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BOTH Steve & Tim from Hardware Unboxed will be joinining BOTH Tom & Dan to discuss the current state of competition between Intel, AMD, and Nvidia.  This episode will highly depend on what you all want us to talk about.

Any recent or upcoming products, any comparisons, and any news stories that involved HWUB -  put your questions and comments below!  Just make sure they are concise, use good grammar, and have real thought put into them...if yours does, we may just read it during the episode.

You have ~24 hours from now (Noon US Central Time on Thursday is the deadline) to submit questions.



How do you feel about the looming threat of having to make a video on the RX570 still being relevant in 2021?


Hi Tom, Dan, Steve and Tim Which county make the best beer?

Beech Horn

How do you see the effects of Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling and DirectStorage shaping CPU requirements for non-bottlenecking graphics card performance over the next year or two?


Steve you did everyone a solid by figuring out the overhead in Nvidia's drivers and how it affected real-world performance. But looking back do you think that this was what some people were talking about when they were saying that pairing an AMD CPU with an AMD GPU had better performance? Thank you for everything, your impartiality is an example to any profession.


Are you guys, Steve & Tim, protecting your computers from the hordes or spiders escaping the flooding? Make sure to keep those dust covers on. Real question- As a review and unboxing channel does this current market situation make you rethink the types of videos going out, even if you are able to get your hands on equipment to go over?

Dan Allman

Two thoughts... 1) Do you all think that this crypto bubble is different than the previous one? I can remember in 2016/17 when gfx card prices inflated with crypto prices until the hype train finally lost steam, then a massive sell off occured. Will the same thing happen for this bubble? Asking when is futile, I just want to know you thoughts on drawing parallels. 2) What do you think the shape of consumer computing will be in 5-10 years? Do you think that we will be buying mega SOCs from the high priests at TSMC with all components (cpu/ gpu/ ram/ asic) integrated? Just curious. Keep up the good work guys.


What upcoming product or technology are you most excited about reviewing and why? Are there any products you want to start reviewing that you don't review already? Or maybe a new aspect of a product you already cover? For Steve specifically: How is the new studio space going to be put to use?


Hey Steve very nice and thorough job on the Nvidia driver performance topic! Will this have any impact on your CPU test bench? I.e. when not testing the latest and fastest CPUs (as you thankfully often do!) there might be some relevant performance deltas when testing with a 6900XT vs a 3090. Do you think this disqualifies RTX 30 series as the GPU for CPU test benches and if not, why not? Thank you for your amazing work on HUB!


Good'day! Steve and Tim, what's it like being upside down all of the time? Does it make building PCs harder? Keep up the great work HUB/MLID!


1) Monitor Steve and Moustache Tim, in year recent review of RX6700XT, you mentioned that in the metrics of bang for the buck it fares not much better than RX5700XT and much worse considering the market right now. To what kind of audience would you recommend it at a reasonable price? People with older AMD or Intel processors? And what would you say a reasonable price is? 2) Tim, is there something exciting coming out regarding gaming monitors or monitors in general?


Do you think this GPU generation is pretty much gone ? When there will finally be stock and prices somehow near MRSP, it would not make much sense to buy those cards since we will already be close to bignavi3 release.


Hello Steve and Tim ! Great to see you on my favourite podcast. Guys what do you think about RTX IO ? - Assets streaming feature for games. It's been half a year since the announcement of this feature and yet no game has it implemented. Correct me if I'm wrong but my guess is that today's SSD probably still aren't fast enough to keep up with such a task. Do you think RTX IO is just plain marketing of MS Direct Storage and AMD could use it in the future too or is it gonna be another feature for them to implement. PS. I'm still waiting impatiently for Tim to test 48 inch LG OLED TV :) Best regards from Poland.

Kevin Wise

Hey Tom, here is the question I have for the HUB team. Where do you see the tipping point being with the AMD/NVIDIA driver overhead issue? Is it along the lines of for AMD you can have 4/6 cores and for NVIDIA, you need 8 (or at least 5th gen AMD 6 core)?


Hi Tom, Dan, Tim and Steve. Thanks Steve for your in depth break down on the AIB 6800XT models, it help me decide on get the 6800XT Red Devil. I'm looking to upgrade to a high refresh 4k monitor and this is where my question directs to Tim. With the upcoming releases of the 32in high refresh 4k monitors coming out for ASUS, ViewSonic, and LG. Is it worth waiting for these monitors releases and spend $1100+ or get the 27" versions that have dropped significantly in price in the last few days?Is 32" and HDR 600 really worth it? (I currently have a ViewSonic VX2758-2KP-MHD)


TimTams vs Oreos


Hello gentlemen, with the increasing prices of components and market driven allowance of these new higher prices to become the norm, are budget gamers just going to have to wait for an APU powerful enough to run game at 1080p high/medium mixture running at 60 fps to come along, and forget about updating CPU's and GPU's separately?


Hey Harbor Unboxed and Tom! Just wanted to know what all 3 of you thought were some of the best cost-to-performance PC part bargains of all time? Also, for Tim specifically, when do you think we'll finally see a proper evolution of monitor technology? I feel like it has been stuck in a rut for years and everyone just keeps holding out for basically a 32in LG C-series OLED.


