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Author's Note: Hello and a warm welcome to my One-Shot 'On a Snowy Evening', Today's INNOVATOR chapter has been postponed to next Sunday because we are celebrating Christmas with a Fluff One-shot HAPHNE.

This was commissioned by one of my readers for his ten-year old grandson as his 'Welcome' gift to Harry Potter's World of Magic.

Hope you enjoy it. 🥰😇

Fair warning: Tooth-aching Fluff that will leave you all fuzzy and fill you with warmth. Don't blame me if you suddenly want to hug your loved ones (But hug them if you do 😇🤗🫂)

Now. without any further ado. Here we go!


On a Snowy Evening

-Dev Sagittarius Black


A sigh left him when he looked down the window of the Potter Manor. The vast fields were covered under a thick blanket of white snow that went as far as his eyes could perceive.

He looked towards the forest that was present around the south-western part of his estate, and he could make out some sort of fire that was burning in the thickest of the trees, releasing a trail of gray smoke up into the heavens.

'Probably the Centaurs,' He thought, 'Hmm…it's been some time since I last saw Ria, maybe I should visit the old centauride soon..'

The man looked over at the muggle playground area that he and his wife had built for their children. He remembered how devastated she had been when the saw had accidentally grazed his finger and blood had seeped out.

Poor woman had raised one hell of a fuss while Kreacher had brought the first-aid kit for her. After that one incident, he had to calm her every time he picked up the saw. He still smiled at that memory, it had been a good day. They had finally finished up the swing and had started working on the wooden slide.

"Still thinking about them, Harry?"

Harry smiled when he heard her voice and shook his head as he returned back to his armchair by the fireplace, "I don't know what you are talking about, I was just looking at the Forest". His wife shook her head as she sat on the armchair beside his, a tray full of various assortments that she placed on the table between them.

"And why were you looking at the forest?" She picked up a cup and took a deep breath as she inhaled the soft aroma of the sizzling hot chocolate in it, "Not planning another venture in there, are we?"

"Ugh..maybe?" Harry gave a hesitating smile as he picked his own cup and then frowned, "Marshmallows?"

"Honeydukes Finest."

"Cocoa Powder from-"

"-above, yes. And it's called sprinkled cocoa," She interrupted him, "And before you ask, here," She handed him the cinnamon sticks that he likes to stir his hot chocolate with. She couldn't help but smile as her husband of twenty-five years took the sticks and, with childish glee, started stirring his hot-chocolate, mixing the aroma of cinnamon with the rich taste of cocoa.

Harry took his first sip of the warm drink and closed his eyes as he felt the warmth spread in his entire self, energizing him and making him feel unbound peace at the same time. If not for the obviously muggle history of the beverage's creation, he would have betted on the beverage's origin to be of magical nature.

Neither of them said anything, content to simply enjoy the nice and toasty atmosphere of their home which was far better from the cold, snow covered lands that were outside. The warmth from their fire-place, the richness of melted cocoa in their cups and the love between them, was enough for both of them to stay contended. It was almost perfect.


"You miss them."

Harry groaned at his wife's statement, it wasn't a question. It was a statement, she wasn't accusing him, but she wasn't asking him either.


"Don't deny it, Harry," She simply said and took another sip, "I know you better than you know yourself. You miss them."

Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his salt-pepper hair and gave a tired nod, "Yes…yes you know me quite well."


"And yes…I miss them."

Daphne smiled, "See, it wasn't that hard to admit, was it?" She smirked, "You didn't even go through the ridiculous number of excuses you had in your mind."

"I didn't-What, are you suddenly a Legillimens now?" He asked her in mock sarcasm as he swirled his chocolate and took another sip, relishing the taste of melted cocoa.

"No, I am your wife for two and a half decades and was your girlfriend for half a decade before that, reading your mind comes with the job title." She gave him a winning smile and laughed when Harry maturely stuck his tongue out.

"When will you grow up, Harry?" She shook her head at his antics, as he ignored her and focused entirely on finishing his cup.

"I am a grown-up man," Harry shrugged, "It's you who are trying to kill the child in me- wait, no, that sounded wrong." He muttered to himself before shaking his head, "Anyways, I am a grown-up man, and no, I won't prove it to you." He placed the cup on the table and grinned at her.

