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I am concerned we are entering into a new "all time high" of fanboyism with the PS5 vs XSX generation kicking off...and so right now is the perfect time to get this H&G out while I finish up my new video.



Jesse Jaskowiak

It's funny really, people who get caught up defending something they are carried away with makes them become so toxic, snowflakes! Lol!

The Immortal Cameraman

I enjoyed trolling Fanboys in the PS360 era by telling them how the Wii was superior in FPS titles. Nowadays, I simply state what I know and then treat Fanboys like children when they insist on their illogical obsessions. There are products I legitimately enjoy or get excited for. There are other products that I completely hate or care nothing for. I'll get what I typically like or what, regardless of brand affiliation.


you forgot about the ARM fanboys when you first made it :P But, I've also got a very longstanding beef with Juanrga. So that colors my opinion....


Being a fan is fun. Just like your favorite sports team I'm an AMD and Microsoft Fanboy I guess. We drive the Competition and push our favorite teams to be better


Paper Mario on the gamecube was great I think it was called Paper Mario and the thousand year door