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(Slight content warning the following tf story contains some transformations that are slightly cruel in nature and may not be your preference. This story contains pseudo flattening via dehydration, food tf, and implied animal tf.)

"Casey. . . I swear if you keep messing around with these pests I'll reduce you into a pleather cushion to show how cheap you truly are in the grand scheme of things" The Silver haired fox of a sorceress grumbled as she sauntered about the lab. Her eyes glaring at the bovine in the corner she had silenced with a blink of her heterochromatic gaze.

"Oh come on how is this fair! Someone messed with my work and made this mess I shouldn't have to pa-" The dirty blonde began before she caught Sephiria's eyes rolling. The sight of them causing a slight pause as a simple switch of their sides could spell a mystical moment that would shape any in the rooms future.

"Hmmm? What was that. I could have sworn I told you that someone as inconsequential as that blonde man was of no concern to me. I could easily reduce him from that cattle form of his into a mere byproduct if you say another word. Hmmm. . . Maybe even compare it to another product procured through a similar folliculed figure? What say you, hmmm?"

The silver haired mistress chided as she sauntered forward. Her eyes shifting sides with a swift closing. Her nails now freshly filed by magic for dramatic effect as she dragged them across the silently mooing cow. It's noise from pleas still reduced to nothing through a magically imbued air around it.

"I-" Casey began before her skin grew slightly taut and glossy. Her form quickly being reduced as if left under the sun. The smell of a chemical reaction, being heightened as Casey felt an absurd pressure from inside of herself. The feeling only matched by the force on the outside as she swiftly hollowed out and was pressed into a mere three-eighths of an inch. The heat from the bulbs dangling overhead enhanced through arcane means to simulate multiple hours in the outdoors under a well known star to further compliment the changes being directed at the scientifically inclined woman.

"And with that you failed to take into account whether I wanted to hear either of you speak," Sephiria sighed in annoyance as a similar magical effect quickly began reducing the cow nearby as if their entire being was being dehydrated. Their frantic struggle going unnoticed as Sephiria bent forward and admired her handiwork. Her heterochromatic eyes having seemingly remained unchanged through the entire process, though that was just due to how quickly she enacted the two curses on her victims as well as filed her nails. The chain of three seemingly omnipotent forms of magic having been done so seamlessly it appeared to Casey as one mere blink and swap.

As this realization sank into the white clad Hazel eyed figure, the obviously most animalistic in the room proceeded further down its arcane infused transformation. It's rapidly deflating and drying form being slowly compressed from above and below as it's blond lighter tinted hide separated from the rest. The transition smooth and as seemless as what the outer portion was being made to resemble. Magically folding in on itself and sealing it's essence into one carefully molded piece to make up for the lack of thread. The work a one of a kind article that many would be curious to meet it's designer were it not for the fact the designer would rather not be bothered.

The immense force exerted on the rest that had been left behind, as well as the moisture being drained from it collapsing into a multitude of seemingly familiar streaks. Before Sephiria sauntered ever closer. Her manicured nails reflecting softly in the light as the magic slowly waited from the room. It's work complete for now, as the outcome Sephiria had put into motion concluded.

"And with that we have a Dirty Blonde Whore Pleather jacket to compare with a genuine Blond leather jacket" The vixen arcane magic wielder remarked as she picked up her two victims. The latter having an accompanying pile of dried beef Jerky pour out of it onto the floor.

"As well as some genuine beef Jerky strips for a certain fat goth I'm rather familiar with."


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