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Yeah I know, it's a little late for an "end of October" livestream!  But moving forward MLID is planning to only put out livestreams on weeks it makes sense - sometimes that means it may be a couple weeks late.  

After putting out non-stop crazy leaks for weeks, and covering the Alder Lake Launch - it's finally time to take a step back and talk.  So many products are coming in the next 6 months, let alone the next 12 months - ask Tom anything about recent or upcoming hardware...or really ask him anything!

You have ~16 hours to submit your thoughts, observations, and questions for Tom!  Be thoughtful, use good grammar, and be concise to be considered.


Intel ARC, Nvidia 3090 Ti, AMD Navi 24, Zen 3D, Zen 4 – Ask me Anything! | October Loose Ends

Alder Lake is out! Zen 3D, Zen 4, and Zen 4c are official! Oh, and Nvidia SUPER, Navi 24, and Rembrandt are coming out soon! Ask me anything about recent launches, recent leaks, and upcoming products! MAJOR SPONSORS: Cheap Windows & Gaming Keys: https://www.cdkeyoffers.com/ 30% software discount code: brokensilicon 3% EVERYTHING discount code: dieshrink Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MooresLawIsDead Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/2KpXaTm Address Fan Mail to: Moore's Law Is Dead, PO Box 60632 Nashville, TN 37206 Broken Silicon [A PC Hardware Podcast] is available on ALL platforms. https://soundcloud.com/mooreslawisdead https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/moores-law-is-dead/broken-silicon?refid=stpr https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/broken-silicon/id1467317304 https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Iapcdt677hkrtarwuevcft7srum https://open.spotify.com/show/6cdnW7YoDQJQy0g2CamWw2 RSS:http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:645460692/sounds.rss Twitter: https://twitter.com/mooreslawisdead All Music by SAHARA: https://soundcloud.com/saharasuck https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCffKc6rhZTkCLNtf4hyxwsg Broken Silicon Logo by Tom. Broken Silicon burning graphic by Tom & Sulphurous: https://twitter.com/Sulphurous11 2021 Video Intro by Tom & abstractrealism on the MLID Discord LINKS!!!!!!:



Hey Tom, I'd like to ask the same question I posed for the episode with HUB Steve in case it didn't get answered there: Do you think X570 really still has a place in the market with Z690, X570 boards seem to be commanding almost the same price premium as Z690 boards do, yet Z690 offers way more connectivity than X570. In the <$300 price range for example you can go from 2 m.2 slots on most X570 boards to 4 m.2 slots on Z690... Intel does need to address B550, but I think X570 really seems to be in a weak position now.

B. Fish

I was looking at the alder lake u15 leak for mobile and it just hit me: 2p + 8e is the same configuration as the new m1 pro & max. Not saying it's going to perform similarly but do you think it's enough to not bottleneck 1080p performance with a sub 50 watt gpu? I was skeptical at first but I'm starting to wonder if 2 really strong golden cove cores might be appreciably stronger than even 4 tiger lake cores a la the 1185g7 (btw I really hope they just go with 12700u)


Are you still being swamped by people who want to be interviewed in Broken Silicon, or have you been trying to invite your own guests to Broken Silicon? If so, who are you most interested in interviewing (i.e. Lisa Su when?)?

B. Fish

Recent GPU news has told us of Navi 24 & 128 EU xe (tiny, efficient dies seemingly destined for thin & light laptops & budget desktops), 6nm rDNA 2 refresh (slight efficiency/clock speed increase), arc alchemist looking fairly efficient and Nvidia seemingly pulling out all the stops and running up insane wattages with Lovelace. Putting all this info together, is Nvidia just planning to punt the laptop space? AMD & Intel both have architectures that seem ideal to bring to laptop. I know a lot has been made about how 3070 laptop really isn't a 3070, but could we see an environment where 4070 laptop doesn't even compare with the lowest tier desktop card? Are they going to require advanced cooling solutions that relegate them to only super premium $2500 plus laptops? I am just struggling to see how Nvidia doesn't drastically lose laptop market share.


Tom, are three CCD packages going to become the standard at the top/mid range with Zen 4/5? It seems like with core counts escalating, that will be the only option AMD has to ensure competition with Intel. I'm talking up to 24 cores on Zen 4 and up to 16+16 cores on Zen 5...or maybe we'll see 4 CCDs on Zen 5 for 24+16?


