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Tomorrow we will be doing Loose Ends for April (and the first half of May).

No promises - there is a lot to cover, but if you have a specific question for the Livestream, put it below.  

Be concise and use good grammar.  Me and Dan might just get to it!




Hot chips 2020 lineup is out (https://twitter.com/iancutress/status/1261028849183326209?s=21) Your thoughts? Will you be attending?

Mican Andrews

With the a100 rocking hbm do you think the ti will be this minus a chip of hbm like Titan is to ti. How much vram can one chip in Samsung hbm hold?


So Nvidia just announced the new DGX massive server GPU thing with 8x A100 GPUs, at a lower price and much higher performance than the Volta version. When I see this and the fact they're using Rome 7742's it makes me think the lower price is due to Nvidia knowing that in the market of integrated GPU/CPU servers is about to get really hot with offerings from AMD and Intel. Intel has announced their system or at least its development, but I don't think I've heard anything from AMD, have you heard anything about a system like that from them or do you think they might be withholding some custom chips for that platform to really secure a foothold in the (supposedly) booming cloud GPU market?

Dominik Koc

REAL QUICK: What do you and Dan feed your dogs? Thanks, appreciate all yah do.


You've talked about how in the near future it will probably be necessary for PC gamers to have a fast NVME drive for asset streaming in certain games. I do wonder if instead of having say a 1TB drive for those games, budget gamers could have a smaller say 256GB drive that acts more like a cache? So when you start a game from your slower storage it would transfer the data it needs to the NVME drive. Would loading times be prohibitively long? Or would there be other limitations? Given the current global economic down turn due to the thingy, I do think it's less likely that the average gamer will have the budget for a larger NVME drive, even a couple years down the track. Especially oversea's, where PC parts are often an order of magnitude more expensive than in the US. I wonder if devs might want to come up with a workaround (im not a seer though)? So as to not totally alienate that poorer than ever portion of their playerbase. My apologizes if this question is too long lol. It was originally meant to be a lot shorter than that


Do you think the xbox 1 series x will get a port of PC windows that could run games at almost equvilant performance of the normal version of windows it will have out the box? (when hackers get a hold of it, Like the ps3 and linux but faster running)

Kameron Alexander

With Renoir’s performance bump over desktop (chiplet) Zen 2, when it comes to its single core performance. Do you think a monolithic, 8 core, 16 thread, desktop Zen 3 APU could be THE gaming CPU of choice this upcoming generation or will the CCX redesign close that gap?

Sam Mcarthur

Just a comment really. Unreal 5 demo looks bonkers. Your comments regarding horizon zero dawn 2 and the main character poly count now make complete sense. Even if it's not using it as it's game engine surely other engines will strive/use similar technology. The resultant games will look bananas.


Thoughts on how heavily GA100 chip is cut down on all products Nvidia plans to ship? Seems like it shouldn’t be a yield issue to me at least... especially cutting an HBM2 controller.


So it looks like Nvidia Ampere is on N7 and not on the EUV process. This is likely a result of Nvidia's late booking. What are your thoughts on this? It:s definitely not good news for Nvidia this year.


What do you think the launch of Ampere and RDNA2 will do to the current GPU market (both new and used)? Given the apparently huge increases in performance, do you expect the value of current and previous gen cards to drop significantly?

Hugsy Malone

What do you think was the thought process behind AMD launching the Radeon Pro VII? With RDNA2 supposedly being less than 6 months away, would't you think a pro RDNA2 card would blow it out of the water... Or does AMD just love rendering 7nm Vega useless less than a year after launch (LOL)? Any thoughts on CDNA timeline?

Matt Hartley

Are you concerned about the long term risks of making videos about leaks? Adoredtv took a lot of flak for his zen 2 leaks due to the pricing errors and lack of 5Ghz, and his Navi leaks were completely wrong. What are you doing to make sure that your channel doesn't fall prey to bad leaks?