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The month is over again!   I am not entirely sure if this will be scheduled Sunday, Monday, or later next week - but it will be very soon.

Note that all reader mail up until NOW was already integrated into future Die Shrinks and the upcoming Broken Silicon, no need to repeat those.

 Please reply to this with any questions you have that you would like answered in the live Q&A.   Use good grammar, be as succinct as possible, and of course be thoughtful in your questions!



Steve Honaker

Sebastian Peak of PCper mentioned on This Week in Computer Hardware a theory I thought worth a comment. Could the XBox Series X purported 12 Teraflops be half precision(FP16)? Making it between a 5500xt and 5600xt?


That would be an utterly bizzare and insane decision. That would mean the Series X would be just as strong (in raw numbers) as the Xbox One X. Might be applicable for the weaker rumored lockheart console?

Sandro Evertz

Is there any concrete info on the new RDNA instruction set? As far as I know, Navi is RDNA running GCN instructions. Is there a probability of Navi receiving a driver update to also run RDNA instructions when RDNA 2.0 finally releases? We heard people talk about this when Navi was unveiled, but it turned completely silent around this topic for now. So basically what I want to know, is it possible by a driver/Bios Update, or does it have to be at the Architecture level?


What do you think about the possible supply constrains in the electronics market due to corona/quarantines. I work for an electronics producer in Austria and we have trouble getting a lot of components and bare PCB’s for assembly, even sending stuff to specific places like our one customer in Malaysia.


Posted on discord first- When do you think 2c/2t or 2c/4t or 4c/4t cpus will become irrelevant for laptop or desktop (and by irrelevant I mean basically unusable)?