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      All benefits of a tier carry on to all tiers above them unless specified directly in the description of the membership tier page. In the even of an additional tier being added or additional benefits being created a message will be sent to all patrons, as well as a public post. Below this paragraph is the format for the following benefits

Tiers => Benefit Title - Description 

      Audi's Oddies => General Support - Tip/Support Jar for my works (a kind way of saying you support my endeavor~)

     Sephiria's Covenant => Access to unreleased story concepts and themes - link provided for a Google Drive File laying out concepts and themes for stories that have been thought up by Shykiba and can be used as a possible resource/brainstorming of concepts for other artists/writers in the community. List is constantly updated with a date after 5/15/2023 to show the date idea was created and will be marked off in the event of the story being used, scrapped, or written in it's entirety by Shykiba.

Early Access to Upcoming works/posts - Patreon Early Access to works prior to their public release on other sites.

    Casey's Test Subjects =>  Cameo Chance - Ability to be selected at random as a referential moment in a Story or Caption whether as a Transformed Subject already present, future meeting, undisclosed figure involved in the moment, or minor role in the work.

Viewer Polls/Voting - Access to Polls involving decisions on future work topics, changes to patreon benefits, desired outcomes and transformations, and more.

    Landlords => Small Custom Hypothetical Answer/Scenario -  Once per month the members of this tier will be allowed to request a situation/response be written for them on a topic or scenario of their choice by Shykiba for the patron's express use. These stories can include OC's, Characters, Self Inserts or anything else the author likes. This writing can be used for their own works such as a caption, collection of Transformation Snippets or anything else they desire, however should the patron desire to publicly post the writing on their own they must personally secure themselves any permissions that may be necessary for the work, (also perferably tag or link me it so I can support~). The story response is guaranteed to be of the length of at least one standard paragraph ( 3-5 Sentences), however it can be longer at the discretion of Shykiba, and should it be deemed Shykiba may flesh it out into a full story (in these cases Shykiba will contact the original patron that suggested the scenario/hypothetical in question to make any surface level changes to make the patron comfortable with the work being publicly posted, such as changing involved character/self insert names or cosmetic descriptions.)

    Akame's Auditors => Excluvsive Tier QnA Page - Links provided to an Exclusive time charted and organized QnA page as well as submission form directed at Shykiba for either themselves or their OC's, all topics that can reasonably be answered on an increasingly wide range of topics from intimate and personal to general and open can be asked and will be shared on these files~


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