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Thank you so much for deciding to support me on Patreon. Whether you're here to watch streams you couldn't catch live, (re)watch shows with me or want to generally support, you've become part of the bricks and mortar that hold this big house together.

I began making content online at the end of 2022 with no idea of where it would take me. From starting on TikTok doing lives with an old TV screen next to me, I've now become a Twitch Streamer, a YouTuber, a Discord server owner, a TWITTER USER !! (honestly unprecedented) and the proud member of a community that makes me belly laugh every day.

This has grown and evolved so fast, as have I, and I'm certain it will continue to do so even more as we move forward. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and wanting to be a part of this, for whatever timeframe and in whatever capacity that may be.

Make sure you link your Patreon account to Discord (Click HERE for a how-to guide) to gain access to the Stream Chat and Patron Only channels. I was new to Discord when I set up the server and it can be a little overwhelming if you're not familiar with it but we'll help you out!

If Discord isn't your thing, I still wanna hear from you! Leave a comment! Say hi! Even if you're not watching a stream live, you're part of the conversation (if you'd like to be.)

Thank you for being here

All my love, Freddie

Added: 2023-10