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Author’s Note: Hello my dear patron family. Here’s chapter eighteenth of Innovator. Hope you like it! Do tell how it was in the comments. Also, Chapters 1-15 are on my fanfiction and ao3 profile.

This Chapter is published early, to celebrate 500 member count on my Discord Server!!

Author Out!

Less than ten chapters of INNOVATOR are left now, including the Epilogue.

“I am Talking.”

‘I am Thinking



The best protection any woman can have,

Is Courage.

~Elizabeth Cady Staton



-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 18: The Games we Play~~



Angelique ran out of the room’s large doors and pushed Daphne so hard that said girl smashed in the stone wall behind her. There was an audible groan from the Greengrass heiress as she rubbed the back of her head, which had hit the wall behind her.

She shook her head as she got rid of the dizziness. Her glazed eyes returned back to their usual cerulean blue as she glared at the French girl with nothing short of pure fury.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, BEAUFORT?!” Daphne screamed at her as she stood up and flicked her wand out.

“Saving your life is what I am doing here, Greengrass,” Beaufort sneered before she pointed at the diadem that had skittered away from the duo. “That is one of the most cursed objects I have had the misfortune of witnessing in my life.”

Daphne frowned at her but looked at the Diadem, “That tiara?”

“It’s a diadem,” She said off-handedly before nodding, “And yes, that thing. I don’t know what the curse on it is or what it does, but, I am sure the curse is extremely lethal.”

“How can you be sure of it?” Daphne asked with narrowed eyes, “For all I know, you might want to take the diadem for yourself.”

“Didn’t you feel the cursed magic it released when you opened that bag?” Beaufort asked her, as she pointed to the leather bag that Daphne had pulled the diadem from, “I have seen that bag on an educational trip by our school. It is one of those heavy curse-resistant ones that are used by curse breakers to store cursed artifacts that they can’t break immediately and have to carry with them. The artifacts within those could have curses of any level.”

Daphne frowned at the diadem, she remembered the extreme amount of dark magic that had hit her when she had opened the bag, but other than that, she couldn’t remember anything. The next thing she remembered was pain from hitting her head on the wall.

What had happened in between that time?

“How did you know that it was a heavy curse then?” She asked the French diva who shrugged in response.

“When I was levitating that prick inside, I felt the dark magic that was suddenly unleashed behind me,” Angelique explained, “And then when I turned, you had this crazy look in your eyes as you held that diadem. It was as if you were admiring it for being something way more than that dirty looking piece of trash deserved. That’s when I understood that it was the artifact's magic.”

Daphne frowned at that, she didn’t remember any of that. All she remembered was opening the bag and then pain when her head bashed against the wall.

“That’s unusual,” She said out loud, “I am usually quite strong against mental attacks.” She looked at Angelique, “I am a grade three occlumens.”

Angelique shrugged again, “It might be because you held the artifact quite close to yourself and the magic was unleashed quite abruptly. Maybe you’d fare well against a prepared attack and if the artifact was at the same distance from you as it was from me.”

“Maybe..” Daphne trailed off as both the girls looked at each other before they sighed and turned to look at the diadem, “What do you suggest we should do about it?”

“Same thing that we were going to do before,” Angelique gave a small grin, “Ask the shithead who was sneaking away with it what this artifact is and what it does.”

Daphne smirked, she could work with that. It would give them more leeway considering the prat was roaming around with such an artifact in the first place.

“Alright then,” Daphne agreed, “Open that bag and I’ll levitate the artifact back inside it. We’ll see what to do after we know what it is and why that idiot wanted it in the first place.”

Angelique agreed and opened the bag as Daphne levitated the artifact inside the bag. Both the girls winced when the artifact's magic washed over them once again, reaching out to coerce them to wear it. This time they were prepared beforehand and strengthened their mental fortitude to maximum as they placed the artifact inside the bag and closed it.

“That was tough,” Daphne sighed as she wiped her brow, “ Let’s go and get this over with.”

Angelique nodded her head and the two started moving towards the prone form of Draco Malfoy that was inside the room of hidden things.

“Hey Beaufort?” Daphne called out the elder witch.


“You saved my life…why?” She asked her as they entered the room.

