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Sorry for the short notice - in around an hour me and Dan will be recording a Die Shrink centered around fanboys and their insane antics.  Again sorry for the short notice, but this is simply when me and Dan have the time this week. Oh and don't worry, we will discuss Zen 3 plenty in BS 74.

Specifically in this Die Shrink we will be focusing on how often we have seen Console Fanboys misquote the same headlines to pretend "their side" is better, and the insane flaming over even small pieces of information they don't like.  And yeah, we will discuss PC Gaming fanboys too!

Put your anecdotes, thoughts, questions, and comments below - and we may get to them if they are well written and insightful!



The amount of hate out there for anyone who dare work with facts rather than hope and pixie dust is amazing. Best bet is just not to engage with them at all.


Fanboys are everywhere, I think discussing fanboyism is just a waste of time, you see this outside of gaming. AKA Politics. What do you think?


Is it normal for consoles fanboys to get "suddenly interested" in architecture deep dives near the launch of a console gen or has it been a thing only for this gen due to the greater focus Sony and MS gave to their technical improvements?


As an old time AMD fanboy, it stung when I built three bulldozer systems before I looked up actual benchmarks.


Hello Tom, from Moore's Law is Dead. I am a big fan of Intel, you could say the biggest fan. In fact they call me the yugest fan of Intel, truly a massive fan. In Broken Silicon No. 62, you talked about how Intel will loose the gaming crown, which they might, but you see there is a bigly problem. AMD will have been on 7 nm for a long time, and they still get crushed by Intel. This shows that Skylake is the best, it is so much better than Zen 2 that everyone wants it. Everyone, in fact, if I were AMD I would want it as well. Skylake is still better than Zen 2 despite being on 14nm. The 14nm node is yuge compared to 7nm, it truly is the biggest. With Intel coming onto 10nm it is pretty obvious that whatever architecture they use will crush Zen 3 in gaming. Everyone wants to be Intel, and AMD can't compete, in fact I believe we should deport AMD to Mexico. AMD is not bringing their best architectures, they are bring bulldozer, piledrivers and excavators. In fact we should build a wall between Taiwan and 'Murica to stop the AMD from sending their worst.


I would love to see you guys break down the truth and the fiction of "PC Master Race". Not sure if this is something that deserves more time but it's definitely something I'd love to see.


I vote Potatoes Are Lyfe the best prototypical Fan Boi. Does he get your vote?


I have been a 3DFX fanboy, I understand the feelings behind it. I was so die-hard 3DFX I bought a voodoo 5 5500, even knowing they were losing the battle. OG Voodoo was the card that introduced me to true 3D gaming. Maybe there are so many Nvidia Zealots because Nvidia has been dominant for so long that most people grew up, and was introduced into PCMR on an Nvidia card. I equate fanboys to people rooting for their sports teams. Each version, is like the playoffs, except with points and wins, its Speed and Features. We buy the merchandise, buy in to the hype, and become invested. I can't buy RED.. all my shirts are Green!


Speaking of PC fabois, have you found any way of making it clear that the PS5's memory/storage system is not just an nvme ssd?


My first experience of fanboyism for console vs PC didn't happen until the xbox 360/ps3 era. I had a friend who exclusively played console games since the xbox/ps2 era and has only played like starcraft or age of empires on a pc. He bought the orange box and played Team Fortress 2 a bunch, he was telling me how great this game was and how it was on xbox360. He wasn't aware this was initially a PC game and I also played, his mind was blown how much better it ran on PC with crispy nice edges, higher fps, and not to mention the superior controls using a keyboard/mouse. I asked him, how he played this relatively fast paced game on a controller, let alone do well with spy or scout which uses a lot of quick turns and precise hitting to do well. He came over to my house to play on PC for the following week or two and we started building him a gaming PC so he could play TF2.


What were the most outlandish claims you remember about what next gen consoles were going to be before we started getting the first leaks? The one I recall the most was how strongly people were in insisting on the fact there was ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that next-gen would have anything different than Hard Drives because SSD were way too expensive, which showed to me that people generally don't understand how economy of scale works


Is fanboyism a rational act? Unfortunately, cross platform play isn't the norm, and is really only supported when a game gets critical-mass (rocket league, fortnite). I'm on PC, why shouldn't I want my friends to be on PC, my friends are on xbox, why shouldn't they want everyone on xbox? You can make the same argument for the use peer pressure in iphone / android, mac / pc with respect to software compatibility. Honestly, I just want an answer to: How I can vote with my wallet to support more robust, social, and modular tech environment?


If you want a good cringe watch the "console peasant quotes" series from bulletbarry. In the newest video (44) the first comment is one you pinned. Cant watch this stuff anymore.


I think it's ridiculous how some fanboys (not just console) can blow out of proportion any store, no matter how dumb. For example, just 2 days ago, a story about the ps5 shipping with a "High speed" HDMI cable was being used to show how much better the xbox was (which was shipping with "Ultra high speed"; discussions about HDMI 2.0 vs 2.1 from fanboys), then it turns out that sony confirmed the ps5 cable was indeed HDMI 2.1 . The fanboys can cling onto any sort of narrative to justify their side. Also don't get me started on the whole dynamic vs native 4k on Assasin's Creed valhalla between the 2 consoles.


