on the conflict resolution between Mhok and Day. Coming from my perspective as a caretaker/partner, I totally concur that we needed a bit more resolution for Mhok's side of the story. We got a hint of it when they visited P'Rung and Mhok's parents grave later in the episode, but I do agree that Day needed to also admit and accept his role in their breakup. He needed to acknowledge Mhok's efforts in pulling him out of his self imposed exile and rejoining the world, and the fact that Mhok's actions were the result of dealing with his own demons as well. I do feel that their time apart was well spent, and that they both grew as individuals. (I also realized that my perspective was a bit different than Mhok's, as I was a partner first, and then a caretaker - a very different dynamic. Also, we were both in our 40s when my late husband became ill, so we had a bit more maturity behind our situation.) So, the maturity they gained apart helped them eventually mesh better as a couple. Night and Porjai's wedding was beautiful - especially with the inclusion of Poomjai - and it was great to see Mom and Dad start to reach some understanding. Again, Mom became the voice of reason for both Porjai (before the wedding) and for Day (after Mhok's departure). Her character growth was amazing, especially when she allowed both Porjai and Mhok to call her "Mom". I loved the (not so) subtle matchmaking that Night and Porjai were doing between Mhok and Day thru their own wedding. Best Man and Bridesmaid, huh? LOL! I think the biggest critique I have about this last episode is that it felt a bit rushed. We could have taken more time to work out the conflict between Mhok and Day as mentioned above. There was also the hint that the eye donation that came in on the wedding day did not work either, as there was another time jump before the scene where Day regains his vision. So, obviously, there was more drama there off screen that wasn't really even eluded to. I think another episode or two would have been great (not only because I have not idea what to do with my Friday mornings now!) to help better flesh out the end of the story. And don't get me wrong... I'm not discounting the amazing, trend-setting, epicness of this series. GMM-TV is going to hard pressed to top this show's quality and effect on the entire BL industry. Now, like you, I need some Cherry Magic and Cooking Crush to help cleanse my BL palette. Thanks so much for your insight and emotion during these reactions. Hope to see you again soon!

Ken Follett

A bit of an update here ... I think that the "street crossing" scene could have been a bit better explained. It wasn't until seeing it the 3rd or 4th time that I caught that it said "3 Years EARLIER". So, that scene was actually a glimpse into the future. Also, it would have been nice to see more about how/why Mhok decided to stay - maybe a flashback when Day said "I thought you left" when they were dancing? But I still maintain this is one of the best BL series I've ever seen. It ties with "Tale of 1000 Stars" as my all time favorite BL rom-dram!