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Excerpt from the conversation record of Agent ██, a member of the "Organization" Operation headquarters.

Now, the mission this time is the eradication of the yakuza group known as the ███ family in ██ Prefecture, Japan. It's a medium-sized group with about ██ members, but some of their activities seem to be an obstacle to ours.

Since the beginning of this year, two targets we had been keeping an eye on have gone missing, and it appears that this ███ family is involved. The covert team has reported that both targets seem to have been disposed of. What a complete waste.

...No, it wasn't an intentional obstruction on their part, but rather a coincidental encounter with their higher-ups' little amusement, I suppose. However, due to the coincidence of them intercepting our targets twice, we have deemed it unacceptable.

Permission is granted for the assault team to use force, but keep casualties to a minimum. We'll be "reusing" them, you see. After neutralization, package them up and transport them to ████. Yes, prioritize individuals with developed muscles and good health. Especially capture the young executive, ██ ██, with tall stature, a shaved head, and tattoos... this image here.

Full-scale "training" for them will be done after transport, but you all may pre-train them on site as the situation demands. By showing them how they are trained, we will be able to neutralize effectively the other members.

After the briefing for each team, proceed with the operation. We look forward to receiving a favorable report.



それでは今回の任務は、日本の██県の暴力団組織、███会の壊滅です。 ██名程度の中規模の団体ですが、どうも彼らの一部の活動が我々の邪魔になっているようなのでね。


……いえ、我々に気づいた上での妨害ではなく、彼らの上層部のお遊びに偶然かち合ってしまったのでしょう。 ただし偶然とはいえ、我々のターゲットを2回も横取りされてしまった以上、もはや看過できないと判断しました。

強襲チームによる武力行使を許可しますが、死傷者は最小限に留めてください。……『再利用』するのでね。 無力化した後に梱包して████へ輸送してください。 ……ええ、筋肉の発達した健康的な個体を優先で。 特に若頭の██ ██は最優先で確保してください。 背が高く坊主頭で刺青の……この画像の男です。

本格的な『調教』は輸送後に行いますが、状況に応じて現場で簡易調教していただいても構いません。 調教の様子を見せつけることで他の組員の無力化も捗るでしょう。

では各チーム毎にブリーフィングの後、作戦を開始してください。 良い報告をお待ちしています。