"Oh? Then you are forgetting, Potter," She smirked, "I was an unspeakable before retiring, we don't believe anything unless it has been proven otherwise, and I, for one, know that no 'grown-up man' plays with fire-crackers at two in the morning," She said, making air-quotes as she said 'grown-up man'.

"That wasn't my fault!" Harry exclaimed, "How would you react if your wife told you that you were going to be a dad?" Harry gave a small pout and averted his eyes, "It was a perfectly natural reaction."

Daphne laughed at him as she got up from her chair and smiled when he immediately removed his arm from the arm-rest to make space for her, she sat on the wide arm-rest and gazed lovingly at him.

"I know, love," She softly moved her hand through his hair, "And your celebration was totally worth it, we did get James."

She immediately regretted it as soon as the name left her lips, "Harry, I-"

"No, you are right." Harry said and turned to look at her as he curled his arm protectively around her lithe frame, "James was such a happy child, wasn't he?" Harry smiled, his eyes brimming with unshed tears, "Mischievous to the tee, my little crime-partner in all the pranks and my friend in the later years."

"You spoiled him rotten," Daphne shook her head, "I wonder how much you two would have restrained yourself if I wasn't there to hold your reins."

Harry chuckled at those happy memories, "Well, James used to think you were just doing that to punish him for one of his previous pranks, I told him it wasn't the case but he had made up his mind that you were a spoilsport."

"I know, and that's why I got him back for that remark on Halloween," Daphne giggled, "Remember that half-chopped hand on table?"

"I was the hand, of course I remember," Harry laughed with her when they remembered the prank they had played on the eldest Potter kid, he had screamed bloody murder and promised to 'retaliate a million fold'. Something that he thankfully didn't go through.

After sometime Harry gave a tired sigh and Daphne slowly patted his back.

"Was I wrong, Daph?" He asked her, his voice full of grief as he thought about the last words that had been exchanged between him and his eldest.

"No, you weren't," Daphne shook her head, "You just wanted what was best for him, like any other parent would."

"Then why did he leave?" Unshed tears began to pool in his emerald eyes and Daphne immediately pulled his head in the warm embrace of her bosom, "Why did he leave us, Daph? Why didn't he stop?"

"Because our son was fighting a battle of his own, love," Daphne whispered as she softly rubbed his back, "He needed answers to his own questions, questions that were slowly eating him away, and then, he chose to answer his own calling instead of listening to you, or me."

Harry nodded, "I know. I know all of that, but sometimes, I just wish…I just wish for him to be back, you know," Harry muttered before he looked up in his wife's sapphire eyes, "It's been one year, one year without him, I don't know where he is or how he is, I don't know a single thing about how my son is doing out there in this wretched world.

"He's our son, Harry," Daphne smiled proudly, "I am confident that he is not just doing good for himself, he is doing good for the world too. Have some faith in your blood, Harry, the world was too weak to do anything to Harry Potter, and the world is too weak to do anything to his son. And it will remain that way till any of the Potters are alive."

Harry released a deep breath as he wiped his eyes and felt Daphne doing the same thing, "It's the twenty-fourth today, this will be our first Christmas without them since they joined us on their first birthdays."

"Lizzie has said that she'll try her best, but you know with all the healer stuff and she had been offered apprenticeship by Head Healer Lamming no less, it can be quite demanding." Daphne told him.

"Yeah, I know," He nodded, "I don't know how healers survive, I have seen some of the worst injuries during my time as an Auror, and trust me when I say this, the healers fixed us all. Nothing short of death has ever stopped a Healer, and that made me respect them a lot."

"And our dear daughter will become a Healer one day," Daphne gave a proud smile.

"Yeah," Harry whispered, "Although, I want her to be one of those friendly healers, not the grouchy overworked ones who don't like what they are doing and they still do it because it's what they could do best."

"You mean Pomfrey?"

"Poppy was good, the best I have ever seen. She had patched me up more times than I would like to remember," Harry laughed, "Bless her soul, she was like a mother hen to all under her care."

"That she was, but sometimes she did let us do what we came for," Daphne grinned, "Remember when I tried to sneak into the wing to meet Tori after the first task? Pomfrey knew I was there, she told me to leave, but then she placed an extra blanket on the bed beside Tori. and locked her office."

