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Commentary+Remaster from 2/1/2019 (Exactly one year ago, before Zen 2 came out!)

Intel's reckoning is on the way, but no one in the mainstream seems to have noticed.  When will they?  In a nutshell, they will notice when AMD has beaten Intel 3 times in a row.   Ryzen 1000/2000 was the first win, and Ryzen 3000 will be a humdinger of a second win; but it will take a third win for everyone to finally figure out that this "Zen problem" isn't going away for Intel.



Michael Costa

Ok I liked this alot more then I thought from when you pitched it. I wasn't really interested or paying attention to pc gaming as a whole until late 2017. The market summary saves me from asking a neck beard or two " What happened in the last 15 years?".