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I am busy working through some Intel Xe stuff right now, and honestly I am curious what you all are most interested in with regards to a Xe Leak video.

I made this a poll so you can respond as quickly as possible, but please sound off in the comments below with detailed input on what you are curious about

What do you personally want to know about Intel Xe?  

What news or specifics are you most interested in?  

What would you want the focus of the video to be?



The current indications seem to be that intel will not be competing beyond the very low end with discrete graphics until at least 2022-2023 or so... I'd like to see the stuff they have deeper in the development pipeline and get an idea of the general directions they will take on their designs and how those compare with what NV, AMD, and other vendors are doing.


It was actually hard to choose


Time to market and performance is what matters.


I think time to market, especially with Ponte Vecchio, as that will demonstrate whether the Aurora Supercomputer is ever realistically going to be delivered. Unless they can bring something competitive in the DC the whole Xe future could be in some doubt in my opinion.

Dominik Koc

We want to know everything. Ironic it would be, if Apple purchases a foundry or two, and starts competing in the discrete gpu space alongside intel. If not, they could start making different gpu tiers for their own macs.

Matt Hartley

I want to know how good the products will be in the near future, but I need to know about drama.

Janan Clowes

I hope you look at all of these. I voted for "behind the scenes", but I'm also very much interested in how the architecture differs from AMD and Nvidia's approaches, if it does, or whether it's basically the same (clusters of unified shaders doing FP32).


Of course in some ways it's similar, but in many ways it is very VERY different....from Ampere and RDNA. Not so sure if it's that different from RTX Hopper ;).


Honestly theres no real wrong answer here

Dominik Koc

Aw man... if mcm designs like hopper are set to debut a year after rdna2 and ampere... is there even a point in upgrading this fall? Unless the mcm designs will be beta tested on us just like turing...


behind the scenes baby. behind the scenes info can easily inform performance projections/analysis for the next few years 👍