"Maybe that was for Tori, you took her blanket and slept."

"If it was, then shouldn't she have placed it on Tori's bed?"

"Maybe she thought you were intelligent enough to understand that," Harry tutted, "Shame on you, Daph, you took a patient's blanket and made the poor girl shiver throughout the night."

"What part of 'extra' blanket did you not understand, Potter?" Daphne narrowed her eyes.

"The part where it's funny to irritate you, Potter." Harry replied and grinned when Daphne blushed.

"You are lucky that you are my husband, or I would have hexed you for that cheeky line," She tried to hide her blush, "And since you are back to your usual insufferable self, I should get started on the dinner with Mipsy and Tipsy." She poked his nose and got up from the arm-rest.


Daphne turned and couldn't help but smile when Harry hugged her waist, burrowing his head in the crook of her waist, "Thanks, I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Guess we'll never have to know that, would we?" She patted his back, "Now get off me, you moldy old mongrel, you smell."

"Five more minutes."

"No, you never adhere to that and we'll end up this way for another half-an-hour," Daphne grumbled but she didn't push him away.

"You say as if that's a bad thing", came his muffled reply.

"It is if I have to go to sleep with an empty stomach. Now, shoo", Daphne tried unsuccessfully to remove his hands from around her waist.

"Mhmm…two minutes."


"Alright, alright…thirty seconds."

Daphne sighed but didn't say anything and instead started playing idly with his hairs again as he burrowed his head while hugging her waist.

"Alright, time's up, Mr Potter. Now, let me leave, and I'll let you sleep by my side tonight." Daphne pushed him away and Harry leaned back in his chair.

"I sleep by your side daily," Harry pointed out to her, "We have the same bedroom, remember?"

"Not if you hadn't let me go, I would have made you sleep on the couch tonight." Daphne told him as she left the room, completely ignoring his indignant 'HEY!'

Harry smiled when he heard her tinkling laugh slowly fade away. He really didn't know what he would have done if Daphne Greengrass hadn't helped him out with Umbridge in his fifth year, or if she hadn't stayed by his side when Dumbledore died in his sixth.

Or if Daphne Greengrass wasn't with him for the coming years till she became Daphne Potter. She is the woman who stayed with him, helped him grow, gave birth to their two extremely beautiful children, and helped him raise their own lovely family.

He didn't know what he would have done without her, and he was happy that he didn't have to know that either, because no matter whether she was Daphne Greengrass or Daphne Potter, she was with him, and will be with him till it was time for them to leave.

The Lord of the House looked around the room and got up from his seat, he cracked his knuckles before he gave a mischievous grin and flicked his faithful Holly and Phoenix feather wand out, it was Christmas, and that meant it was time to decorate the house.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- On A Snowy Evening -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

As he ventured deeper into the woods, following the smoke and his memory as his only methods of tracking the location, Harry smiled. He thought about the now-old Centauride, who had been his guardian when he had stepped foot in the grounds of Potter manor all those years ago. He still couldn't believe how much has changed since that time.

He had been twenty when the Goblins had called him to give him control over all of the Potter properties. Most of them were not in good condition because of the disuse. However, the Manor had been perfect. Well, as perfect as a magically charged and protected Manor with three elves could have been after so much disuse.

He had been overwhelmed with all the Family Portraits and everything 'Potter'. It had been something that he had always thought of as a foolish fleeting dream of his. But when he stood in the Manor's Family Room and met all the previous generations of Potters, he had been overwhelmed. It had been quite a beautiful experience.

Harry had left the Manor and instead took his place near the small pond that was on the east side of the Potter Manor. The view was beautiful, not as breathtaking as the view from the Black Lake of Hogwarts, but beautiful nonetheless.

And he still remembered how he was crying. The emotions that he had tried to bottle-up had all been released together, and he had ended up with tears down his eyes. Tears of happiness and joy, tears of love and satisfaction that he wasn't that alone.

Yes, he might be the last Potter alive, but that didn't mean he was the last Potter anymore. He had generations and generations worth of Potters who were happy to call him family. Their blood ran in his veins and their magic had the same taste as his own.

They were his family, and the feeling was almost surreal.

And amidst all of those happy tears and feelings of love, he had found the one person who had helped him with almost everything and had been his first friend after he had stepped foot on the Potter grounds.

