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Author’s Note: Hello my dear patron family. Just as promised, Here’s chapter five of Innovator. Hope you like it! Do tell how it was in the comments. Also, Chapters 1-4 are on my fanfiction and ao3 profile.

Author Out!

“I am Talking.”

I am Thinking




Revenge is sweet and not fattening.

~Alfred Hitchcock



-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 5: Payback~~


The day started out as normal as anyone could expect it to be. It was almost the weekend and the students who were thirteen or older were happy that next weekend they would finally be able to leave the castle and enjoy a day in Hogsmeade.

Harry Potter, the resident Innovator of Britain was currently giving final touches to the badge that he had procured from one of his classmates yesterday, he was impressed with the runic circuit that was in the badge and it was definitely not the work of some random guy who was in fourth year.

Harry’s money was on the fact that Draco Malfoy had probably paid a seventh year to do this for him.

But there was no puzzle in this world that Harry couldn’t crack with a bit of sharp wit and a lot of intellect. Therefore Harry had worked on the badge for quite some time and changed a few things. Unfortunately whoever had built the thing, had kept the master control of the circuit to themselves.

Therefore, an easy solution was to add an extra one in his badge, the extra one was made by Harry and only he could turn it off. Finally cleaning it up Harry gave a last flick to the badge and gave a small smile of satisfaction when the colours swirled this time.


“‘arry, are you going to wear that badge too?”

Harry turned towards the female companion he had somehow acquired for today’s breakfast and nodded his head in agreement.

“It’s already there, just I’ve decided to disillusion it till it’s the right time.” Harry told her as he grabbed her hand and made her feel the outer edges of the badge.

Fleur nodded in understanding, “It’s always good to support your school champion, I would have loved it if people from Beauxbatons supported me the same way.” There was an underlining of wistfulness in her tone.

“Oh trust me, you wouldn’t want your people to support you this way. The person who has launched this would rather die a hundred times than praise a puff. This is just his way of distributing the badges for another prank on my younger brother.” Harry told her, confusing her even more.

“Just wait and watch, the badges weren’t given for free just to support Diggory. Malfoy has something up his sleeves that he’ll reveal only when everyone is in attendance.”

“And you know about that already? I didn’t know you were buddy-buddy with Malfoy of all people.”

Harry immediately looked behind him and saw Blaise standing, his face just a few inches away from Harry's, scaring the green eyed boy a bit.

“Since when have you been standing here?!” Harry asked the Italian heir who gave a small shrug and took a seat beside him, “Just arrived, decided to surprise you, how was it?” Blaise grinned and started piling his plate “Oh and hello Fleur.”

That was another thing that Harry noted. Blaise was this close to Fleur and he wasn’t a stuttering-drooling mess. There was definitely something off with his only companion and Harry knew that he'd definitely ask about it later.

“Your surprise was so good that if you do something like that again, I'll blast your brain out the back of your skull.” Harry told the guy calmly before continuing with his breakfast.

This was when Harry saw Alandale enter the great hall and pause at what he was seeing. The entirety of Hogwarts, almost everyone was wearing a yellow colored badge that said ‘Support Cedric Diggory

Alan looked towards his house table where his own housemates were sitting along with his two best friends, they too were wearing the badges. The boy-who-lived sniffed in their direction ‘What a good example of a family who supports their own’ he was about to move out and eat in the kitchen when someone called his name from behind.

Alan turned only to stop and glare at his enemy “Malfoy.”

“How are you Potter? I hope you like the new accessories my father decided to give to all the students, you know, to support our champion.” Malfoy told him and laughed with his merry gang of misfits, knowing full well that the entirety of Hogwarts, including the staff, was watching them.

Harry was watching the scene unfold from afar. He knew that Malfoy was probably taunting the youngest champion right now and knowing his brother's brash behaviour, Harry was sure that the guy would fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

But that was alright with Harry. Malfoy could do anything he wished to his brother and Harry couldn’t care less, as long as his brother wasn't in ‘mortal danger’ and Harry’s powers as heir apparent of the houses remained dormant. It only activated when his brother was gravely wounded and might die.