Beaufort frowned at the Slytherin girl, “I saved both of us, Greengrass, I had no idea what the cursed artifact could have done to us, so, it seemed kind of useless to get myself killed or maimed because I wanted you to suffer.”

Daphne didn’t say anything at that, she knew that the reason was quite sound. It was the first rule that they had been taught in Ancient Runes, ‘Never touch a cursed artifact that you know nothing about’, who knows, it was possible that she could've ended up being possessed and killed both Beaufort and Malfoy.

Not that the latter's death would have mattered much, but still.

The duo looked at the prone form of Draco Malfoy and couldn’t help the malicious grin that threatened to split on their faces. Both had suffered the consequences of the stuck-up lionshit’s schemes. Granted that Beaufort got what she rightfully deserved, but now it was time to dish some of what she’d had to deal with for the past month when the idiot was sucking his father’s balls at his home.

“Did you remove his wand?” Daphne asked Angelique who shook her head, “Do that first then and tie him up, I’ll lock the door so that no one disturbs us for some time.”

Daphne turned to lock the door while Angelique set on removing Draco’s wand and tying him up. What Daphne didn’t know was that the room had already learned its user’s intent of not wanting to be discovered and, therefore, had already turned the door invisible from the outside.

So now, even if anyone walked in front of the hidden door, all they would see and feel are strong stone walls. Nothing more and nothing less. No one would ever know or even suspect that two witches were viciously torturing the living shit out of a wizard behind said walls.

Daphne turned back and joined Angelique just as the French diva got up with a wand holster in her hand. The Greengrass heiress pointed her wand at Malfoy and whispered, “Ennervate.

They grinned at the mage as he shook his head and looked confusedly at the ropes that bound him.

Someone had indeed said it true that ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold.’


Albus Dumbledore sighed as he sat in his office’s all too familiar chair after the last few long and tiring days. He looked at the report that he had to file regarding the Wizengamot session held on Winter Solstice a few days ago. His quill scratched at the parchment as he filled in the details of the session that he had attended.

It wasn’t that writing it was much work, the Chief Warlock had been doing it for forty years now and he knew that it was an hour’s work at most. But it wasn’t the work that was eating up his mind. It was the condition of two of his students that was making him restless.

Both the Potter brothers were said to be in a magical COMA; the elder one suffered that because of the ritual that he had undergone on the Winter Solstice, he was currently being watched over by the Health Guild as well as the Necromancy Guild.

The younger Potter on the hand had been force fed the Draught of Living Death, and was under a potion induced sleep because of that. The boy was currently resting in Hogwarts Hospital Wing under the care of the school’s matron. Dumbledore knew that a simple Wiggenweld potion would easily reverse the effects of the Draught.

But curing the boy from his sleep meant putting the world at large under heavy risk of two different Dark Lords, with both pursuing the same goal. He was not weak but even he knew that stopping Voldemort would become impossible with Harry unavailable to help him with it.

Therefore, he let both the boys sleep and heal themselves. Harry will have to heal first and then cure Alandale too before said boy could be woken up from his Draught induced sleep. This was the best solution for the time being. It wasn’t like Dumbledore could do anything else either, all that the grand sorcerer could actually do right now was wait for the Potters to wake up one-by-one and hope that things didn’t worsen by the time that happened.

There was a gentle knock on his office door. Dumbledore looked at the door in confusion, he didn’t remember any meeting he was supposed to attend today. In fact, now that he thought about it, he had specifically asked Minerva to deal with any student or staff grievances for the day as he was quite busy with other more important work.


The person who entered his office was the last he had expected to see anytime soon, especially since they had left the school’s hallowed halls decades ago and he was sure that she, out of all his former students, would never have bothered to grace these halls again unless absolutely necessary.

“I must admit, that I never expected to meet you anytime soon, Narcissa,” Dumbledore greeted her, “Or do you prefer Lady Malfoy, now?” he asked the blonde woman who stood in his office, her head held high as she took in the office that she remembered visiting decades ago.

“Narcissa is fine, Headmaster,” She told him as she pulled at the pashmina wool shawl wrapped around herself, “I hope I am not intruding into something important, Professor.”

Dumbledore waved it off, “Just Wizengamot files, my dear, nothing of import.” He offered her one of the chairs in front of him before forwarding her a bowl of his favorite sweets which Narcissa declined politely, trying to control her grimace at the atrociously sour candies that had been proffered.

