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Growth fantasy. Shrinking fantasy. Giantess fantasy. Out of body visualization. No echo. No background music. No effects. 

As you breathe in, you’re filling yourself up, like a shiny red balloon. Soon you're as big as the universe. 

Now as you exhale, you are shrinking. Entering earth's atmosphere now. Shrinking all the time. Now you're a discarded red balloon in the corner of a room. Useless. 

You can go as small as you want, all you have to do is exhale and feel it. Do you want to be smaller? The smaller you get, the more vulnerable you’ll be. Maybe a cat will come along and paw you around. Or maybe I'll find you and throw you in the garbage can. I'll pick you up with my soft, perfectly manicured fingers, wonder how this little piece of garbage got there, and then throw you in the trash can without a second thought.

Breathing in and out, shrinking down as far as you’d like to shrink. You can be as small as you want.

And now I’ll leave you to imagine what you’d like to happen next. Tiny and vulnerable. Anything can happen next. Just imagine.




My my

J. M. Wilde

I can't wait to listen to this one. Extremely relevant to my interests.