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Author's Note: Here you have it my lovely patrons family. Palliation chapter 3! Chapter one is on ffn and ao3.

I hope you'll like it!! 

Author Out!


“I am Talking.”

I am Thinking

The price of greatness is responsibility.

~Winston Churchill

Previously in Palliation:

“Exactly, as of now, your patient is mentally a six year old Daphne Greengrass who can learn and remember new things but her original memories from six till twenty-six years of age are locked by her own magic, and we can’t do anything to remove or change it, she’ll have to do it herself.” Edward gave his final statement regarding the case.

“So, what do we do now?” Harry asked Lamming who was deep in his thoughts.



-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 3: Responsibility~~


Daphne Greengrass looked at the door once more. She was getting bored here. This was not fun at all. She mentally crossed off the job of a healer from her future job prospects.

The smell wasn’t good, the white walls weren’t good, and they needed to get some colourful walls for cute patients like her. And healers didn’t fulfil their promises either.

She had been waiting since yesterday for Harry to come and visit her, but all she had gotten was an old man who had asked her a few questions before putting her to sleep and a nurse who was there to help her with her daily needs and serve food.

Oh, and Maisy was still not responding to her summons; she hoped that the old elf was fine and wasn’t worrying too much. Honestly, her elf needed to take some rest from all the worrying she did in her old age.

Daphne was also worried about her little sister Tori; that girl was way too innocent and didn’t know much about their mother yet. Daphne was always there, along with their grandfather, to take care of her and protect her from their mother’s wrath and influence. If only she could just turn younger sooner and this accidental magic would wear off faster.

The door opened, and a familiar mop of black hair came into view. She knew this one because she was waiting for him to come again.

“HARRY!! You finally came! I’ve been sooooo lonely here. Why didn’t you come earlier?” Daphne couldn’t care less about ‘why’, she was just happy that he didn’t forget her and that he came just to meet with her.

Harry just gave a tired smile before pulling the bedside chair and sitting on it. “Hello, Daphne, how are you? Everything is alright?”

Daphne bobbed her head excitedly before pulling out a small notebook from beside her pillow and showing it to Harry.

“I was getting bored here, so the good caretaker who’s outside the room brought a notebook and a few colours for me. See, I drew my house.” Daphne showed him a crayon drawing that showed a large green lawn with a building in the centre of it. There were trees and a few animals that were supposed to be moving around the manor.

“And this one too; this is my family.” Daphne flipped the page to show a lawn, presumably their manor’s garden.

There was a woman who was standing on the far end of the painting, an old man who was sitting on a chair on the lawn, and two girls. One was slightly taller than the other; she had blonde hair and blue eyes, while the other had black hair and blue eyes. And a grossly depicted creature that Harry presumed was their family elf Maisy.

Harry guessed that the blonde one was Daphne herself, and the other one was Astoria, her younger sister. What he noted was that the ‘mother’ was made farthest from the group, and the blonde-haired girl was standing in such a way that the black-haired one was somehow protected from said ‘mother’.

Wow, Daphne, you are really good at drawing things. Are you taking classes by any chance?” Harry asked the girl, who blushed a bit at the praise before shaking her head in denial. And he wasn’t lying; considering that her mentality was that of a six-year-old girl, she had drawn quite well. Maybe her unconscious mind was helping her? Maybe.

“I want to take art lessons; I like drawing things. But mother says that heiresses don’t need to waste their time on such useless things and that it’d be better if I forgot it, but I don’t want to. I love drawing!” Daphne told him with as much fierceness as she could.

Harry gave a small nod as he closed the drawing book “You should do what you want to do, Daphne. Don’t listen to what your mother says. Sometimes parents don’t know what they are doing or saying is wrong. Don't ever leave this hobby of yours; you’re a good artist.”

Daphne was blushing at all the compliments Harry was giving her; this was probably the first time she had received compliments from someone other than her sister and Maisy. Her grandfather just didn’t care about her drawings, and her mother was obviously against them.

“How was your day, Harry? Did you heal anyone today?” Daphne asked him, trying her level best to change the topic. Harry, for his part, smiled at the obvious change of topic. He knew the girl was happy, yet she was bad at taking praise. Kids are usually like that.