Do you think CPU and GPU manufacturers pumping tons of wattage into their chips at the high end is going to lead to new kinds of cooling solutions? Or are we just going to have to find ways to fit 360+mm AIOs and/or those giant thermosiphon things into our PCs if we want anything stronger than a Ryzen 5/7 or i5/i7 and whatever counts as a midrange GPU?

Jen-Hsun Huang

Hi Tom and YouTube listeners/watchers, With Alder Lake, are now on the 3rd gen of double digit PPC gains in a row from Intel. This started with Ice Lake, which had it’s design completed or near completed before Zen1 even launched. And brought a 19% average PPC gain. Just how much of the PPC gains in big core Alder Lake (and Tiger Lake before it) are due to AMD, and how much was simply Intel renewing a push for increased Performance Per Clock/Cycle?

Jen-Hsun Huang

Why do consumers not appreciate the value our TI cards bring? Our CFO has assured me that the TI cards are terrific ROI, despite our costs for two letters being higher than AMD’s. Do you think games will understand when we charge $50 a letter for SUPER, or should we drop it to $40 a letter?


Hi Tom I watched a video from lowspecgamer and he derided people like Linus for calling lower spec cards ewaste ( it was gtx 1650 I believe) because in some countries even low spec cards are (higher end prices and the good stuff being atmosphericly expensive) You often say that SSDs are becoming standard for games, I have an SSD for games I play often and a HDD for less often or excessively big games It made me think of those countries were fast SSDs may still be at a premium. I recently bought a 8tb HDD for £120. I'm a bit of a hoarder, slower internet leaves me happier to download a bunch of games and leave them on my drive even if I drop into them only on rare occasions. Do you truly believe HDDs should be retired from gamers pcs and do you think the day could come when games refused to load if they sense a HDD like games do with cores and threads? (Feel free to cut this down but context was needed)

Valko Milev

Tom, are you okay?In terms of money.I am trying to support you to the best of my abilities by subscribing to your Patreon with one tier below the biggest one and watching the adds in order to get these few additional dollars and liking your videos and sharing them from time to time .But still I have noticed that the ads are keep increasing and your Patreon is still sitting around 1050-1070 patreons and you have mentioned in one of your last podcast that you don't know what to do in order to increase the number of patreons .I really don't want to see you stop doing this because you are my best connection with the IT world and my 2 hour beer induced free time every Friday where I listen to your podcast and learning what is new in the world of hardware before it hits the mainstream media . Is there any danger of you stop doing this and go somewhere else ?


Alder Lake is exciting from a tech standpoint, but how much do CPU launches matter for most gamers over the next couple of years? A 5600X can already do 120+ FPS in games targeting current-gen consoles and 400+ in competitive games, so it seems like GPUs (and sometimes the game engines themselves) are the biggest bottleneck right now. I personally am fine with gaming at 60 FPS, and it seems like any recent CPU will be able to support that framerate for the next 10 years, or at least until the next generation of consoles launches and devs start targeting their specs. Seeing more powerful CPUs launch is fun, but does the extra performance really do much for gamers?

otiv lcurtš

Are Intel and AMD cancelling included-stock-coolers? A few months ago WCCFtech had a leak that showcased Intels LAMINAR series of stock coolers, for Alder Lake mainstream CPUs. But would you happen to know whether or not, they are still planning to launch with those? If they did, it might force AMD to bring back their wraith series for all CPUs their future line-ups. If not... then its another area where it seems a two companies decided to cut costs, at the expense of the end user.

Dr Forbin

Tom, like all of us here we are all looking forward to what's next. The year we had issues with shortages but also Intel finally was a worthy competitor to AMD. I personally am invested in ZEN, I currently have one more upgrade with my x570 board. What do you think 2022 and 23 will bring and what would make you personally upgrade your R9-5950x?


It's been about a year since the consoles launch, could you rate how each of them performed in your opinion. By performance I don't mean how powerful it is I mean like overall how do you think sony and Microsoft did for year 1 as a whole experience.


Hey would you do a like a history of intel, nvdia, amd video? (Can be separate videos) basically where you go over from the start to present timeline of the companies?