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Hey Guys!

One of my Patrons, Ian, posted this to me on FB, and I thought it was interesting. I am a hedonist by philosophy, and I think a lot of people will choose reality irrationally (just like they love my boobs, but have some internal issue with them once they find out they're fake that goes against logic) but I would like to know what you guys think!

I LOVE TED Talks and other philosophical discussions, so feel free to post them here, or send them to me!

Here's my response to Ian, on FB:


For the second time today, love you guys! :D

Tara <3

ps. Thank you, Ian! You always rock!


Would you opt for a life with no pain? - Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/would-you-opt-for-a-life-with-no-pain-hayley-levitt-and-bethany-rickwald Imagine if you could plug your brain into a machine that would bring you ultimate pleasure for the rest of your life. The only catch? You have to permanently leave reality behind. Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald explore Robert Nozick's thought experiment that he called the Experience Machine.


Corey Andrew Wright

This video reminds me of the short story "The Storm" by Kate Chopin. In the narrative, Chopin seems to take a hedonistic approach to life by having her characters experience more happiness from living in what this video calls their own "experience machines" rather than knowing the truth of their relationships, which would most certainly result in the characters' pain. I love Kate Chopin and her short story "The Storm" was considered immensely controversial for the time, but I believe that it speaks to the same issues in the above video. Kate Chopin was, in my opinion, most definitely a person who would choose to "plug in."