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You may have heard this before, but it cannot be overstated just how INCREDIBLY TIME CONSUMING animation is.

Creating a three minute music video using hand crafted key-framed animation entirely by myself was perhaps a little too ambitious considering the level of polish I'm going to have in every shot, but nevertheless we're chugging along steadily and nearing the finish line!

About twenty three seconds of animation (15% of the total animation runtime of the MV) remains to be blocked in. After that, I'll be able to move onto the final polish and effects pass of the video, which will be incredibly fast compared to how long this part of the process takes!

Finishing up Rainbow Reanimated once and for all is my #1 priority currently. It's getting close enough to the finish line that it makes sense to put as much energy and time into it as I can to finish it up before going back to other projects like the 3D modeling tutorial series I'm creating that's about 30% complete as of writing.

Thanks for your patience and amazing support everyone!! I really hope you're looking forward to Rainbow Reanimated! 💖💖


Michael the Anime Fan

Even if you think you’re in over your head, just know that there’s no one here that’s gonna demand you to finish this as soon as possible, because that’s how burnout happens. Just take your time and go at it at your own pace Crash, and we’ll wait for you. The preview looks amazing btw, it’s truly breathtaking.😍