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A mind's eye visualization session. Walk through your door into a brilliant white light. The power of the universe washes over you. Now see a floating sphere. The sphere contains all of the world’s power to attract money. Touch the sphere and put all of your desires and goals into the sphere. The sphere will now connect with the power to attract money from every direction in your life.

You have the ability to be ultra connected to everything in the world. As the moments pass, more and more information is available to you and is absorbed immediately in your mind. You are getting smarter and better at making choices and decisions. You analyze information perfectly. You always make the wise choice. You have never been stronger than right now.

You will have an uncanny sense of what will be profitable and want to avoid. You understand now that the best way to make money is to offer the world something it needs. You understand that when you offer the world a good thing at a good price, you can make as much money as you want. And with each breath that you take, this connection with the universe is getting stronger and more reliable. Breathe in even more Power and let this new ability become a permanent part of you.



J. M. Wilde

Thank you for making an audio only version!


I want this to work. I want you to benefit in a big way.