“Well, of course I did. There were lots of cases today, and I was one of the many healers who were helping people be healthy again. Why, there was even a guy who was suffering from uncontrolled laughter and you won’t believe the weird faces he was making.”

Daphne laughed at the faces Harry was making; they were funny. If the other healers were anything like Harry, then she would definitely want to meet more healers; maybe she could even try to be one in the future. Maybe.

Also, she was sure that it wasn’t the smell, the walls, or even the food that made a stay enjoyable or worse. It was the company, and right now…she was enjoying the company of her favourite healer, who was making funny faces at her.

Daphne knew that one day she'd be able to revert back to her physical size and meet Tori and Maisy again, and she knew that till then their grandfather and Maisy would take good care of her little sister. She wasn’t helping anyone by stressing about it right now.

Oh, and healers did keep their promises. ‘At least the good ones do,’ Daphne thought, smiling at Harry, who was screaming like the lady that Harry was treating earlier that day when he was giving her an injectable dose for intravenous potions.


Harry sighed as he closed the door behind him. He looked towards the sky, which had darkened considerably. It was later than the usual time he left for home, but at least now he knew that his patient was stable and wasn't suffering from any headaches that might’ve occurred due to Healer Johnson's mental tests and the changes he had made in her brain.

Harry had told Daphne that she was getting better and that the healer who visited her today would visit her for the next few days to see if the magic was wearing off or not. It was the only truth that he had told her.

Healer Johnson had told Harry that for the next two days he would check Daphne's mental barrier and growth every day so that he could see and mark the changes that her magic was doing to her brain and see if it was improving or not.

Harry had promised her that he’d try to come earlier tomorrow and probably bring a few more colours and toys too. He had completely forgotten about the ‘toys’ because he had hoped that she would be cured of her Amnesia by this morning.

“Well, let's hope that this ends soon and her magic finally releases her memory. The sooner it does, the sooner everything will go the way it was before the accident happened.” Harry muttered as he dipped his head toward the guard on duty before stepping out of the hospital and into muggle London.


The next two days went by quite fast. Harry used his break hours to talk with Daphne; he even introduced her to his friend and mentor, Mathew, and the two immediately struck off like long-lost friends. Their common topic of discussion? Why, Harry of course.

Mathew had told Daphne almost all of his funny incidents where he had made rookie mistakes and messed things up, and Daphne had enjoyed all of them. Going as far as to ask him to bring Mathew again sometime.

Harry knew that he definitely wasn’t going to adhere to that request. It was quite a nightmare the first time, and he was in no mood to repeat it again.

Thankfully, Mathew had kept a few gross accidents and too bad ones to himself; he couldn’t imagine the moment if Daphne ever got to hear about those.

Harry had even gone to the local toy store and bought a few games that were suitable for a six-year-old girl. The woman at the store had been quite helpful, because he literally had no idea what kind of toys the kids had these days, especially girls.

Daphne had been quite ecstatic and had delicately ripped off the first gift that he had brought. She was quite shocked that there were toys like this, which was not surprising considering the fact that she was mentally living in the 1980s and physically present in the 2000s.

Harry gently opened the door and entered the office of the head healer. Everything was the same as it was two days ago; Lamming was sitting on his chair behind the table, and healer Johnson had occupied one of the two chairs that were present in front of the head healer.

“Sir?” Harry asked Lamming, who was deep in his thoughts; he looked up at the new arrival and gave a nod.

Today was the day when healer Johnson was finally going to reveal the results of the tests he had been conducting on Daphne’s brain, and they'd finally get to know how much time was left before the magic finally released Daphne’s memories that it had locked five days ago for protection.

Harry entered the room and immediately felt that something was off. No one had told him anything, but his gut told him that the atmosphere of the room was quite sombre, and he had learned long ago to trust his gut instincts in these matters.

“Harry, I am sorry, but the results aren’t favourable.” Johnson began, and Harry’s heart plummeted immediately on hearing that.

“What? What happened?”

“Her magic, which is blocking her memories, hasn't grown any weaker over the days. In fact, the shield has grown even stronger. I can barely reach the outer periphery of the blocked areas, something that I could easily do two days ago.” Johnson told him, worsening his mood even more.