“So, what may I help you with, Narcissa?” Dumbledore asked as he steepled his fingers in front of him and gave her a tight smile.

He received the same smile in return from the Malfoy matriarch.

“Since we both know that we are both busy people,” She inclined her head, “I will skip the formalities, Headmaster, and would like to come straight to the reason for my visit.”

Dumbledore nodded, “That would be appreciated, yes.”

“Headmaster, as you well might know, the most precious relation that a mother has is with their children, someone who all the mothers around the world would do anything to protect.”

Dumbledore nodded his head, yes. The most precious relation and the purest form of love was indeed between a mother and her child, no one, not even the gods had the power, or the right, to break the bond that a child shares with their mother.

“And like all mothers, I am also worried for my son,” Narcissa told him as she leaned a bit forward, “The world is slowly turning unsafe, Headmaster, and I want to know that if there is someone who is safe from all of this, it’s Draco.”

Dumbledore knew what Narcissa was getting at, oh yes he understood the woman’s not so subtle meaning about Voldemort and the impending doom that the dark wizard would one day bring upon the world, but he gave another one of his condescending smiles.

“Narcissa, I have mentioned it time and again that all of my students are similar to me and that I will protect each one of them from any harm that befalls them inside these walls, Hogwarts is the safest place in all of Britain.”

“And what of the harm that’s waiting outside these walls, Professor?” Narcissa fired back, “What of the people who are waiting to get him the moment he steps outside the protection Hogwarts offers?”

“What people are we talking about, Narcissa?” Dumbledore gave a faux frown at the woman and internally smiled when the woman bristled, “I don’t think there is anything out there that young Mr Malfoy should be afraid of.”

Narcissa’s lips thinned tightly as she raised her eyebrow, “I think we both understand it quite well the people that I am talking about, Headmaster. After all, it wouldn’t do well for someone, especially with your positions, to be unaware of the ins and outs of our world, would it?”

Dumbledore smiled at the woman, “It wouldn’t, yes, but I am quite sure that you aren’t someone, as you said, with my positions. Therefore, I would like to know,” He leaned on his desk and looked straight in her eyes, “How is it that Lady Malfoy knows something about the ins-and-outs of our world?”

Narcissa stiffened at that and cursed herself for her lack of caution. In her bid to successfully deal with Dumbledore, she had actually forgotten that she was dealing with Dumbledore, the Supreme Mugwump, the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot for nearly four decades. Word play was like a second nature to him as he dealt with politicians every single day.

And now, she was trapped in his game.

“I am a Lady of an upstanding, and prominent, House that is working hard for the betterment of the country, Headmaster, I get to hear the snippets every now and then.” She waved him off and was surprised when Dumbledore gave a disappointed sigh and leaned back in his chair, after all, she had expected him to prod more.

“Then I must say, Lady Malfoy, you either heard the wrong things or misunderstood the…snippets…as you put it,” He gave another sigh as he picked his quill again, “There isn’t any threat that you need to worry about, Britain is as safe as it had always been. Now, if there isn’t anything else that’s worrying you, I would very much like to finish this report and take a much needed break from my duties for the rest of the day.”

Narcissa didn’t like this. This wasn’t what she had come all the way to this place after sneaking away from her sister’s and husband’s watchful eyes, “Headmaster, you aren’t responding to me well. This is not what I had expected when I asked you for help.”

“And I can say the same for you too, Lady Malfoy,” Dumbledore said as he kept on scribbling in the report, “You want me to protect your son but you aren’t telling me anything else. Yes, he will be as safe and as protected from harm and danger as all other students under this roof are. I don’t understand what more you want from me.”

Narcissa paused at that, so this was what he wanted. Information on the Dark Lord and his activities. ‘You conniving old goat…’ She thought before she shook her head, “I can’t tell you much, Headmaster, I am not privy to everything that goes inside my house.”

“I see,” Dumbledore frowned, “Then I don’t think there’s anything-”

“But,” Narcissa stopped him, “There’s something that I can give you in return for the protection that I want for Draco.”

“Lady Malfoy, I don’t think you understand the gravity of this situation,” Dumbledore rubbed his forehead, “There is no amount of gold, or anything else, that could be considered equivalent to what you are asking of me.”

