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Delays or not, there will be some cool products before the end of 2020. Tom & Dan discuss 8nm Ampere, 10nm Alder Lake, and the new console hardware developments.

1) 0:25 How is Boston & Peoria doing in the Pandemic?

2) 5:20 Corrects and Reader Mail

3) 11:12 Big Navi

4) 14:50 8nm Ampere

5) 25:00 Zen 3 and Zen 4 

6) 34:05 12nm Zen Products in 2020

7) 36:50 Renoir Launch, 4900H Update

8) 42:00 Renoir on Desktop, B550 Motherboards

9) 48:25 New Security Vulnerabilities for 14nm Intel

10) 51:15 Tiger Lake coming, possibly with 6-cores

11) 53:08 Alder Lake big.Little in 2021. Could be ultimate gaming cpu…

12) 1:01:15 Console Ray Tracing

13) 1:07:15 XBOX Series X Update, Next Gen Launch Worries 

14) 1:17:03 Final Thoughts on Current Events


















Jesse Jaskowiak

Another great "Broken Silicon" Tom! Thank you!

Dominik Koc

Listening to you and Dan shit on everything and anything with bits and snips of hope in between, is what I live for!

Michael Costa

Ok, thanks Tom, so AIB's are what Im counting on for 4+plus port cards. I have tried using quality splitters and not been satisfied with the screen flickering and reduced refresh . I would much rather rely on Eye-infinity for ease of use and vr headsets don't respond to display port spliters.


Yeah dongle quality can be VERY hit or miss. The expensive active ones almost always work. But they are cumbersome.

Michael Costa

34:40 lmfao roll a D20 have a brew and relax .


Regarding current thoughts on product.... at least here in the greater bay area... stores are not "rationing" how product is stocked. For the company I work for, the 400+ drivers from distribution center are currently working 14-16 hour days, 6-7 days a week. One I spoke to said dozens (might be more now, situation is rapidly changing) of contract drivers doing the same. Every store has a limit to how much they can order because warehouse is unable to load enough product onto pallets to be sent due to limited labor (which should be fixed rapidly, I hope). external vendors are also very supply limited for many products. Although I have good reason to believe that has more to do with lack of proper branded packaging for the product, as opposed to the product not being able to be produced. __I HOPE__ the situation for supply chain overall is better in the areas you live. I ordered a sleeping bag to show up in a few days... not sure if I'm going to be offering it to truck drivers if they need somewhere to power nap, or if i'll be using it myself. Again--hopefully far better outside of the greater bay area. (and despite this rather long post, I do agree/would prefer you keep news regarding this out of the podcast unless it relates to something technically being discussed). (I'm also happy to provide more exact details if you want them for some weird reason)