Harry had assumed that the worst thing that could happen was that her magic didn’t regress at all and the block was as strong as ever. But this was worse; her block wasn’t as it was before, it was stronger and would likely get stronger.

“The block will keep on getting stronger if we don’t do anything now. And at the pace it’s going, I can give you a rough estimate of twenty to twenty-five days before…” The mind healer trailed off and looked down.

And Harry didn’t need to hear the words to know what would happen in a month if nothing was done. He was definitely not a genius in the mind arts; far from it. But he had been spending every free minute he could get away that wasn’t spent with Daphne and the night hours studying as much as he could about the brain.

Harry knew that if nothing was done to weaken the block, then within a month Daphne’s magic would block the entirety of her brain, forcing her into a magic-induced coma. And there was no way that a person could ever be revived from something like that, at least not yet.

“What seems to be the problem, Edward?” Lamming spoke for the first time since Harry had entered the office. Harry was sure the man was already trying to think of ways to save Daphne.

“It's my assumption that her magic sees any kind of foreign magic as a threat right now. It’s actually quite surprising that it has accepted healer Potter’s magic so easily and has saved it as a trustworthy one. It might be because healer Potter’s magic was the one that saved Miss Greengrss’s life in the first place.”

“But other than your mental check-ups, there isn’t anyone whose magic came into contact with Greengrass. How can you be sure that her magic is seeing others' magic as a threat?”

“A good point, Potter, but this is where a simple fact comes in. Magic is magic. It doesn’t differentiate between a person’s magic and an object’s magic. Your magic, if released to ‘destroy’, won’t matter who or what it strikes, be it a muggle, a wizard, a creature, an object, or a magical castle; it will destroy the thing it strikes.” Healer Johnson explained to the two healers.

“Similarly, it doesn’t matter that the magic of a wizard is the only thing that her magic sees as a threat. There are other things as well.” He told the two healers, who were a bit confused by that.

“What? But there aren’t any magical objects in that room either. In fact, the spell damage ward is made in such a way that anyone or anything, except the healer linked in the ward, can’t release magic at all since the magic is absorbed by the magic-suppression ward,” Harry told the wise mind healer, who gave a small smile.

“Yes, Potter, but what about the ward itself? How is that being powered? What about the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room she is in?” Johnson said before explaining more.

“Saint Mungo’s hospital is about 400 years old. There’s a lot of magic that's been stored in these walls over the years. These walls have half the power of the walls of Hogwarts, and that’s not a small feat, Potter.” Johnson relaxed a bit when he saw realisation set in his audience’s eyes.

“You mean to say that her magic can sense the residual magic of the hospital and thinks that the hospital’s magic is its enemy, and therefore it is continuously increasing the area under protection, but this means that..”

“Yes, Harry, this means that Miss Greengrass magic is actively blocking her brain’s memories and will slowly block her brain completely, and this…is really disturbing news.” Lamming finished his assessment of this situation.

There was complete silence in the office as the two healers digested this new information. This was something that none of them had seen in their years of service in the medical field.

“Now, what do you suggest, Edward?” Lamming asked the mind healer, as among the three of them, he was the most experienced person regarding Daphne.

“My suggestion might not sound typical, but considering that the problem is with any magical source, including the building. I suggest that Greengrass should be shifted to a place that is non-magical. I can’t think of Greengrass Manor because I am sure that manor is centuries old and has wards too.”

“Greengrass Manor was razed down by the aurors when they went to capture a band of death eaters who were being protected by Lady Greengrass. We don’t know where Daphne lived before this.” Harry told Johhnson, who simply shrugged.

“Take her away from this place. Any place without magic works, and since Potter’s magic is the only one that’s welcomed by her magic, I think Potter should visit her regularly for a few hours. That way, her magic will feel protected and will release the lock on her memories sooner.”

Lamming frowned at that new information. “So, you mean to say that Harry’s magic is the only way to release her locked memories, and she has to be relocated to a new location where there isn’t any magic?”

Edward nodded his head “Even if it doesn’t heal her faster, we will still be able to stop the progression of the disease. And that’s more important right now.”