That’s how Harry had seen it for the last three years anyways. After Harry had taken the heirship of Houses Potter and Peverell, something which had not been easily digested by the boy-who-lived and his caretaker, Harry had saved the ungrateful brat’s whiny ass seven times already.

At first Harry had been confused, he had been going to the Ravenclaws dorms when the troll had been announced but for some reason this ring was pulling him in the opposite direction. He traced it only to find that the focus point was a girl’s bathroom where his brother and his friend were engaging the troll in combat.

After that, Harry had taken the heir’s guide from his agent and Godfather - Sirius Black, as he was the only person Harry could’ve gone to regarding such things. That’s when his godfather had taught him one major rule known as ‘The Bond of Life’.

It was a really simple thing, if there was any member of a house who is in mortal danger from an enemy, their family magic would immediately notify the head of house, going as far as to give out the location if the magic is traced properly.

Now since there was no Potter or Peverell head of house, it was the heir apparent who got the pings.

Which was a headache considering the fact that his brother got stuck into weirdest situations that one could imagine and Harry had then been forced to help his brother.

Why not let that ungrateful brat die? Well, the problem was Harry wasn’t the head of houses Potter and Peverell, which means he didn’t have the power to kick the brat out of the houses. It also meant that he didn’t have complete control over the family magic which literally forced him to reach the location the pings were coming from and then he had to save his brother.

Later on, Sirius had revealed that since the number of members in the family was less than five, the family magic was doing its best to keep all of its members alive and safe so that the family could one day grow along with the strength of the family magic.

There was a reason that even after all that in-breeding The Blacks were once the most powerful family in England. After all, they were the largest and oldest active wizarding family.

Harry watched as Draco took his wand out and noticed that the professors who were early were still not doing anything, they were clearly angry at Alan but this was just ignoring their duties.

Malfoy then placed his wand on the badge and sent a pulse of his magic in it which activated the hidden thing.

Immediately, every badge throughout the great hall began swirling the colours. The swirling stopped as soon as it had started but now the badge was green instead of yellow.

And the words weren't 'Support- Cedric Diggory' they were 'Potter Stinks' with Alan's face on them.

No one except a few knew about this hidden feature of the badge, therefore the reaction took a few seconds, but it did come. The Slytherins and Puffs started laughing out loud along with half of Gryffindor house and a majority of Claws.

The professors didn’t know what to do, but they were sure that the noise from the great hall would soon bring more students and professors, so they started to try their level best in calming the students.

“Harry, did you know about this?” Blaise asked him when he saw Harry pointing his wand towards the disillusioned badge he was wearing, assuming that his friend was about to remove the disillusionment now.

“Yeah, I did. But there’s one more thing that’s about to happen… now.” with that Harry sent a pulse of magic through his badge which activated the additional rune circuit that Harry had made and merged with his badge.

Draco was laughing at his nemesis’ enraged face, his face was almost as red as his hair and Draco was having the time of his life doing this in front of everything. But just as Alandale Potter pulled out his wand, something else happened.

The swirling green colour on his badge was the first change that he noticed. Draco didn’t know what was happening because this was not in the previous tests that he had conducted with Warrington’s help, the person who had built the circuit in the first place.

The colours swirled and now the badge showed seven different colours in a swirl, the words ....Draco paused at that, the words weren’t ‘Potter Stinks’, no the words were ‘Daddy’s little mess’ and Draco’s crying face was there in place of Alandale’s. Oddly enough it was a baby Draco with soiled nappies.

Entire hall paused at this new change and was surprised that after Draco’s badge, all the other badges changed and a similar thing formed on it.

“POTTER!! WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE!!” Draco screams as he looks at the badge that was still showing his crying face.

“I don’t know Malfoy, these are your badges after all.” Alandale gasped out amid the laughs. This was getting funnier every time he looked at the bright rainbow coloured badges around him.

Harry then removed the disillusion from his badge and proudly showed it off to others. Almost immediately the great hall was again booming with laughter, there was no one, not a single person who wasn’t laughing right now.

Draco pointed his wand and pushed another small pulse of magic in the badge, trying to revert it. But the problem was that instead of reverting back to either of its previous messages, the badge gave out a loud wail. As if the baby Draco in it was crying out loud.

