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Happy Friday!  In a day I will be recording an episode with a Quantum Computing Grad Student.  This is meant to be an introductory episode to those curious about Quantum Computing, what people are planning to do with it, and why someone would study it.

Put your reader mails below.  You don't need to be an expert - it can be very "novice" questions, and in fact those are encouraged.  Just be concise, use good grammar, and above all else - make your question as thoughtful and insightful as possible.


Edward Huff

Which outcome of quantum computing do you think is most likely to effect the types of computations gamers care about? Quantum computing being used directly or the ability to simulate quantum mechanics in a quantum computer indirectly accelerating the design of classical computers?

Dominik Koc

Hello, Two parter: 1. (To the guest) What made you want to study quantum computing? What exactly are you researching right now? Where do you see yourself applying for work? 2. How much are engineering problems, holding back the development of quantum computers? Is the current software developed much more advanced and ready to be deployed if the hardware was up to par?


Very cool! Mainly curious where quantum computing is at now and how it compares to current microprocessors. Also what is the estimate on their side for quantum computers becoming attainable for personal use? 10, 20, 100 years?

Dominik Koc

When near absolute zero laser cooling becomes small and affordable enough. That's the biggest challenge I see to personal use.

Jake_ Dude_23

Could you explain what kinda of used there are to quantum computing, please? From what I understand, they let you have something like 87 possible states instead of the binary on/off or yes/no answers you can get from a traditional computer. For example, an AI running on a quantum computer could have an opinion on a subject other than just giving a hard answer yes or no, right? Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that quantum computing will allow us to simulate biological computers such as brains much more accurately than a binary computer ever could. Sorry for the long question/comment, I just really like thinking about use cases for future technologies!


Hi, Two Questions: 1. I always wanted to know if you decide to study quantum computing, are you being taught about a general system and how to build it so it can be used universally or there are major architectural differences dependent in which field a quantum computer should operate? 2. Furthermore was your studying more theoretical and limited to several tasks that you can do with a quantum computer or did you get a chance to work on a project of making your own quantum computing "creature" from scratch that can do some cool stuff for your Bachelor/Master degree?

Jeremy Lamb

Are we in a simulation?


I’ve heard that quantum computing is mainly capable of completing calculations specific to the parameters of a problem presented to the computer and is not suited to general computing tasks. Is this true? If so, will quantum computing ever be able to replace a general CPU?


But will it play Crysis? Also, how does it feel to work on pixie dust? ;)

Brian Scanlon

1. What are currently the biggest challenges associated with quantum computing? I have read that quantum error correction is critically important to ensuring accuracy given that quantum computers may have a tendency to be "noisy" for lack of a better term. 2. What challenges exist with attempting to scale the number of qubits available to run computations?


1. What kind of Qubit do you see as the most promising one for future Quantum-Computers? Especially for scaling to larger numbers and lower operational costs. 2. How do you rate the chances of finding a job in the field in the near future? I‘m currently doing my Bachelor’s in Physics.


Will Quantum Computing truly change the networking landscape or will it be a more gradual phased change? I;ve heard in my college days both arguemnts.

Edward Huff

Macroscopic decoherence, yay or nay?