“But the hospital is the only place where we treat patients. We don’t have safehouses or such things. What we can do at best is rent a flat, but I’m sure the hospital board won’t allow that, and the goblins won’t release the Greengrass House vault unless the member is sane and completely in control of their mind.” Lamming lamented his frustrations.

“What if…” Harry began gaining the attention of the two senior healers. “What if I took her to my home?”



“Leave it; it was just a stupid idea, I guess.” Harry muttered, only to be stopped by Edward.

“No wait, a healer’s idea isn’t stupid unless the results harm a patient; why did this one come to your mind?”

Harry looked at both healers and was surprised to find himself being analysed by both of them. This was actually a weird feeling. It felt as if he was once again thrust onto the stage, and everyone was waiting for some sort of miracle from him.

“I mean, I live alone in a muggle neighbourhood, and the security ward there is powered with ‘my’ magic, so even when I'm not at home, I’m sure Daphne would be in contact with my magic, which would continue to heal her.” Harry started explaining his idea, and he got more confident when neither of the two senior healers rejected it.

“And right now, the department of mysteries is under lockdown. The goblins won’t help us till the only living Greengrass is back to normal, so that’s useless. She doesn’t have anyone who is alive in her family who we can contact, and the only person we know is her friend from ten years ago who hasn’t been in contact with her after that and is currently untraceable.”

Lamming hummed his agreement and looked towards the mind healer to see if he had any objections to this rather…unorthodox method.

Said mind healer was ecstatic “Yes, and considering that she stays away from the hospital, her memory won’t deteriorate anymore.” He gave an excited nod.

“So…you’re agreeing to this?” Harry asked the two, completely surprised that his absurd idea was actually working and being accepted by the two senior healers.

“Yes, it’s not like we have any other option. Right now, Greengrass needs to stay away from any magic that’s not yours, or we'll lose her in twenty days. And since this is a serious thing, I’m allowing this unorthodox method.” Lamming looked at Harry before continuing further.

“Harry, I'm trusting your moral values and taking a huge risk here by allowing a patient who is mentally a child to be with a person who is not her family.” He told the young healer.

“I know you won’t break my trust and will be on your best behaviour, but this is still a really serious responsibility as you’ll likely be her acting guardian till she is healed completely. Therefore, consider this a warning that if I see anything that’s relatively suspicious, I’ll revoke this permission immediately along with your healer licence, understood?”

Harry knew that Lamming wasn’t joking here. The man was being completely serious, and he knew that he was indeed taking a great risk by allowing this; therefore, he gave a solemn nod and agreed to Lamming’s words of caution.

In the end, Harry got a signed permit from the Head healer of St. Mungo’s to take patient Daphne Greengrass to his home for further treatment. There was also a small agreement that the healer would bring the patient to see the mind healer once per week for her mental check-up.

Harry was now standing at the door to the spell damage ward, trying to come up with an excuse so that he could convince his patient to come with him to his home.

Who could've guessed that making an excuse to a woman who was mentally a girl so that she agreed to go to an unknown man’s home would be this difficult? Yeah, no one.

Taking a deep breath, Harry opened the door and went inside the room. The room was still the same as before. White bed sheets, a bedside table, and a chair, but there were additional items too.

Like the corner that had a few toys stacked neatly one over another, the empty plates that were kept in another corner would be taken by the cleaning lady when she came to clean the ward.

There were two more changes in the room: a notepad and colour box that were on the bed, and a woman who was drawing in it while humming a soft tune to herself.


Daphne immediately left her crayons and looked up at Harry. Her bright blue eyes shone when she saw her favourite healer standing there with a smile on his face.

“HARRY!!” She immediately left her unfinished work and sat up straight. “How are you?”

Harry came inside and sat on the hospital bed that was given to Daphne and said, “I am good, Daphne, just like always. How’re you? And what were you drawing today?”

Daphne showed him her drawing. It was scenery; there was a castle on one side and a lake on the other. The circumference of the lake on one side was in contact with the tree line, which was the beginning of dark green, almost black trees.

“What’s this, Daphne?” Harry asked the girl, knowing full well and hoping that this was what he hoped it would be.