And immediately all the other badges followed it and started wailing. The great hall by this moment was a cacophony of different noises like, the laughter from the residents, the wailing from the badges, the professors shouting to maintain order in the hall.

“Harry, tell me you did this.” Blaise begged as he held his stomach, tears of laughter were pooling in his eyes as he was banging the table hard.

“Who do you think could have done this? I don’t know what you’re talking about, I am too busy with my projects to care about such childish pranks.” Harry was also laughing at all the mess but his eyes widened when Blaise turned towards him and jumped on him to hug him.








Blaise was hugging Harry, hanging on as tightly as he could, while Harry was pushing the boy as far away from as he could, that wasn’t much considering that they were sitting and there wasn’t much space on the bench.

Fleur ended up just laughing at all this havoc and watching the two boys.


“Ah, so that’s why you didn’t like Hogwarts at first.” Cho Chang was sitting near the black lake, beneath the large oak tree with her new friend Fleur Delacour.

Fleur’s friendship had been accidental, they had been sharing meals together for a few days and engaged in small conversations. Cho noticed that surprisingly enough such a wonderful girl didn’t have any friends therefore, the asian girl made up her mind to befriend the French Triwizard Champion.

“Oui, but oo said I like ‘ogwarts now?” Fleur asked the Ravenclaw with a frown on her face.

“Well, you might not like it before, but now you like Harry right? And he’s from Hogwarts. I’m sure you will start liking Hogwarts more once you start spending more time with him.” Cho said before sitting up straight.

“Tell me Fleur, how did Harry propose to you? I’m actually surprised he did something like that, I always thought that the guy was too much of a taskmaster and didn’t want anything to do with relationships of any kind.”

Fleur started laughing at Cho’s question before shaking her head in denial when Cho got a confused frown on her face.

“I am not een relationsheep with ‘arry. I just knew ‘im from one of ze balls zat was conducted by the Ministere de la Magie, or ou Ministry and we became friends zat day, I’ve even exchanged a few letters wiz ‘im over the months.” Fleur told Cho who nodded in understanding before giving out a small sigh.

“If only the boy was as receptive to the female population as the public is to his innovations, he could have easily built a harem of witches by now, you wouldn’t believe the number of posters I have seen in Quidditch lockers and Dorm rooms with him as the model and the number of propositions and marriage proposals he has rejected to date… 'in the name work'.”

Cho told her and was surprised when her small wrist watch gave a chime with the words ‘Starting in ten minutes’ written on it. Fleur saw that too and asked her what’s starting in ten minutes while the Ravenclaw girl started standing up and dusting her skirt.

“My extra potions class.” Cho told her with a small mischievous smile on her face, knowing full well what Fleur would ask next.

“I thought your potions professor wasn’t that happy with regular classes, I am actually impressed that he’s giving extra Potions lessons.” Fleur told the girl, making her laugh out loud.

“No Miss Delacour, you’re wrong. This extra potions class isn’t conducted by Professor Snape. It’s conducted by Professor Potter.”

“Professor…Potter? What do you-”

“Let’s walk, I’ll explain it to you on the way, I need to get to the lessons too, you know.” Cho said, forwarding her hand towards Fleur who took it and together they started moving towards the Ravenclaw Common room.

“In our second year, there was a time when our then defence professor, Professor Quirnuss Quirrell was injured due to some circumstances and Professor Snape ended up substituting for him for a week.” Cho started explaining.

“But since the professor felt he was being overworked, he gave all of us a really hard project to finish in one week, which would give him ample time to focus on Defence.” She told the veela as they crossed a few students loitering near the entrance hall of Hogwarts.

“Well, there was a small argument between Harry’s friend Blaise and another boy in our year regarding a few ingredients in the potion.”

“Blaise was going with Harry’s logic and the boy was adamantly bent on throwing the book writer’s logic in the argument, soon enough the argument escalated and the entirety of our house was involved in it, some taking Blaise’s side while the others took the other boy’s side.” Cho said as they crossed the first floor staircase.

“It was a new project so our seniors were also confused and they had their own potions project works to focus on. In the end we called Harry and insisted he take up the debate platform in our common room and explain his logic to us.”