“I don’t mean gold, Headmaster,” Narcissa smiled, “I meant something else entirely. Something that would help us all in the long run.”

“What is it?”

“You remember the diary that you accused Lucius of planting? The one that, according to you, re-opened the Chamber of Secrets?” Narcissa smirked, “The Dark Lord gave one such gift to my sister too, and, out of everyone that you have in your service, only I can bring it to you safe and sound.”

Dumbledore’s eyes widened at the implications, he had suspected that Tom would have given one of his horcruxes to Bellatrix as she was his most ardent supporter. To think that he would be able to get it so easily was like a gift from fate. But he knew that Narcissa would never give him the horcrux for free.

“Ah, I see you recognise the importance of the artifact then,” Narcissa smiled at Dumbledore who nodded.

“Young Mr Malfoy will be protected within these walls, Narcissa,” Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, “The only way I could think of protecting him is by not letting him leave the safety of the school’s wards.”

“Draco isn’t as safe within these walls as you seem to think he is,” She narrowed her eyes at him, “He sent me a letter recalling an incident a few days ago, I don’t know if you know this or not, but my son was attacked within these ‘safe’ walls of Hogwarts.”

“Pardon? Mr Malfoy was attacked?” Dumbledore frowned at that, “I apologize, Narcissa, but I wasn’t privy to this information. Rest assured, I will look into this and the students will be sufficiently punished.”

Narcissa waved off his apology, “I don’t think they will, they weren’t acting on their own anyways.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Dumbledore frowned at her, curiosity and confusion shining on his face.

“Headmaster, my son is too naive to understand what he got himself into. And now he is paying for both his and his father’s foolishness. You-know-who wants to punish Lucius for misplacing the gift and for that reason, he asked Draco to fetch something for him.”

Dumbledore nodded to show that he understood what she said.

“Draco would have easily been successful with the retrieval as, according to him, he already had it. But his success would have derailed the Dark Lord’s intent of punishing Draco and indirectly Lucius. Therefore, it’s my assumption that he purposefully asked someone within Hogwarts to attack my son and take the artifact away, just so Draco could fail and be punished for it.”

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at that, “Narcissa, are you implying that there is someone inside Hogwarts that is working for him?”

Narcissa bobbed her head, “I don’t know their identity, Headmaster, but I know for a fact that there is indeed a spy here at Hogwarts. They are responsible for many things that have happened differently in the school.”

Dumbledore clenched his fist at that, again someone had successfully invaded his school’s security, and Tom was using them to manipulate things from the sidelines. Well, that quite explained Alandale’s participation in the Tournament even after they had successfully apprehended Barty Crouch Jr. last year.

“This way, the Dark Lord will successfully get to show his displeasure and punish both Draco and Lucius, while at the same time get the artifact that he ordered Draco to retrieve from his spy.”  Narcissa reasoned out .

“Yes, yes…” Dumbledore agreed, “This could certainly be expected from someone like him, yes.”

“And this is why I wanted protection for my son, Headmaster,” The mother pleaded, “From both outside as well as inside forces that are working for the Dark Lord.”

“I will try to protect young Mr Malfoy as well as I can. I will even ask a few members of my staff as well to keep an eye on him,” The Chief Warlock assured her, “Though, it would certainly be more beneficial for us to somehow know the identity of the perpetrator within Hogwarts.”

“I will see what I can do, professor. Also, as you might've already guessed, I don't want Draco to return home this year for self-explainable reasons,” Narcissa told him, “So, do we have an accord?”

Dumbledore smiled at her, and this time it wasn’t one of his tight-lipped ones. This time, it was the smile he used when he was happy with something, a smile that made his blue eyes twinkle madly, “Yes, Narcissa, I believe we do.”


Daphne Greengrass released another deep breath as she furiously wiped the beads of perspiration that covered her forehead and rolled down her neck into her blouse. She was tired, confused and lost. But most of all, she was angry.

Angry with herself, angry with the world, angry with her dueling partner and teacher, angry with fate. She was angry with everything! Why couldn’t the world be a simpler thing? Why did it have to be such a wreck? Why did Wizarding Britain have to be a confusing piece of dragondung that messed up with each and every single one of its citizens? WHY?!

