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When is the 1-year Anniversary of Moore's Law Is Dead?  Technically, the channel was started in July 2018....but the first video didn't come out till Q4 of that year.  Also, the channel really hadn't found "its voice" until many months later.

If you ask Tom, it's the first episode of Broken Silicon, launched June 10th of 2019, that is the true start of this platform.  As luck would have it June 10th is also a Wednesday Dan episode this year...and so me and Dan will consider this the 1-Year Anniversary Episode.

The last part of this episode will be sent looking back at 1 year of Broken Silicon and MLID, and we want your thoughts!   Reply below with what you remember from the past year of gaming hardware, and we will use your Telegrams for reflection.

Expect a couple of special segments at the end to celebrate!




What’s the next “big thing” for MLID?


Amazin! Do you love Black People? Do you love White People?


Memory overclocking good Brain work maybe And a bunch of stupid wastes of money on a broken 3700x, aftermarket GPU coolers which eat up 4 PCIE slots for shits and giggles, and more! Besides the fact that HEDT CPUs (3900x) are suddenly affordable, and that this is (was?) the very best time to make a very cheap system it has honestly been a bit snoozy in the desktop space.

The Immortal Cameraman

You guys should rent a Corvette and do 52 donuts in a random parking lot to commemorate that anniversary.

Brian Scanlon

One thing that stands out is the Ray Tracing that never came and the DLSS that never came even though they were supposed to "just work" and by "never came" I just mean not in a meaningful way given the barrier to entry was really a $1,200 card to get something approaching acceptable performance. On the flip side, the most impressive thing I've seen so far has been the Unreal PS5 demo which showed what can actually be done without Ray Tracing and set an interesting bar for developers to hit across platforms toward the end of 2020 and really into 2021.


Never really found consoles that appealing. They work for gaming, that's all. Since the late 80's I have been gaming on PC. The evolution has been amazing, and seems to only get faster, again, after Intel's 10 year 4 core dominance. We really needed AMD to pull there finger out, thanks Lisa! Dan: have You had any bad experiences with AMD? Tom; Have You? And are consoles really setting the base line for gaming now? Did they before? Love the content!


What do you guys think of Deus Ex? The first game and then the entire franchise as a whole? Some of the goods and the bads. And do you think there's anything found in franchise that other games should try to do?


Where do you guys stand on BF1? The overall art style and visual presentation is second to none and they put in a lot of work in to reworking the overall balance and feel of gameplay. Some of these changes however, were controversial and had the community divided. Which side of the fence would you consider yourselves?


Is there any improvements or goals that ray-tracing technologies are tying to reach other than DLSS like is there something (algorithm, hardware) that we know we can develop and will improve the performance of RayTrancing technology?