“You have a debate platform in your common room?” Fleur asked her, completely surprised that they had something like this.”

Cho gave a proud smile and nodded as she continued the story, “Well, Harry's logic was far superior and that was clear once he had explained it. It was then that Roger Davies, who was in fourth year at that time, challenged Harry’s logic, and if you'll excuse my language, he got his ass handed to him by our Harry.”

“Roger got pissed off at that and started throwing off Potions, Charms and other spells from the fourth year curriculum. Hoping that this would discourage Harry, we were outraged at that and were about to start another fight when Harry surprised us all by answering all of Davies' questions in a way better than that of the professors, after that the house begged him to teach a weekly class where he solved their doubts and that’s how-”

“I became Professor Potter. Isn’t that right Cho?”

Cho stopped and the duo turned, only to find Harry standing behind them with a raised eyebrow. She blushed knowing full well that Harry didn’t like anyone talking about him like this.

“Hello ‘arry!” Fleur greeted him while Harry dipped his head in greeting before focusing his attention on his rosy red housemate.

“Err..Hello Harry, how are you?”

“Don’t you ‘How are you' me, Cho.” He said with narrowed eyes making the girl flinch a bit before she straightened her shoulders and looked in eyes “Yeah well, Fleur was curious so I told that story. It's not like I was talking bad about you or spreading rumors.”

Harry just narrowed his eyes to slits making the girl take a step back. She didn’t want to risk the boy’s infamous wrath. It was one of the foremost rules in Hogwarts that was taught not only to the Ravenclaws but to all the first years of all the houses.

The only person who was still dumb enough to not understand it was Roger Davies who had made it his life’s mission to humiliate Harry any way he could. To date he had been unsuccessful at every point, yet he was still trying to come up with new ideas.

As for Harry, he couldn’t care less.

The trio entered the common room, Fleur was a bit hesitant at first, a common room is something that is personal to a house and she was not a student from Ravenclaw house… heck she wasn't even a student from this school.

But Harry had just shrugged his shoulders saying that all are welcomed and with that Fleur had entered the sacred room of the intelligent and witty for a lecture from Professor Potter.


“Late again…”

Daphne Greengrass, fifteen year old fifth year student of Hogwarts, was currently sitting in one of the many corners in the school’s library. She had occupied one of the empty tables, there were books and parchments around her on the table.

She was now waiting while looking at her watch, waiting for her crus…future husba…err, friend? Yeah, she was waiting for her wayward friend who was supposed to arrive about forty-five minutes ago to help her with the side project.

But this was the third time this week when he hadn’t shown up on time and she had ended up waiting for him, and this time she was pissed enough to do something which she had wanted to do for a long time.

…Actually, she had the perfect excuse to do it now.

“Let’s do it Daphne, at best he’ll try to say no. But I am sure you can make him agree to it.” with that little personal pep talk, she stood up and started walking towards the innovator’s room on the fifth floor.


“Master Potter Sir?”

Green eyes looked up from the tome they had been fixed on for the past two hours, it was a potion tome that he had requested from his guild and the last date to return the book was tomorrow, which was why he was busy trying to find the answers to his year long project.

“Yes Dobby?” Harry asked the hyperactive elf who was hesitating, his master had specifically told him to only rouse him when there was something serious. At first he wasn’t going to disturb his master, but somehow the Slytherin girl convinced him that this was way more important.

“Th-There’s a missy waiting for master Potter.” He bobbed his head before looking at Harry with his saucer wide eyes.

“And that was so important that you disturbed me even when I told you not to?” Harry asked the elf who nodded his head “Yes Master, she says it’s really urgent and master will be free soon, that she won’t take much time.”

Harry sighed a bit, he didn’t know who it was this time but it seems it was urgent work, “If they’re a professor then welcome them inside and if they’re a student then keep them out. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Harry was about to go back to his reading when he noticed that the elf was hesitating a bit.

“What is it Dobby? Did you do something you shouldn’t have?” The innovator asked his elf with narrowed eyes and got a nervous smile in return that didn’t relax his mind one bit.