She was a lot younger back then, and was patrolling the borders when she had heard him cry by the lake. She had been cautious at first, assuming that someone had finally breached the wards and that the Potter Manor was under siege.

But then she had come upon a lonely human who was smiling with unbound joy while shedding the tears of happiness. It was quite a weird sight to witness as she had never known that humans, or anyone for that matter, could do that.

Curiosity to meet the new human had propelled her forward while acceptance of family and the need for an intelligent company had pushed Harry towards the Centauride. The two soon discovered that they were quite the same and yet quite different at the same time.

He had introduced himself as Harry Potter, the last of the Potters. While she had introduced herself as…


The Deputy Head of the Centaurs turned her head from tending the bonfire and smiled in annoyance at her first wizard friend who stood a few meters from her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, old boy," She trotted a bit and stood in front of the Potter lord, "It's Dalythria, not Ria."

"Hmm…I guess a few more times won't hurt." Harry replied cheekily and the two laughed as they embraced.

"It's been quite some time, Harry, I must say I missed your company," Ria said as she sat near the bonfire.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," He sighed, "I had been a bit busy. Anyway, now that I am free, I promise that I'll visit you more often."

"You should, Damras and Aldrosis missed you too, they were about to go check for you in the manor," She smirked, "That would have definitely given your wife a small heart-attack."

Harry shook his head, "You know you and your family are always welcomed, right? Daphne might not really be that fond of any magical creature but that's not because of bias, it's more because of her childhood horrors and everything."

"I know, and that's why it's prudent of me and my family to stay where we are unless it's absolutely necessary," Ria poked the fire with a long and thin iron rod that she was using as the poker, "Besides we are way more comfortable under the trees than we are under a roof."

Harry nodded, "I know, I just wanted you to know that you can send those hyperactive energy balls any time they want to come. Speaking of which, where are they? I can't see any of your herd members, I had half expected them to barge through the boundary line when I crossed it."

Dalythria chuckled and shook her head, "They have gone hunting, they'll be here soon."

"But what about the Border Patrol?"

"It's winter season, Lord Worry Potter," She grinned when he raised his eyebrow, "The acromantulas and bugbears are sleeping, and I don't think there would be any threat that would come from the direction of the Manor, it's more likely to come from the southern end and we have the Patrol there."

Harry nodded, this was some sound logic. There would be no threats that would be able to breach the gates and enter through the Manor's direction without him knowing it and the acromantulas and the bugbears were hibernating. So, it was kind of useless to spread members when there is no real need.



"Something is about to happen," Her serene voice answered as she looked up at the cloudy skies, "Jupiter is shining quite brightly."

"Jupiter?" Harry asked her, "That's the Planet of Luck, Fortune and Success, right?"

"It is, but you are forgetting that it is sometimes also the Planet of Connection, Bond and Love." She smiled at the mage who frowned, his mind deep in thought.

"Bond and Love….maybe Daphne is planning something for me?" He asked her and she simply shrugged.

"I don't know the specifics, I just told you what I could foresee, rest is up to your Fate and how it is twisted, for better or for worse," She then immediately straightened up and turned to look in the west direction with a soft smile.

"What happened?" Harry asked her when he saw her turn and smile in that direction.

"Here they are, my younglings," She whispered and stood up to welcome her children back home.

Soon enough, the sound of rapid clapping of hooves thrummed throughout the clearing as the tree-line broke and centaurs started jumping out from the forest and into the clearing, happy faces greeted the mage as the centaurs dashed towards him with shouts of 'Harry!' ringing through the forest.

Harry and Ria looked at each other, the old friends smiled and both of them thanked the decisions that they took thirty years ago. Her's led by curiosity, and his pushed by the urge to have some company.

Definitely one of the best decisions they ever took.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- On a Snowy Evening -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Harry spent another hour with the centaur herd and then trudged towards the Manor. Intent on spending some quality time with his wife that might be waiting for him in the comfort of the manor with another cup of warmth.

He was fairly surprised when instead of that, he found her standing in the Potter grounds, her shawl wrapped tightly around her lithe figure, her gray blonde hairs swaying lightly in the gentle breeze as she stood facing away from him and towards the Manor.


