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From various exchange that I have had on social media in the past months I got the unfortunate impression that particle physicists are attempting to misunderstand my criticism on their methodology. I believe it's because most of them start from the assumption that of course what I say must be wrong. And since they can't be bothered to read my book in which I laid out the problem in much detail, and explained how to improve the situation, I decided to make a video about.

More seriously, that this insanity continues despite the undeniable fact that it's not working is the reason why I've lost faith that science is self-correcting. 



I think I'll make a huge-arse tub of popcorn to munch whilst reading physics Twitter etc. over the week after this video drops.


1. Science progresses one funeral at a time 2. All the baby-faced particle physics graduate students drink the Kool-Aid before they learn of "Lost in Math" -- there's nothing quite like the stale smell of indoctrination.


And I’ll have no choice but to take the other side 😆


Now, now, settle down -- if I have to stop this patreon feed and come back there, you kids are going to regret it! Colleen, get back on your side and Rad, stop making faces at Colleen.


Science is self correcting on long time scales. Humanity believed all kinds of voodoo before Isaac Newton's time. We're living in magical 300-400 years. Even more magical if we include modern medicine. However in order for science to self correct, it often needs to have practical implications, where transistors are faster than lamps for example, or packet based networks are better than circuit switched. Stuff like particle physics and fundamental physics takes longer to correct, because we're no longer in a position where single people can make huge fundamental discoveries (ala Einstein, Bohr etc)