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Excerpt from a private phone conversation of Agent ██, member of the "Organization" Assault team:

Hey! Did you see the pictures I sent? Alright, alright, I'll explain now. I told you about my vacation plan to go to the ██ Island, right? Yeah, it's a beach resort in ███.

Before leaving, the intelligence team gave me a weird device. They wanted a field test sample, so they asked me. It was amazing, seriously! At first, it was just an ordinary beach, you know? Families, couples, peaceful and enjoyable tropical vibe.

Oh, right, the device. They told me to connect it on a high spot with minimal obstruction, so I rigged it up on the rooftop of the hotel. After about ten minutes, only women and children started flocking back to the hotel on their own. The beach was left with only men, in broad daylight!

Huh? intel team said sorting based on Y-chromosomes and testosterone levels or something. Chemical formula? Nah, I have no idea about that! You should ask the intel team about how the device works.

Let's get back to the story. So, the men who remained on the beach started taking off their clothes, hugging, kissing, and it gradually became quite steamy. I went up to hugging two guys and showed them my erect cock to try, and they both gleefully sucked it immediately!

Maybe that's what triggered it, but after that, all the guys were fucking here, fucking there, and fucking everywhere! Just like a cruising ground! Hm? Oh yeah, we were on an island, so ......come on! Hahaha!

A hot hunk who was flirting with his girlfriend earlier is being gang-raped covered in semen, or a young dad who was with his wife and kids is sucking cock like a bitch. 

It lasted for about four to five hours, I think. By the time the sun was setting, everyone was heading back to the hotel. Hmm? No, there was no troubles or squabbles or anything like that. The next day, the beach was just like ordinary beach again, as if nothing had happened. Maybe that device has a memory tampering function related to █████. No, no, no, so ask the intel team about how it works!

Hey, I remember you're going to ██ ███ next week, right? Then why don't you ask them if you can borrow the device? Alright, catch you later!



よう!送った写真は見たか? わかったわかった、今から説明するって。 俺が休暇で███島に行くって話はしただろ? そうそう、███のビーチリゾートだ。

出発前に情報チームから変わった装置を持たされてよ、実地試験のサンプルデータを取って欲しいってさ。 これが凄かったんだ、マジで! 最初は普通のビーチだったんだぜ? 家族連れがいて、カップルがいて、平和で楽しい南国ムードって感じのな。

ああ、で、その装置だ。 なるべく遮蔽物の少ない高所って言われたんで、ホテルの屋上にちょいと細工して装置を繋げたわけよ。 10分もしたら女子供だけがゾロゾロと勝手にホテルに帰って来たんだ。 真昼間のビーチにいるのは男だけ!

ん? Y染色体とテストステロン値だかで選別してるって言ってたか。 化学式?いやいや、そこまでわかんねーって。 装置の仕組みは情報チームに聞いてくれよ。

話を戻すぜ。 ビーチに残ってる男たちが服を脱ぎ始めたり、ハグしたりキスしたり、だんだん粘っこい雰囲気になってきたんだ。 試しに俺も抱き合ってる二人組に近づいて勃起チンポ見せつけてやったらよ、二人ともとろけた目になって即しゃぶってくるんだよな。

それがきっかけなのか、それからは周りの男もあっちでヤってこっちでハメて、ヤリまくりのハッテン場状態ってわけよ! お? そうそう途上国なだけに……ってうるせーよ! ハハハ!


4~5時間くらいだったか、陽が傾いて来た頃にはボチボチみんなホテルに戻っていったよ。 ん? いや、混乱だの喧嘩騒ぎだのは全然なかったんだよな。 翌日は何事もなかったように普通のビーチだったぜ。 あの装置は記憶改竄の████あたりを応用してるのかもな。 あー、だから仕組みは情報チームに聞けって!

お前はたしか再来週に███ ██に行くんだよな? ついでに装置を借りられるか聞いてみろよ。 おお、それじゃあな!




Unconsciously brainwashed!


Love this story, are you going to post other content soon? Can’t wait