Harry was about to ask her exactly how she drew this because he was sure that if she still was a six-year-old girl, then there was no way that she could have remembered what Hogwarts looked like.

“There is a book called ‘Hogwarts: A History’  in our family library. I drew the picture from there,” Daphne told him before looking at the drawing with something akin to longing in her blue eyes.

“I wish to go to Hogwarts, but my grandfather says that I can only go once I get the acceptance letter, and that’s still a few years away.” Daphne gave a sad pout, and Harry didn’t know if he should pity the fact that the woman couldn’t remember her past or if he should smile at how childish she sounded.

“Daphne, why do you want to go to Hogwarts so badly? Any particular reason?” Harry asked her and was relieved to see her eyes return to their shiny, excited state again. Over the last few days, he had observed Daphne’s habits and made a list of things that she liked and didn’t like to do.

One of them was that she always loved explaining things to anyone who would listen. Part of the reason for this was that her mother and grandfather never bothered to answer any of her or her sister’s queries; therefore, Daphne took the responsibility of learning everything for herself and answering as many of her little sister’s queries as she could.

“Because Maisy says that there will be many more who are like me. I want to meet them too; they’ll be my friends. I mean, I have Tori and Maisy, but I don’t have anyone who is the same age as me.” The girl said with an excited smile before her eyes widened.

“Wait, you might’ve gone to Hogwarts too, right? Can you please tell me how Hogwarts actually is? Are there moving staircases? And what about the Black Lake? Is it really black? Oh, and have you met the headmaster? They say he’s a really busy man and really strong. I wish to be as strong as him one day. Do you think I can be as strong as him, Harry?” Daphne fired off questions like bullets.

And Harry? He couldn’t help but laugh at the woman’s childishness. There was something that was inherently cute, and even though the person sitting in front of him was actually twenty-six, her mental age made her childishness even funnier.

The healer gently patted her head and said, “All in due time, Daphne, all in due time.” Daphne swatted his arm and turned her face to the other side as she tried to manage her hair. “I am not a child. Why don’t you stop doing this head-pat thing?”

“Anyways, I am here to tell you that you are finally being released from these ‘colourless’ walls. I had a talk with the head healer, and he agreed that you should be discharged from the hospital now.” Harry told her and saw her face immediately break into a happy grin before it soon fell.

“But I am still not in my young body. I don’t know why, but the magic isn’t reverting even when I try to forcefully turn back to my real physique again.” Daphne told him as she looked at her hands.

That’s because you ‘are’ in your real physique right now, Daphne….’ Harry thought but didn’t say it out loud. Instead, he went with the stupid excuse that he had thought of when he was outside the door.

“Well, we can always wait for that. But since you can’t go to your home right now, you are to come to my home instead, and we’ll come here once per week to see if there’s any improvement in you.”

Okay, that didn’t sound that bad…hopefully she accepts it.’ Harry thought while looking for anything that could remotely indicate that Daphne wasn’t agreeing to it.

“So, I have to go to your house till I am back to my physical age, right? Hmmmmm…….Alright.” Daphne shrugged her shoulders, surprising him yet again.

“Alright? Are you agreeing with this without any complaint?” Harry asked her, his tone full of bewilderment and his eyes wide in shock.

“Why not? It’s not like my mother has given up on me yet. I’d know if she does, grandfather has told me that he won’t let her do something like that, and I understand that I can’t go like this in front of Tori; she’ll be too scared if she suddenly sees me like this, right?” Daphne asked him and continued when Harry nodded, completely dumbfounded.

“So, it’s only natural that the head healer wants someone to accompany me because I am still not normal yet. I understand that, Harry, like I said, I am not a small girl anymore. If only you too treated me like a big girl.” Daphne muttered, making a face and looking towards the side.

Harry didn’t have anything to say, which was probably good for him. There was no way in seven hells that Daphne could guess how much closer to the truth her last statement was than anything he had told her to date.

“Now, when are we leaving? And please tell me if there’s anyone else at your home that I need to be careful around.” Daphne asked him, breaking the healer from his thoughts.

“Err…We are leaving now, and what was the second question again? Ah yes, no, there’s no one you need to be wary of. I live by myself.” Harry reassured her, but she got a confused frown instead.