Hi guys. Great seeing Dan joining with the guests, the chemistry between you just brings that extra oomph to the podcast!! Huge Fan. How will Intel's new $20b investment into 7nm chips affect TSMC's / AMD's future and production?


Hi to my 3 favorite YouTubers and Fishslayer Dan. Because of the console's, i am considering a new TV But I find it hard to find good information on refresh rates and input lag like you do on a pc monitor. Usually the specsheet says sometimes awesome like "Low input lag in GAME MODE!!" I'll be ok compared to WHAT? The time it takes drag Ayers Rock to Sydney, using a paddle board? If you have some good tips on how to research my TV purchase better I'll be thankful :-)


I think it could be nice to have discussion about monitors, since they test a lot of them. And it's something else than graphics cards :-)


Tim, Monitor shopping is the worst. I really get the impression that monitor makers just don't have any idea what people actually want. Who is buying monitors for RGB, cheat crosshairs, and ridiculous refresh rates most of us can't run anyway? Why all of the dishonesty on spec sheets, especially in regard to HDR? Where are the affordable DisplayHDR 1000+ IPS 144Hz monitors WITH freesync and good response times?


Hi guys, what do you think of Nvidia unbreakable hash limiter defeated for 6 USD with dummy HDMI plug? I was expecting it will be defeated somehow but for 6 USD ??? Is it a joke?


Hey guys. When performing testing and discussion upgrade options, why is so little emphasis made on the Motherboard cost? If I buy an AMD CPU I can use a variety of motherboard generations with AM4 socket made within the last few years. This allows for just a cpu upgrade. If I buy an Intel, I'm pretty much stuck to a new motherboard every time I purchase a new CPU. When doing a review summary, shouldn't this extra cost be a huge factor in the performance vs value? Also why does no one factor in the constant security issues for Intel in that P vs V ratio?


Hi Tim and Steve. I am a new case designer that plans to enter the market with my first design in June/July of this year. What are the best things I can do to get my case into the hands of reviewers and in the public eye. What are some common pitfalls to look out for as a small startup in this space?


Hi Steve and Tim, big fan, patron of you and Tom (I guess I should mention Dan too somewhere in here). I'm especially a fan of your unbiased empirical work, focusing on the raw data itself. My question to you is: what is your opinion on the lines blurring between traditional reviewers and "influencers"? Some might say all tech reviewers *are* influencers, but I see a very big difference between Steve's 30-game mega benchmarks and a Minecraft Youtuber making a sponsored video about "Wow RTX is so pretty you should just buy a 3090 to play in 8k like me!". A lot of review samples going to Youtubers like that and Twitch streamers seems that some companies would rather see a certain "editorial direction", like with Nvidia attempting to strong-arm you some time ago. How do you stay unbiased and focused on the data in an ever-growing sea of influencers pumping out sponsored content getting preferential treatment?

Dr Forbin

Hello Gentlemen. Plenty of criticism was given to AMD and its suggested MSRP of the 5600xt. In my opinion with the current market as it is, does a suggested price mean anything? After all we are still in the middle of a pandemic, scalpers and miners are buying everything and many of us enthusiast are either waiting for the market to stabilize, buying anything in sight or saving my dollars until next cycle. (in my case I'm buying a CPU to upgrade my Zen plus 2700x) Jensen and Lisa Su can pound sand on the GPU war!

Beech Horn

Oreo's are going down. Improving upon the Penguin bar, leading to the creation of the TimTam explosion. *drools thinking of TimTams*


Do you expect the next GPU generation (RTX 4000, RX7000) to be launched according to purported schedule this year with a formal release and whatever availability? While we don't have any official communication yet I feel it was always a stretch for the next gen to release in 2021 and with the current demand and shortage situation I think (late) 2022 is much more likely and that both AMD and Nvidia internally moved those releases several months back.


Hey you lot, cheers for all the awesome tech coverage! What are the most exciting monitor releases coming up in the next year for you guys? For me, my setup doesn't have space for an OLED TV and a monitor, so I've been using a PG35VQ ultrawide on a deal for a good balance of software development at work, recreation, and gaming. I'm hoping to get a 4K monitor for the fidelity but waiting for something high refresh, HDR, and 32 inches since I like the larger form factor. Have a good week lads!


Steve, could you stop talking about "GPU IPC"? Instructions per clock are meaningless for a GPU. Even more so than they are for a CPU. The whole point of a GPU is to modify as much data as possible by as few individual instructions as possible. You are talking about performance per clock, not instruction per clock, so you're talking about PPC, not IPC.


If you could take time off to learn a technical skill related to computer hardware (from shader programming to silicon layout) without affecting the channel, would you? If so, what would be the skill that you feel would help you on your channel the most?

Josh Law (adn)

what do you all think about valhiem?

Mican Andrews

Question is for whole panel. With the current state of the market I've taken up new hobbies such as martial arts and personal finance. What hobby would you take up if you took a break on pc gaming/hardware ?


Haha, my name is Adam. Don't know how I've deleted that...