Daphne furiously slashed her wand at her opponent and glared at the bright purple ray of magic that leapt from her wand. She growled when her opponent ducked which caused the ray to smash harmlessly on the wall behind her.

“Calm down, Greengrass,” Angelique scolded her, “You aren’t doing either of us any favor by throwing a temper-tantrum.”

“A temper tantrum?” Daphne growled, “A fucking TEMPER TANTRUM YOU SAY?!”

“What do you think this is then?” Angelique narrowed her eyes, “You have been this way for three days now. I don’t bloody care if you, or your angst, makes you do something idiotic, but right now you are dueling with me. I’ve been teaching you for nearly a month now, and this is the worst your aim has been in weeks. I won’t let you spoil all of the work that I put in you. If you are angry, piss it on something else, not my work.”

Daphne clenched her fist at Beaufort’s words, she hated the girl for her past deeds but it was quite clear that the elder girl was right here, and Daphne didn’t like that.

“What do you suggest I should do then?” Daphne shot back, “At the end of this year, you will leave Hogwarts and graduate from Beauxbatons, you will be free to do as you please, most likely you will return to your fashion modeling career that you had tried so hard to save.”

“Of course I will, but my future isn’t the thing that’s eating you, is it?” Angelique started walking towards the utility table on the far end of the room, “It’s yours that you are worried about.”

“Mine and my family’s,” Daphne clarified, “I can’t let any of them stay here and become a victim of the war that is brewing, hell I am quite sure that the moment Malfoy is able to leave for his home, the first thing he will do is report what we did to him and his ‘task’.”

“He probably will,” Angelique agreed, “And that’s why I am also as big of a target as you, Greengrass. This is why I said that this whole mess was a bad idea from the beginning,” She picked up a pitcher of water from the table, and poured it in a glass before sipping it.

“And what good would have that done? He-who-must-not-be-named is back, he is protected within the wards of Malfoy manor, and he has already freed all the members of his inner circle while steadily gaining all those who once sided with him. The Ministry is completely unaware of all this, and the world at large is still celebrating his defeat from over a decade ago.” Daphne sighed in frustration.

“It won’t have painted us as huge targets, for one.” Angelique shrugged out.

“Can you stop being selfish for once, Beaufort?” Daphne rubbed her forehead as she reached the table too and poured herself a glass of water, “And even if we didn’t, then what? Me and my family might not be safe from him, but it’s not like you or yours are either. He’s a Dark Lord, Beaufort, do you really think he would have been satisfied once he had conquered Britain?”

Angelique didn’t say anything. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to refute the girl, it was more like she simply couldn’t refute the girl. Yes, Dark Lord Voldemort had been Britain’s problem in the last war, but it wasn’t like he was restricted with the boundaries on the map. She didn’t know much about the last war, but even she knew that Voldemort had been a cause of worry in her country too.

And if not for the fluke surrounding Alandale Potter’s victory over him, it wouldn’t have taken long for him to become an actual threat to her nation.

Neither of them said anything for a while as they mulled over their own thoughts. The ordeal with Draco Malfoy had become way too much of a mess than either one of them had been ready for. They had threatened, tortured, and toyed with the Malfoy heir until the weak shit had spilled his guts about everything he knew, and that was why they were facing this messed up situation.

“You think he can help us?” Beaufort asked, “Your headmaster, Dumbledore. Isn’t he the only one who You-Know-Who was afraid of last time?”

Daphne nodded, “Yes, he was. But it’s Dumbledore we are talking about, what if he simply thought that we were the culprits and called aurors on us for possessing a dark artifact?”

“Then we tell them that it was Malfoy who was in possession of the artifact and that we retrieved it from him.” Beaufort shrugged.

Daphne facepalmed at that, “If only you were as sharp with your mind as you are with your wand, Beaufort,’ She sighed, “It would’ve done wonders for you.”

“What do you mean?” Beaufort narrowed her eyes.

“Think about it, what will you say if Dumbledore asks you exactly what you did to get the artifact from Malfoy?”

Angelique opened her mouth to tell Daphne, but then she abruptly closed it with an audible snap.

“Exactly,” Daphne sighed as she ran her hand through her hair, “We can’t really tell the Headmaster that we were disillusioned and followed Malfoy to this room and then tortured him until he told us everything, can we? We need something else.”