Daphne turned and smiled at her husband before turning back towards their Manor, Harry was surprised to see she was teary-eyed. Throughout their shared years, if Harry had learned one thing really really well, it was that the Ice Queen never shed tears. It was the one thing that he had learned first and foremost in their relationship.

Harry went ahead and hugged her from behind, relishing her warmth and enjoying the way her stiff demeanor immediately relaxed in his arms. She sighed and gave him a small peck on his cheek.

"Everything alright, Daphne?"

"Mhmm…yes, quite good, why?" She asked as Harry started to slowly rub her shoulders in a comforting manner.

"It's just that, you are here, looking at the nearly empty house instead of being inside it and waiting for me with another one of your hot chocolates." Harry smiled behind her and knew that she was amused too.

"The house felt a bit empty today, so I came to take a stroll outside," Harry knew what she meant and nodded.

"You are missing them too," Harry told her and Daphne didn't reply, "Well, how about this, we make a snowman like James and Lizze used to make?"

"Really, Harry? You are crossing your fifties now and you want to build a snowman?" Daphne asked her husband with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. I mean, why not?"

"Because that's both stupid and dumb."

"I remember someone saying that one should do the stupid and dumb things when they can, because they never know when they would miss doing them." Harry reiterated with her own words.

"Sounds like an intelligent someone, so it's definitely not you." She quipped back and squeaked when Harry poked her.


"What? That's what you get for being cheeky." He tried to poke her again but this time she left his embrace and turned to face him, a grin on her beautiful face as she shook her head.

Daphne narrowed her eyes, "No, no more of those pokes," She wagged her finger at him, "Or you won't get your hot chocolate today."

Harry gave her the perfect hurt puppy look but she just shook her head. He dropped it after a minute when he saw it wasn't having any effect on her, "You're mean."

"And you better remember it too," She smirked at him, "Now, think of something to do, I am bored and I don't want to go in the manor anytime soon."

Harry simply shrugged, "I told you what I think we should do, you just think it's childish."

"Because it is, and stop with the pout, Potter, it doesn't look good on you now."

"Which means that you admit it looked good on me once," Harry grinned at her.

"Oh yes, it did, when you were smaller than ten, it doesn't when you are crossing fifty," She pointed out to him.

"Fifty is the new fifteen!" Harry threw back at her and grinned when Daphne just shook her head tiredly, muttering under her breath. Harry could hear words like 'Sleep on couch' and 'No more sugar' but he didn't care, he knew that she was only joking.

"Wait, I know what we can do," Harry told her and grinned, "And this time, you'll like it too."

"It better not be anything related to firecrackers or snowmen or, Merlin help me, flying." She narrowed her eyes and he rapidly shook his head.

"Nope, nothing like that, come with me." He held her hand and started walking towards the Potterwoods again.

"Ha-Harry? Where are you taking me? You aren't taking me into the woods, are you?" She asked him, an undertone of fear etching her voice, "You know I don't like the woods or the creatures."

"I know Daph, don't worry, we aren't going in the woods." He assured her and guided her till the edge of the Potterwoods. There he flicked his wand and melted the snow around it in a rectangular patch, he then threw copious amounts of drying, warming and cushioning charms before conjuring a blanket.

"Sit, Daphne."

"What?" She asked him and her husband surprised her by dropping down to one knee and forwarding his hand.

"Daphne Potter," He smiled at her, "Will you do me the honor of accompanying you on a date?"

Daphne couldn't help but laugh at that, "Really, Harry? After all these years?"

"I will keep doing it till we want to. Now, give me an answer, damnit, the snow here is freezing my knees", Harry grumbled which made Daphne laugh harder.

"Yes. Yes, Mr Potter, I would love to."

Harry grinned like a child on Christmas morning as he stood up and the two walked towards the carpeted area. Daphne sat down first, her back resting on the cushioned tree bark behind her as she patted her lap.

Harry immediately laid on the carpet, and placed his head in her lap. The Lord of the house sighed contentedly as his wife started running her fingers gently through his hair. They didn't say much, but they didn't need to either. Sometimes you don't need to say something to be understood by the other one. Sometimes, silence spoke louder than words.

All of a sudden there was a flash of light and Harry immediately leapt from his lying position, his wand flicked in his hand and alert green eyes looked in the direction of the flash. His eyes widened in shock at what he saw. He just couldn't believe it.