I don't always blame the Fanboys for the information they are being fed. Companies prey on people who lack knowledge. Most of us "Enthusiasts" understand the technology and how things generally work. The people who are "fanboys" generally lack that knowledge and are fed half-truths through marketing, in which all companies are to blame. Just as Microsoft announced its FULL RNDA2, which meant the "features(Mesh Shading,Ray Tracing,etc", I think even though it's not EXACT RDNA2 hardware as an example.


1) Whatever happened to the Sony <> Microsoft streaming collab? 2) Why do people still think that the hardware is the same and that Xbox I/O isn't half of Sony's if you use one of the hardware accelerated compression formats? 3) Am I out of the loop or have the engine makers been quiet about adding optimizations for new consoles? I know Tim Sweeney mentioned it early on, but is there concrete stuff in Unreal, for example?

Jeremy Lamb

I was an AMD fanboy with an 8350 ocd to 5ghz and two r9 290s flashed with 290x vbios overclocked in SLI. This system by far held the crown for years as the best IOT smart space heater on the market. The closest I came before was my 4 xbox 360s wrapped in towels. But Nvidia had to come along and take that too with Ampere. Can jensen's lust for power and fame know no bounds? Also why did AMD have to literally leave us out in the cold with their new lineup? Winter is coming!


One thing was the most pronoun to me for the last months: "12 Teraflops in the Xbox Series X". It's a headline and an idea of more compute equals better performance. Can You tell us what You know about both console-graphic units and if there are any differences in real world performance. Greatings from Germany :)


I am the biggest Microsft fanboy, contrary to popular belief, without Microsoft, we would not be where we are today. Tell me about another OS that has united all different versions of PC hardware, in infinite configurations. I can install hardware from 2010, and it automatically works without any type of command line installs, and any user with different levels of knowledge can install and operate, windows. Complain about Microsoft all you want, but you can't do the same things on other OS's that you can do with Windows. Go buy APPLE products and enjoy a stable interface, with no hardware options or upgrade paths, except what Apple wants you to have. Linux? OK... better have an extra device for tutorials on how to install the a bunch of programs to add compatibility.


Raging fanbois are one thing, but I find casual consumers with ignorant brand loyalty to be the real challenge. I'll be building a friend or family and PC they casually throw in "Whatever is better value, but I only buy Intel" or "AMD is not an GPU option, I want a TI" and even after explaining the pros and cons of different products I sometimes can't get them to even consider competing options. It can be exhausting just to convince people that we live in a great time for tech competition.


Nothing crazy - but I still find it hard to believe some of the stuff I see nVidiots posting on comments sections on websites like VideoCardz and the like. People saying the 6800 at $579 isn't good value over 3070 even though it's up to 20% faster and has double the frame buffer. What did they expect a theoretical 16GB 3070 to be? Probably $549. For $30 over that you're getting ~20% more performance. I hope that RDNA 2 and RDNA 3 will have these people take AMD seriously.

John Dorman

Fanboys are good and fun. How could we rage online without them? They're like the wolves in Yellowstone. The ecosystem deteriorates without them lol

Jake_ Dude_23

My friend hasn’t kept up with PC hardware since late 2016, so every time I talk about AMD I get “AMD’s shit, you’re an AMD fanboy!” as a response. So that’s not great


So I work in the electronic industry,Printed Circuit Board (PCB) I work on prototypes and getting projects off the ground and ready for production. I recently I left a comment on a big YouTube channel disagreeing with a comment the host made on the video. I then go on explaining how it actually works as in hey I am not assuming this is how is done, I do this for a living. Well some guy attacked me and told me I didn't know anything and that I was an idiot for making that comment, after going back and forth with the guy trying to explain to him in depth I realized that I was wasting my time and that was the main reason I really don't post on people's channel anymore. I mean when your so blind that someone is telling you exactly how is done and your so blind to refuse to acknowledge and call someone a idiot because some one disagree with a YouTube's comment ...I dont know

Dr Forbin

I have been a gamer since the Atari 2600/Intellivision era so I have unique perspective. I play games though not so actively today but I still play. Any format that can deliver an experience that lets the user immerse him/her self into a world and alows for you to enjoy an escape from ordiary life im all for . I own a PC (build my own and own an Xbox One so If AMD, Nvidia or a console company delivers the experience I want at resoanble cost, I am for it. I have no bias on enjoyment.


It boggles my mind how much misinformation is being spread leading up to the launch of these consoles. From sony fans claiming their custom RDNA2 is more "advanced" than desktop or has the full 6900xt to Xbox fans claiming they're the only ones with a full rdna 2 feature set on consoles. It's almost like they all worked together with AMD to have customized features on each console right??? What a concept. It's f*cking pathetic that petty console wars are still happening in 2020.


you fans or fanatic everywhere. Religion, politics SPORTS.. And now we got there Tech-crusaders to save us from tech hell, or at least their take on it (thank God 🙏) The problem to me is that when someone is rooting for a cause, it seem they are not rooting for the best outcome. People just want the affirmation that their thing is the best and that their not going to tech hell. In europe, soccer is a popular game. All teams has fan clubs, and the sad thing about being a fan to a club, is that you can watch the best game ever played. And still smash your tv, and be mad for weeks because your team lost 10 to 0. When you don't root for a club, but you love to see the sport unfold at the pinnacle of human performance. You just want to see the best game Bringing this back to hardware, and I know Tom said something like this a hundred times but. Root for the product, game or whatever to be as good as possible regardless who provides it. Feels like this should have been a fly over State.


I mean... the hardware itself in the PS5 clearly isn't anything better than desktop, but the firmware may very well be. It's tailor made for one goal.