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Currently working on character creator stuff and trying to figure out how best to work in the various options. Since the custom MC is basically a mega layered sprite, it does make certain things quite difficult since it all has to align. Hair fitting on different face shapes is my current puzzle to solve. One solution is to have the hair split into two layers, a back and front layer... but even then, it doesn't fit all face shapes enough to my liking... 

Something I didn't like about my previous attempt was how same-y all the custom MCs looked. So I might be be making multiple character creators for a couple bases. I'd like players to be able to play a more feminine MC or a more masculine MC or an MC somewhere in-between, but with just one base... they all end up looking... blah. So... multiple bases it is? The character creator being implemented is still a long ways off... but I'm glad I'm starting work on it now. 

Also, I'm kinda obsessed with how the top left MC sprite looks. 




Wow sam, glad things are going alright. These are looking good. Still kinda sucks it’s being a bit of a PiA.

Kona G

I have hair like that MC, and so I would love to see something like it in the game! 💛