"Awww Dad, you two were looking so cute that way!"

Harry blinked, his wand slowly slid back in the holster and his body relaxed, "Li-Lizzie?"

"Who else, dad?" Elizabeth made a 'duh' face before she couldn't control herself anymore and skipped excitedly towards her father.

Harry was still in shock as he caught his excited daughter who hugged him tightly, his arms automatically circling her as he hugged her back while Daphne laughed behind the duo.

"Told you, he would go into shock for the first two minutes," The Lady of the house smirked at her daughter, who giggled.

"You knew about this?" Harry asked his wife who nodded, "And didn't tell me?" He sounded a bit hurt but that was quite expected. After all, he had been waiting for his children all this time while his wife knew that their daughter was coming on Christmas and still didn't tell him.

"It was a surprise for you, dear," Daphne told him, "Why do you think I was waiting for you out in the cold when you were in the woods? I was the one who had opened the gates for them so that they didn't trigger the wards and alert you."

"But..But what about her apprenticeship?" He then paused, "Wait….them? Who else came with you Lizzie?" His demeanor immediately changed from confusion to stoic, "Are you dating someone? Is he here with you?"

Lizzie laughed and shook her head, "No dad, I am not dating anyone, my workload took care of all the free time that I could've spent dating someone."

Harry relaxed a bit at that, his inner dad instincts calmed down a lot at hearing that his precious baby girl is still with him, even when he knew that one day she will find someone of her own and that he won't be able to protect her anymore.

"Then who came with you?'' He asked her, still suspicious as both his daughter and wife shared a mischievous smile. Lizzie was about to answer him when another voice broke.

"That would be me."

The Potters turned to look at the man behind Lizzie, and this time Harry wasn't able to prevent the shocked gasp that left him. Because standing there, a few meters from him, was a man with unruly black hair, cerulean blue eyes and the same roguish grin that he had seen in the mirror many times.

Standing there, a few meters from him, was his son, James Sirius Potter.

"James?" Harry asked, his body involuntarily moved to greet his son who had left him a year ago.

"Hey, dad," James smiled and walked towards his father, his arms opened as he was about to hug him. Only to stop when a loud resounding smack echoed around them and James felt the pain flare in his cheek.

"Harry!" "DAD!"

But Harry didn't bother to look at the two women who had cried his name, his eyes were only focused on his son who was rubbing his cheek. It hurt him, it pained him to slap his son after meeting him for the first time since he had left the manor. But it hurt him more that his son had decided to leave him and the manor over a small fight.

James nodded as he rubbed his cheek, "I deserved that."

"You did," Harry agreed, glad that his son wasn't angry and that he understood how Harry felt, "And you deserve this too."

And with that, Harry pulled his son in a bone crushing hug, not wanting to part with the young man anytime soon. Tears filled their eyes as both father and son rejoiced in the reunion, they had missed each other a lot. And now, it felt like a long lost part of them had finally been reunited.

There was another flash of light and the Potter males looked at the camera in Daphne's hand as the woman smiled at her reunited family with tears in her eyes. Yes, Daphne Greengrass never cried. But Daphne wasn't Daphne Greengrass anymore, she was Daphne Potter now, and Daphne Potter was allowed to feel the emotions, especially when it came to her husband, her son and her daughter. Her family.

"MOM! DAD! IT'S SNOWING!" Lizzie cried happily and the family of four looked towards the heavens from where small, feather-like snowflakes fell around them. They were beautiful. They looked like little diamonds that were slowly descending from the heavens, like God's gift to humanity.

"It's beautiful," Lizzie whispered as she watched the snowflakes dance around them as they followed a melody of their own.

"It is, isn't it?" Daphne smiled, "But now I need us to get inside the Manor. I can't have you lot fall sick today." She started moving towards where Harry and James stood. Lizzie followed her happily.

"Yeah dad, you have to meet Alex too," James said excitedly, "He has been waiting for you in the manor with his mother."

"Alex?" Harry blinked and Daphne shook her head muttering something close to 'Oh no'.

"Mom didn't tell you?" James asked him in confusion.

"I didn't because I didn't want him to do something stupid," Daphne grumbled, "Something that you spectacularly ruined."

"Will somebody tell me what you are talking about?" Harry frowned at them.

