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It is time to vote for the direction me and Dan go with Season 3 of Die Shrink.  We will continue to spontaneously do episodes on topical subjects, but we also like doing more niche subjects for the Patrons.  What should we focus on this season?

This is round one with more general options.  I plan on compiling these and sending out a "Round 2" that asks you to then vote on much more specific subjects.  Also, feel free to comment on this post with suggestions as well, and if you like the suggestions others make - heart them so I know what's popular!

Anyways: What would you like me and Dan to focus on outside of topical subjects?



Picking the bottom one!


Computing in biology is always interesting to me, i may be a little biased there though

Dominik Koc

How about some SciFi deep future tech speculation? Dive into the era of commercial fusion energy, battery tech orders of magnitude more dense and efficient then present day, (do yall watch "the expanse" on prime? A. It's really good if you like space stuff B. Do you think that's how space travel will work? When will people gtfo of technologies way and let innovation dictate the way of human existance? Go wild Tom&Dan,... Dan&Tom?

Jon Wright

That was a difficult decision


All of them are pretty damn interesting

Janan Clowes

Option 4 gets my vote, but would be very interested in option 1 as well.