“Do-Dobby might’ve been con-convinced by that missy. Missy saying that it’ll be easier and faster so less time consuming if she met you inside your suite…so..”



“Run Dobby.”

“Yes Master.”

Pop with that Dobby vanished to do what he was doing while Harry jumped out of his work table and ran towards the living room where there was a girl waiting for him, and he had no idea who it was and what they might take away from him.



Daphne turned her head from the huge blackboard that was standing in a corner, there were too many weird equations written on it. She was able to understand a few equations and runes that were there on the board, like the equation of magical equality and the small runes like sowilo, but other than that it was all gibberish to her.

No wonder her Harry was so smart, he was in fifth year and still he was heads and shoulders above their classmates. Hell she was sure her beloved was way above seventh years too, he was in guilds after all and the youngest person to be invited to a guild.

“Hey Harry!” She gave a huge grin and started walking towards him, stopping just a few feet away with raised arms and closed eyes, as if she was going to hug someone.

After a few seconds, she opened one eye and looked at Harry who was now standing a few feet away from her, hands folded over his chest and a confused frown on his face as if asking her ‘What are you doing?’

Daphne blushed a bit as she opened her other eye and let her arms drop down by her side, “You were supposed to come close and hug me.” She muttered, as if that might explain her weirdness…

“And…why would I do that?”

…instead it confused him even more.

“Well…because that’s what couples do.” Daphne said pouting before turning towards the couch “It’s obvious that out of all these tomes you have here, none are romance novels. A pity really.” She tutted as she took her seat on the couch.

That broke Harry out of his confusion and he went ahead to stand in front of her “Why are you here Greengrass.” He focused on more important matters and kept the useless ones like ‘hugs' and ‘romance novels’ to the side.

“Hmm? Ah that….yeah wait.” She stood up and it was then that she noted, she was three inches shorter than her Harry ‘Perfect height for kissing you…’ she thought with a small amount of giddiness.

Placing her hand on her waist like she had seen her mother do with her father, she pointed her finger towards Harry and tried to glare at him “You have forgotten another visit! It was third time this week!”

Harry just looked at her wordlessly.

“I am holding up my end of our deal here but you aren’t. You promised me, one hour every day yet you’ve missed it thrice this week.” Daphne was waving her fingers at Harry who was just looking at her.

He had indeed forgotten the meet-up as he had been a tad bit busy with the project and the book he had been issued for the week. At first Daphne hadn’t complained so he had assumed that she might’ve found something else to do while he was busy. It seems like he was wrong.

“It’s been two weeks Harry and even though I have selected a few projects I need your help, either you come there or..”


Daphne blushed a bit “O-Or….I am willing to spend some alone time here with you, that way you will be free to do whatever you want and I-”

“No. Not allowed.” Harry shook his head in denial, as his brain immediately supplied images that Daphne might do if they were alone in any room, let alone his own.

Daphne gave a small pout complete with puppy dog eyes but dropped it when she saw that Harry wasn’t budging on the topic. Well, she was here for some other reason anyways, speaking of which.

“So, what do you have to say for your bouts of tardiness?” She asked him.

“I’ll try to be more punctual and come daily from now on, now can you leave?”

Harry was surprised when she shook her head in denial and pointed a dainty finger in his direction “That’s in the future, what about your crimes in the past?”

“Crimes? I didn’t commi–”

“Yes! Crimes! You didn’t hold your end of the deal thrice, made me waste three hours of my day just waiting for you. I kept on waiting, looking towards the library door whenever someone came. You don’t understand how much have I-”

“Alright alright, stop being dramatic, what do you want, I have to go to that detention I got for ‘choking Davies to death’ soon and I don’t have much time.” Harry told her tiredly.

The smile which Daphne gave him was something that would send chills down Harry’s neck whenever he thought about it from then on. This was the smile of a cat who got the juiciest of the canaries and was proud of that fact, only a hundred times more frightening.

Why do I feel like I made a mistake?’ Harry thought before looking towards his closed window ‘And is it just me or is it suddenly colder in here?

Closing the door behind her Daphne gave a proud smile before shrugging off the invisible soot off of her shoulders, she was proud of what she had done? Of course she was. Will she do it again? Hell yeah!