“Really? What about your parents? You don’t live with them now?” The woman asked innocently with her head tilted to one side to show her genuine confusion.

“I…” Harry felt at a loss for words when he looked at the woman who had asked a question like this.

Actually, now that he thought about it, this was the first time someone had asked him about his parents, because everyone in the wizarding world already knew that ‘Harry Potter’s parents were dead’ and he had almost no personal contact with the muggle world. Whoever he was with always thought that he was trying to be more independent, and he had never felt the need to correct them.

“I…I don’t live with them…not anymore.” Harry released a deep breath that he didn’t know he was holding in the first place.

“Why? You should live with your parents, don’t you miss them?” Her question was innocent, and he knew that she was genuinely curious. Still, he didn’t know why it felt like there was a knife plunged into his heart, and her questions were twisting the knife.

“I-I do…I do miss them quite a bit. But sadly, I can’t meet them. Hopefully I will meet them someday, but maybe not today or tomorrow.” Harry said as he stood up from the bed and patted her head, laughing when she swatted his head again.

“Now clean up and pack all your things. I’ll come back in five minutes, and then we’ll leave.” Harry told her, swiftly changing the topic and moving towards the door to exit the room so that he could calm himself a bit.

“Oookayy…” Daphne said in a sing song voice before pausing, “Err..Harry?”

Harry had opened the door and was about to leave the room. He turned towards the girl. “Yes?”

“Can you help me pack my things, please?” Daphne asked while making puppy-dog eyes at him.

Harry just gave a small smile Oh, I would, Daphne. I definitely would have helped you. Sadly, I can’t.”


There was a certain mischievous glint in his eyes as Harry turned towards the door. “Because you are not a small girl, Daphne, you need to do things on your own now.”

Harry laughed out loud and closed the door behind him, completely ignoring Daphne’s scream of ‘HEY!! HAAARRRRY!! THAT’S NOT FAIRRR…!!’



“Ouch! Ouch!!” Daphne cried out from her position on the ground. She saw Harry offering his arm and took it to get back up on her feet.

“How come you’re still not adjusted to your longer limbs by now?” Harry asked her with a small smile on his face when he saw her dusting off her clothes.

“Appawating is different, alright? My head spins too much. I had to practise quite a lot with grandfather so that I don’t end up making a fool of myself when they finally take me to meet other heirs and heiresses someday. These new limbs suck!” Daphne complained and squinted her eyes at Harry when she saw him hiding a smile.

“What? I told you, appawating is different. Nothing to laugh about.” She harrumphed, crossed her hands at her breast, and looked to the other side, making Harry burst out laughing.

“Hey! It is different! What’s so funny about it?” She whined, making Harry laugh a bit more as he shook his head.

“What is a bit different?”


And Harry laughed more, confusing her again “Apparating. It’s not appawating, there’s a ‘R’ not ‘W’ in the word.”

Daphne blushed beet red in embarrassment. “I know how to say it right. See, Appawating…Appawa-rating…Appa-rwating…”

Harry couldn’t control himself anymore and gave a full belly laugh, making Daphne narrow her eyes at him, kick him in the shin, and stomp her foot on the ground as she looked to the other side, trying to ignore his laugh.

“Where is your house?” She asked Harry, who was still laughing. He pointed towards a small house with a red roof and a small garden that was just a few yards away from the dark alley they were currently standing in.

Daphne completely ignored the laughing man beside her and instead focused more on the house that he had told her about. She looked at him once before giving a small ‘hmph’ and stomping all the way to that small house.

Harry saw the girl stomping her way towards his house. He had no idea how his life would change or if he was really up for this or not. But he was definitely not going down without a fight. He might’ve done this on impulse, but he was definitely not going to back down from this new responsibility.

Neither of the two had any idea about all the drama and cuteness that the currently lonely house would soon witness. One thing was for sure: the lives of the people in that building were soon about to get more exciting.


Ending Note: There you have it fellas, Chapter Three of Palliation. Liked it? Loved it? Needs some changes? Please, do tell.

Next is Chapter 4: Parenting & Friendship

Release date: August 27th, 2023.

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

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Thank you for reading and comments.

With regards,

Dev Black