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YAY! We've reached my charity goal! I am really happy that posting every day and doing a bit more advertising for this page has paid off. When I first started, I had SO many e-mails and I was replying to all of them, and it sorta burnt me out. I would make up to up to 50 new e-mails and it felt overwhelming. I needed to cool off and realize that you can't do everything--you can't reply to everyone always. It's under control now, and I want to start doing more and as much as I can for those of you on this page. :)

I don't really celebrate Easter, and if I do, it's more of a superficial bunnies and baby chicks and candy kind of celebration just for fun, but I hope you guys have a happy one!

I think I am going to do a stream set-up video. I think it will help a lot of people, and I get asked about my graphics, bot, and other things pretty often.

OH! I also have a place that I post all of my polls now:


Help me out and give your opinion! :)


Tara <3



Nathan Mark Chatterton

Whoa! Hop hop it's easter time! 😍 Congrats on reaching your goal! I am happy for you. Happy sorta Easter for you. I was going to do a post congratulating you on your achievement. I'm sorry you felt overwhelming, that is a lot of emails. I never want you to feel that way. You are the best, thanks for all you do


Actually, a stream set-up video is a great idea! Thumbs up! ^_^