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Tom & Dan clean out the mail bag for 2022! They discuss the state of the monitor market, HDMI 2.1, multiplayer shooters forcing “heroes” into their gameplay, Zen 4 with V-Cache, and much more!






Was just out of content so perfect timing ☺️

Tick Dickler

Great episode! To briefly explain, hdmi 2.0 isn’t a thing anymore. It’s all under the hdmi 2.1 umbrella, while the new standard hdmi 2.1a is the new nomenclature with slight changes: https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2021/12/29/22856103/hdmi-2-1a-spec-standard-mess-cables-source-based-tone-mapping-ces-2022


I can't imagine upgrading a monitor until microLED or QDOLED are reasonably affordable at 4K 144hz. Ever since getting my OLED tv i can't justify any less quality.

Christopher Mullins

I agree it could be justified that, at a minimum, the hdmi port can push the panels full spec. From my experience with hdmi cables(it's my job) there aren't really any differences in hdmi cables. Any cable produced back when 1080p became standard will run 4k120 no problem. At distances over 10ft or so the quality and signaling of the cable start to matter.