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"Is that what you really think?  Would you bet me $20 you are right?"   Asking someone if they would place a bet on their opinion is an excellent way to cut through the BS and make people really clarify how certain they are in a prediction.

When you put out a few hours of talking every week...you say a lot.  When you say a lot, not all of it is always taken the way you intended it to be.  So how about you fine Patrons make me and Dan put our money where our mouth is this week?  

In the next Broken Silicon me and Dan want you all to ask us to clarify our positions on things we have said with wagers!  Examples:

-"Would you bet $20 the PS5 will outsell PS3?  What about $100?"

-"Do you think Willow Cove will have higher Single-threaded IPC than Zen 3?  Would you bet $20 on that?"

Be very specific with your bets.  Use good grammar.  Be concise.  Let's have fun clarifying our opinions!  Respond below, and remember we record THIS weekend...possibly in a few hours...so don't take too long to respond.

P.S. We will not literally be betting money, but the concept of placing a bet will definitely force us to clarify previous statements!

P.S.S.  Tom doesn't want to deal with all of the bullshit - give Dan some bets too! :P



Tom, you seem adamant that the 3080 will be 700 dollars, not 800. This flies in the face of current pricing trends and inflation. Given what we've seen out of Nvidia over the 2000 series, will you actually bet 100 dollars on that 100 dollar difference.


Got a two-Fer for ya.... 1) seem to recall you saying this - would you put $20 on the ps5 being more powerful than the next Xbox? 2) I forgot - do you hold investments? What about AMD? I'm curious as to what you think of the share price - AMD isn't but a few bucks behind intel at this point... While I think they SHOULD be experiencing a rise in share price, I'm a little head-scratching as to how Intel and AMD could be so close together. A little data - this link references mind-whatever in Germany, where AMD outsold Intel 6 to 1 (!!!) the latter half of January. That's pretty freaking insane.