And with that she gave a self satisfactory smile before humming a tune to herself as she traversed the empty corridor skipping with excitement, she’d later thank her lucky stars that no one saw the skipping-humming and smiling side of ‘The Ice Queen’ of Hogwarts.

Harry for his part was still confused as to why he had agreed to that. But…’Ugh….Damnit! let’s see how it goes’ he physically shook his head to get those thoughts out of his head and went back to his tome, he’ll think about this later.


Alandale Potter was leaving the quidditch locker room, he still had no idea why everyone was angry with him. He had tried to explain it to anyone who could listen that it wasn’t him who put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but for some reason no one believed him.

Even worse was the fact that his best friends Ron and Hermione weren’t believing him and he didn’t like that, not at all. They had been through thick and thin together, they should understand that he would never lie to them, not even in his dreams.

During the first four-five days he was sad and had tried to talk with them, but they had completely ignored him, going as far as to badmouth him behind his back. After that Alan had decided that he wouldn't go after them anymore.

Alan was sure that they would come back once he wins this tournament and becomes the triwizard champion. And everything will go back to normal after that, he might end up having a few more fans but that’s good right? Right.

There haven’t been any new stories and he hadn’t been in the papers after his first year when he had joined Hogwarts ‘Oh, I will love to show those newspapers to Mr I-am-better-than-you Potter, then we’ll see who has more fans

That's why Alan was now completely alone, the teachers didn’t believe him, the students hated him, the other schools looked at him as if he was nothing but garbage and his family- Harry and Sirius hadn’t talked to him in years.

So, he usually spent his time in the kitchen or in the Gryffindor dorms. The only good thing out of all this was that he could skip classes so he didn’t have to deal with any of the professors, especially Snape and Sprout, who was proving that she could be worse than Snape if she wanted to.

The only other thing that he did to pass his time was either sign the fan letters that he got from his fans around the world or play quidditch- the game of gods, in his opinion at least.

That’s what he had been doing lately, one might wonder why he wasn’t training for the triwizard tournament. Well, there was a reason that the tournament was being conducted under Dumbledore’s authority.

Alan was sure that the headmaster won’t let them undergo any harmful tasks and even if others will have to do it, he was sure that either his luck or the headmaster himself would intervene before anything drastic could happen. That’s why he was chilling more than usual, considering he didn’t have to worry about classes anymore.


Alandale turned to look at the person who had called him, his eyes widened when he recognised them.



Harry was writing in his notes, his complete attention was on said notes, he didn’t have much time as he needed to finish up reading fifty more pages before he could take a break and try to comprehend-


The small buzz on his right hand spoiled the sentence he was writing, he ignored it and was about to write again when his finger started buzzing again. Harry stopped writing and ordered his family magic to reveal the heir’s ring that was present on his index finger of the right hand.

The ruby red Potter heir ring materialised, making him groan. It wasn’t the ring that made him groan though. No, it was the red glow that was coming from the ring and the continuous series of mental pings that told him what had happened.

“Brilliant! What new mess have you gotten yourself stuck in this time Alan?” Harry says as he starts moving towards the main door of his suite and traces the magic which will ultimately lead him to Alan’s current location.

“Hopefully you’re not in one of your end-of-the-year messes already.”


Ending Note: There you have it fellas, chapter five of Innovator. Liked it? Loved it? Needs some changes? Please, do tell.

Next chapter's release date: September 3rd, 2023.

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

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Link: https://discord.gg/Gcbcv4dxGx
Name: Dev Black's Empire

But you’ll have to tell me or one of the mods within the server, that you are my patron and tell your patron account name.

Thank you for reading and comments.
With regards,

Dev Black



Now that was a fun read, daphne messing with Harry is always going to be rather amusing in this story I can tell. Keep it up Dev.


Daphne tricking Harry to Hogsmeade, that would be a treat. I would love to see more Professor Potter and more friend time with Cho and Fleur. Awesome chapter.


Hush Hush, spoilers 😂😂😂. Sadly, professor Potter was a one time thing, I'll see if I could use it somewhere. You'll definitely have more of Cho and Fleur. Thank you! 😁