“What if we sent him an anonymous letter and the diadem with it? It won’t come back to bite us that way.” Angelique told her and frowned when she shook her head.

“We need something to safeguard us when Malfoy gets away from us and reports to You-Know-Who,” Daphne reasoned, “We need Dumbledore’s protection before that or we won’t be safe from him.”

“So, it’s either the aurors or You-Know-Who for us,” Angelique grumbled in frustration, “Absolutely no in-between!”

“Yes, we are stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea,” Daphne sighed.

“The what..?”

“It’s a phrase, Beaufort, The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, a Rock and Hard place, Well and the Ditch,” Daphne shrugged, “Things like that, it means-”

“We don’t have anywhere else to go, yes, I understand that. I am not dumb,” She sneered, “Now instead of being a smartass, why don’t you use that brain of yours to think of something that is actually beneficial for us?”

It was after a few minutes that Daphne tapped Angelique’s arm. The irritated witch turned to glare at the Greengrass heiress but she stopped when the girl gave a small smile. This was the first time that she had seen Greengrass smile after the time they had interrogated Malfoy, and, as far as past records regarding her and this smile were concerned, this smile didn’t mean anything good for her.

“What are you thinking, Greengrass?” She frowned suspiciously.

Daphne pointed at the other table that was placed in the corner on the far end of their dueling room that had the curse resistant leather bag and the artifact of their misery, she smirked.

“What do you think about working out a deal with the strongest wizard alive?”

Angelique gave an internal groan as she understood what Daphne was planning, ‘Yes…definitely not a good smile at all’, she shook her head tiredly as Daphne smirked at her, her brain already making up plans that might help her in accomplishing the deal.


Deep on the planes of anonymity, a place where no life existed and no soul haunted. A place where there was no concept of space or time. A place that was devoid of anything joyous, harmonious, enjoyable, satisfying, calming, or peaceful.

It wasn’t just the brighter emotions that were absent. No, the darker shades of the emotional spectrum were absent as well. There were no signs of helplessness, frustrations, fear, guilt, anger, or misery.

It was just utter emptiness, nothing in the place. No concept of life and no concept of death. For that place was like a boundary that existed between both of the realms. It was the place that wasn’t affected by the emotions and the beings of either realm, but it was a place that was like a barrier which separated both of them.

And in that barrier, in that boundary that separated the differences between Life and Death, there was a small rift.

A rift that couldn’t be more than a few feet was rapidly increasing in length. Nothing much could be differentiated except the small hairline cleft that glowed with gray energy, there wasn’t anything that was trying to stop the crack’s increase in length either.

All of a sudden, there was some rumbling and the cleft opened up a bit, not much, just a bit. Darkness seemed to seep out of the crack but the light from the other side extinguished it as soon as it came out forcing the darkness to immediately be sucked back from where it came.

There was a growl that emanated from within the crevice.

And on closer look in the utter darkness of the other side, you could distinctly mark the presence of a pair of tiny red orbs that glared back at you with all the maliciousness that the world could ever offer.

The orbs were there, the presence was there. They were watching. Watching and waiting patiently for their turn. They were waiting patiently.

For the Crevice in Creation.


Ending note: There you have it fellas, chapter Eighteen of Innovator, hope you liked it.

Liked it? Loved it? Needs some changes? Please, do tell.

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Those who have joined my discord server, please tell one of the mods or me about it in the server to get the patrons role, I am most active in my server so you can freely ask anything there.
Link: https://discord.gg/Gcbcv4dxGx
Name: Dev Black's Empire

Thank you for reading and comments.

With regards,
Dev Black



Oh for the love of Christ Dev don’t tell me daphne is suddenly thinking of making deals with Voldemort, actually you know what, let that happen, more chance of Ashley and Harry then 😁 Still a douche for these chapter endings though -_-


lol, you know me, I would never put Daphne of all people in danger (Wait, you can never be sure with me) 😂 You only want Ashley lmao, i'll have the woman give special appearance just for you 😂😂 And about the ending...hope you enjoyed it 🤣🤣🤣


Another great chapter. Clearly Daphne thinks the most powerful wizard alive is Harry. Right?… lol…