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Tom records another mail bag from Nashville.  Subjects include:

1) Relative Gaming prices

2) Making the argument elevated prices in multiple markets is just inflation

3) Reasons for AMD to buy Xilinx, and Nvidia to buy ARM

4) The "Ape King" joke in the MLID Discord

Much more!




Woohoo, I finally watched a whole Die Shrink! I'm sorry if I'm ranting, but I just don't like Patreon to consume my media. YouTube remembers where I was last, and let's me speed you up to 1.25x speed (you have excellent eloquence, so why not take advantage of it and save me time?). YouTube also shows me if I haven't watched/listened to something, while here if I missed the link on Discord, I'm missing the episode. I would like to see Die Shrink on YT as well please, even if unlisted.


Yeah, Patreon stinks for longer recordings. Recommend just downloading the clip and playing it on a local media player.


At least from my phone speakers the audio quality is even slightly better sounding in the AirBnB.