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This episode debates what volume and availability is adequate for the community to consider it a "real" product, or at the very least - fair to compare to other abundantly available products.

Is it fair to launch 10 cards at $200 and pretend that's "real"?!  What about 100?  Do we need to change the way we review graphics cards?  Should we just get rid of MSRP?

We discuss all of the above points...and more...




Should have named this Die Shrink 6500xt just for the laugh.

Rentaro Matsukata

So tired of this topic.. lol Looking forward to rdna3, arc etc to reset the conversation


got a 6500xt sapphire here in Germany, working great Supply is constant the last 2 weeks with 7 to 9 different models available on mindfactory.de, which is the biggest electronics reseller in europe. Average price is 270€ vax includes, got mine for 265, same as a friend of mine


Specifically at 3:25-ish, i have felt this too, just in general. Nuance is dead in 2022, the internet only highlights the extremes because that drives engagement


One of the reasons why I like MLiD. Tom appreciates nuance.


that happened to my ps4 recently. on mine it was the disc ejecting out and the eject button triggering at random which I have heard is a problem with some models.


Thanks Tom & Dan for addressing my input! Just want to clarify that by "a bunch of reviewers" I mean at least a dozen of the most popular ones, YouTube and written media combined and I also said it should be made available in some quantity with popular retailers around the world. That would definitely make it a real product, though not necessarily good value due to scarcity but your question was specifically about whether a product is real or not, and not about it's value. Cheers! 🍻