"Harry," Daphne began, "Ophelia gave birth to a son, about a month ago. I also came to know about it today only, and I was about to tell you when we were back in the manor."

It took him ten seconds when his mind registered everything, he opened his mouth but couldn't speak. He then closed his mouth before opening it again. Looking between his wife and his son, both of whom were grinning happily.

"Don't…wait…are-I…Am I hearing it right?" He asked the duo who nodded, "Did my wife just tell me that my daughter-in-law gave birth to a son a month ago?" Again Daphne and James nodded while Lizzie grinned.

"I…I am a grandfather? NO! WAIT! I am a Grandpa?!" Harry squeaked and his family laughed as Daphne hummed in agreement, "I AM A FUCKING GRANDPA?!"

Harry's face split into the biggest grin that it could afford, the man hugged his son tightly as he laughed, "I AM A GRANDPA!"

"Yes dad, you are a grandpa now!" James chuckled.

"Wait, you don't know how to celebrate properly, I have to teach you," Harry said and immediately started pulling his son towards the shed that stood near the manor and was used to keep all the extra things, or things that Harry hid from Daphne.

"No, Harry.." Daphne said loudly, but her excited husband didn't hear her at all as he rushed towards the shed with childish glee and speed that wasn't meant for someone his age.

"Don't you dare pull them out, Potter!" Daphne shouted as she started to move after the man, "I will make you sleep on the couch! Trust me, I will!"

Harry didn't listen to her as he opened the shed's door and entered it, his son followed after him.

"What is dad planning to do, mom?" Lizzie asked her, she was jogging now to catch up to her dad and brother.

"Oh, you will see soon. I know exactly what he is going to do," She muttered as she saw Harry dash out of the shed.

"I won't let you near the baby if you start sneezing! GET BACK HERE!" Daphne cried after her husband and son, both of whom gave a cherry wave at her as they jogged towards the manor.

"Mom..is that?"

"Yes, Lizzie. It is," Daphne grumbled and immediately heard Lizzie laugh beside her as the girl started to run towards her father and brother, "Hey! Wait for me!"

Daphne shook her head tiredly, she knew what was going to happen now. For Merlin's sake, her husband was half a century old, a grandfather now, and he still did things like this. She smiled, maybe that's what made her love him even more. The woman shook her head as she moved inside the manor.

Soon enough there were sounds of various rockets, frizzling frisbees and many more firecrackers as the sky lit up with a plethora of brilliant lights and flashes from the firecrackers launched from the manor's terrace.




Daphne shook her head fondly when she heard the shouts from her family. She loved how Harry spoiled their children rotten and she knew that his love for them couldn't be measured. He was, in her opinion, the best father one could ever ask for. And she knew that he will definitely be the best grandfather too.

Daphne smiled, she loved her family. They were her world, and she couldn't ever be able to dream of a better world.

There was another round of firecrackers followed by shouts and cheers. The former Greengrass woman knew it was time to stop her world from causing anymore havoc.

Harry hugged both his children as they cheered and laughed in celebration. James turned to him and smiled, "Merry Christmas, dad."

Harry patted him, "Merry Christmas son, and welcome back to the family."

"You three need to come down now! If you start sneezing around the house, then I am not letting either one of you near Alex!" Daphne's voice came from beneath them and the three looked at each other before laughing loudly.

"You were thinking about us, weren't you?" Lizzie asked him and Harry simply leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"That answers it, right?" He asked her.

And neither of them needed to hear the answer. Because they already knew.

Yes, it did.


Ending Note: Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did when I wrote it. Don't forget to shower your love with reviews, they are the gifts that I, as a writer, cherish the most.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a really Happy New Year. Cheers to all the good memories we created this year and the new moments that we will definitely enjoy in the next one. I wish you feel the love, joy and happiness around you as we into the next revolution around the sun.

A hearty Thank-you to all of my new and old patrons, you have made my Christmas Wonderful!

Those who have joined my discord server, please tell one of the mods or me about it in the server to get the patrons role, I am most active in my server so you can freely ask anything there.
Link: https://discord.gg/Gcbcv4dxGx
Name: Dev Black's Empire

To new possibilities, goals and achieving our dreams!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With Warmest Regards and Hugs,

Dev Sagittarius Black


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